Adam Lambert's Twitter Conversation with Perez Hilton
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Monday, April 4, 2011
Posted at : Monday, April 04, 2011
Perez Hilton tweeted a twitter hashtag #RADIATELOVE. To which Adam questioned what the hashtag meant. Then Perez tweets a link to ADELE's music video 'Make You Feel My Love'.

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What a Snake!
Hi my English speaking friends. Could you explain what "radiate love" means. I know what the word radiate means, but not in connection with the word love.
yes, but the LOVE, unluckily, is not for him (PH).
This is fascinating to me.
Beautiful Bob Dylan lyrics (that I'm not so sure PH has earned the right and grace to use as of late):
When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love
When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love
I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong
I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love
The storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing like me yet
I could make you happy, make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
To make you feel my love
To make you feel my love
Well PH - I'm reading and I'm listening "...I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong..." and those words coming from you aren't just ringing true for me just yet... Imma big believer in second chances, but geez... I said very very little about that scenario, but I just gotta say, IDK about this, interesting...
Some words that DO ring true for me, as I apply them to what AML is helping illuminate "...The winds of change are blowing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing like me yet..."
IDK about this, I just don't know. I actually jumped on-site to post a little something about a quick little segment I just saw on THE VIEW... but I think I'll RADIATELOVE instead and skip it.
What the hell is that? Beautiful song. I love Adele, but why is PH tweeting this to Adam? Is he trying to say something or is it just a song he wants to share because he likes it?
Here we have a chanse to speculate about a drama of unrequited love, a mean thug in love with the purest of angels.......oh, no stop me! How ridiculous! Back to RL.
well, I still think PH is a d-bag. no apology, Perez?
plus, I like Kris Allen's version of the song better :)
Tell me.......was this Perez apologizing or what??
I wish Adam wouldn't communicate with that clown.It's not that deep, Perez is just your garden variety attention whore.
He is a sicko!!!! So help me, Adam will forgive.
Ahem. I saw the View too. Perhaps you were going to say something about Chris Brown? Such bullshit. I am sooooooo sick of that!!!
And, Perez is such a scumbag. Does he really think that "Radiate Love" is an apology to Adam? I don't think he meant it as such. He was tweeting Radiate Love. Adam saw it on his twitter feed. Then thought, how incredibly ironic for Perez to put out that message in light of the shitstorm Perez started about Adam at the Gaga party. So, our boy tweeted back "RADIATE LOVE?" in capital letters to emphasize the irony.
I can only imagine how pissed off and hurt Adam must be this week. He has been working his ass off for over two years, has put such positive energy out into the universe, and now this slam. It's just not fair. Mils.
I don't think Adam should even answer any tweets from Perez!
Beautiful lyrics! Thank you! Is Perez a romantic soul? Poor thing, perhaps he´s deeply in love and unhappy....No way! I need more than this to make me forgive him.
Eva, the pissed off bitch above
@LBS - I don't know cyberfriend, I just don't know. I will share, with the added disclaimer that WTH do I know/NOTHING, that I agree w/ Mils/9:56AM that Adam's intention was to highlight the irony... again, what the hell do I know, absolutely nothing... it is simply a gut reaction that I believe AML's intention behind the tweet was to point out the irony in PH's tweet. I don't think I have ever, in the long time I've been posting here on and off, said something like "I wish Adam would do this or that or this or that, etc..." and I DON'T intend to make a habit of it now, but I sorta kinda hope AML let's his one tweet go at that - it was sorta kinda brill all on it's own! (and I loved AML's quick blurb on the bday party matter in the interview... sexy sexy brains that man has; the voice and the brains, gaaahh, so compeling!)
Adam is saying F**K YOU! to PH, that is how I feel from his tweet.
Yup. He's giving Perez a quick zinger. Thanks for agreeing.
I hope he does just leave it at this one retort.
"Rise Above" is a good motto.
On the previous thread (Adam Backstage with ....) I posted the actual twitter trail from which Perez got that was from Miley Cyrus attemting to trend that phrase, and Perez picked it was not originally directed at Adam from Perez. PH must have answered Adam in this don't cut Perez any slack. Sorry to be negative here...but not the whole story.. I do hope he is sorry..Not at a computer right now so can't re-post it here...I saw this, minus PH's response to Adam last night, late. And Adam does radiate love, PH not so much....
Adam is clearly slamming Perez he obviously does not know how to radiate love after all that he is done!!!!! Which is why Adam is asking with a question mark!!!!!!!!!! Perez is a troll he needs to leave people alone and get a life!!!!!!!!!
Hahahaha. MGF at 10:05
Sexy sexy brains. Yup, he does have sexy brains, and a few other thangs too....
Hi There Eva - I hear 'ya BFF, I hear 'ya. And hey, I've not read back closely through many threads over the weekend, so maybe you saw this IDK, but your "Double Signing" in loyalty to me was HILARIOUS. Also, your telling Sanni that you were hoping he wasn't hanging out under any brown paper bags again etc. - was HYSTERICAL (and sweet).
