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Jon Hamm from Mad Men talks about Adam Lambert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, August 30, 2009

Posted at : Sunday, August 30, 2009

The star of Mad Men talks about Adam when asked how he deals with the fame. Here is an excerpt of his full interview.

MR: So how do you go from being not famous to being famous without going crazy?

JH: I think Ben Stiller said, “As soon as you get famous, you get 10 years to be crazy and then after that, you’re just being a [jerk].” Or something like that. I don’t know, I don’t think I’ve gone crazy, but I’ve also, the success and the recognition that I’ve gotten has been tempered by the fact that the show was largely seen as Matt’s baby.

And it’s not watched by that many people. If I was on "American Idol," if I was Adam Lambert, for example, and I was walking through a mall in suburban Minnesota, there would be riot. But I can do that and be totally fine. So, yeah, I get recognized, but not that much.