Okay, crap, I really gotta get back to RL now... damn you Adam Lambert ;).
ps. @Mils 9:56 AM - regarding The View thing - it's not that I think there has to be any correlation back to AML w/ the CB thing - it's more of a ... like, um - duh Sherri, if the glass below that window had seirously hurt some small child, what wouldya be saying then? It's not about the fact that he can dance and sing well... duh... oh well, what do I expect from SS, someone who thinks pro wrestling is real ;), feel me on that one Mils? LOL. Okay, that was me NOT radiating love... I fell off the bandwagon for a minute there, I'm only human ;). MGF
Wherever the phrase originated from, it doesn't matter anymore. The point is that Adam saw it on Perez' twitter feed and realized the irony. Good for Adam for sticking up for himself.
MGF, ITA. And, Sherri was trying to turn it into a race thing the other day too. UGH. It's so not about race. It's about anger and violent behavior.
And, CB is #1 on a lot of charts. And, he pulled in super high ratings on DWTS. All that we predicted. But, the question I still have is how many complaints did abc recieve? I bet it was way more than the magical number of 1500 it took to cancel our boy. Mils
Yes guys - what glitzylady said!! I read that before I posted glitzlady - re Miley Cyrus. Thanks GL.
@Mils... I guess in the end it's what you said at 10:10 - Rise Above... AML is such a good role model and inspiration in that regard!! I am not one of those fans who likes to put AML in the "poster boy" role... I never have been and I NEVER will be... that's not what I'm saying, I'm simply saying that he is such a good example of "Rise Above" just by how he seems to normally and typically act and react or not act or react (publically anyway, which is all I can really comment on).
Okay, really... I mean REALLY, I gotta get back to RL now. LOL.
That song is more befitting between Adam and Sauli. PH cannot EVER EVER EVER be trusted.
If he was geniune he would make a PUBLIC retraction and apology to Adam in the press/TV AND to his in face in person - not through twitterville!!
Adam's reply was classic!! He should just INGNORE PH from now on. Maybe he will move onto to some other celebrity and make their life miserable!
Adam has much better things to do with his time then give a second of it to PH!!
adam lambert pls dont pay attention to perez hilton-hes a sneaky guy- treacherous one.
Perez deff was born with some mental problems and he is staying on very strong medication.Because only Perez health problems can explain his moves, behavior, and twitts.
I think it is time for Perez phychiatrist change the dosage of his medications and send Perez in mental hospital with additional anger manegemnt sessions! Seriously, this is not a joke!
I can't find any other description of Perez behaviour.
Just read the article the La Cita never would make such a big deal about the hole in the ceiling, but after Perez interview some thinks became more complicated.
They also mention the interview where Perez mention Adam's name as a good example how help people and how much money Adam's fans donated for Charity water. And, finally they mention the last strange twitt!LOL
We who follow Adam on Twitter got a tweet that was addressed @ Adam Lambert from PH hash tag.....that said "RADIATE LOVE". Then Adam
sent it back "RADIATE LOVE?"
I agree, he needs to publicly appoligize and really Kiss Ass!
PH also posted the message with the hash tag to everyone.
What in the world does that scum know about love?
Honestly LBS, I don't think Adam wants his ass kissed by PH. Keep ignoring PH AND DONT VISIT HIS SITE!!
I think Mr PH has a crush on Adam. He got shit jealous when those hand-in-hand pictures of Adam and Sauli were published. Sanni
everyone has crushes and everyone gets over it. why does people waste their time on things that just don't matter? that's the question?
@ MGF, Thanks for posting Bob Dylan's beautiful lyrics. So meaningful and appropriate. It set the tone for my busy day. Adam always impresses me with his insight and smarts handling negative situations. Mils got it right, the irony..PH has no clue about love in any form. Being ignored and eliminated from Adam's life in any capacity and other celebrities forgetting to invite him to their private parties might get his attention and question his ethics, but in his case I think he really doesn't have any. I thought he learned something after his last crying bout, turning over a new leaf. I believe that people can have an "aha moment" and deserve another chance, but sometimes you have to be selective in whom you trust with your friendship. PH doesn't seem to have a clue and I think, just serves his own selfish interests. Having trouble taking the high road when it comes to Perez going after Adam. funbunn40
So, is Adam angry to Perez?
This the link for article I talked about previously.
Doubt Adam angry with PH, probably disappointed. But this is what PH does, and there is probably all sorts of unspoken rules in LA, that we know nothing about. PH is an ass kisser and that about sums it up. He'll go the way or most dodo birds. extinct.
Perez has never kissed Adams ass, only Gagas ass, just like the rest of you. :)
I immediately took adam's twitter to pH as brilliant because it had a question mark at the end. Sayin' practice what you preach type of thing. Off topic: Here's a link from the friday night restaurant itself in adam's favor.
@anon 12:00 PM What did you say?!!!!!!!!!!
Fan4fun and Icon! Help me! I think my moon and mood start to change. And I am becoming very angry reading some people comments! Do you have any advise,friends?
I do not understand when people say PH has a crush on AML? maybe I'm naive but this is NOT how I would treat someone I had a crush on. But I don't have a jealous bone in my body so I'm no expert on this matter. How can PH be jealous of adam, he's not a singer- they are nothing alike, what is PH talent anyway? Why are we even talking about him? Who is he really that has any substance or celebrity status? Anyone can be a douche-bag blooger, why does he get all this attention? Sorry, ranting but don't get it. Bigger question- Is he actually making money?
Adele is not the best Britain has to offer in the music front. I don't listen to this type of jazz music anyway. Christina is also more of a jazz singer than a pop singer.
@lb I also posted this link few minutes ago:)
Actually, I like this article.
They mentioned all PH intervews and twitt to Adam during last few days:)
Radiate love is sort of reverse to let the sunshine in. I'm not into that Aquarian Age bs. Is PH a hippie like Adam?
Oh good lord Anon April 4, 2011 12:24 PM, not feeling the love I guess are you. Well, my two cents, Adele is as brilliant as Adam Lambert's breif tweet was! She doesn't have to be the best Britain has to offer, she is Adele, and wonderful in her own right. Good Grief.
@Anon April 4, 2011 12:38 PM, if you are being seirous, as glitzylady said upthread, the RADIATE LOVE thing specifically has to do with a Miley Cyrus scenario originaly.
Perez is an a**. He only radiates the dark side of love. Where he likes to ripe people's heart out and pour gasoline on it and set it on fire. (Paraphrasing from Adam's interpretation of Sleepwalker on GNT). Anyhow, Adam should ignore him as much as he can. It takes an a** like him to ruin all his hard work. Miley Cyrus is back on twitter. I'm assuming she left it because of this clown face, prez.
April 4, 2011 11:08 AM
so, does the fact that it was addressed to Lambert but had no hashtag to begin with mean that Perez's original intent was not simply to help it, RADIATELOVE, trend? Because that would mean something different in all of this I think if so?? It does't really Matter, I know, I get that, I'm just curious after reading your post.
Perez is like a Jester, Gaga is the Queen and the Glamberts are the Court..
I realize y'all are being serious up-thread, but may I say that Adele is "on fire"!! Bought her latest CD "21" and have been completely blown away.
I dare any of you to listen to her "Rollin in the Deep" and NOT get up and move / dance. I've listened at least two dozen times and it's impossible not to dance and groove to it.
The whole CD is actually very good. I recommend it.
Now I know, you're Adam fans, and I'll maybe get some slack for this post, but what the a little.
I like the post earlier army of glamberts- we are getting a name for being extremely passionate- I for 1 am extremely proud to be a glambert and I will defend him. We all feel the same here, but the rest of the world just doesn't get it, I do believe everyone: HIS TIME WILL COME and yes, we made this happen(we'll a huge part of it anyway) But isn't it exciting being a glambert- never done this before in my life.
@ Anon 12:24
Adele is a soul singer, not jazz singer. Plz get ur facts straight before you start dissin' people. Oh, and I, like Adam Lambert, happen to think Adele is amazing. I believe Adam even tweeted about how great her new album is.
Adam like Adele the way she sing, he did said about how honest and down to earth and heart felted she is, straight pure from her heart, very connect to the audience and you can actualiy feel her telling her story to you. It happen I bought some of her songs too.
I've got the facts and Adele is a soul- and jazz singer.
Love me some Adele!!
I couldn't accept PRS' dare cuz I'd lose big time - Rolling in the deep my current fav for arm exercises/weights...yep, impossible not to move to that IMHO.
My tween child adores her - wide ranging appeal, always a good thing.
Thanks lb and delilah5 for that LAweekly link, that was interestingly written in terms of BB, in a good way :)!
Yes, Jake Shears is the Emperor in this play. That means the Glamberts are in a wrong game. Jake Shears is also said to be the new Freddie Mercury..
2.06 Have I missed something, what are you referring to?
That Adam he is so cool, using that tweet from PH with just a question mark to get his point across and the link to Adeles beautiful song was brilliant.
Adele, jessie J, Sia, they are all great singers. Sia was going to see Adam this week. Perhaps collaboration.
I liked the la Cita article. They talked about "the famous hole". Perhaps they let it be, like the australians wanted. They would come from down under to see the hole (been lurking on twitter).
I think this was some kind of puny attempt of Perez to apologize- but it's too little, too late. Just ignore him, Adam, maybe he'll go away.
I like it, Adam. We all know what you meant.
Perez has no concept on how to "radiate love."
@Eva It would be brilliant idea let it be! May be they can make some money one day! Imagine "Adam Lambert made the hole on this ceiling!" To look at the hole-$5, to touch the hole-$10:)
Perez perhaps is obsessed with Adam, like we are, so he talkes about him and writes about him whenever he feels the urge. He can´t have him so he trashes him just to show the power. Should we perhaps feel sorry for the guy?
I couldn't get back here fast enough,& I hate to bring this up but Ellen DeGeneres & Jennifer Aniston, a repeat show,were discussing PH and his meanness. Jennifer accidentally bumped into him in a garage & felt she should go up to him & ask him why he is against bullying & that's what he does to celebrities when they only want to entertain people. He said he would stop & actually for a brief time, he did. Jennifer and
Ellen think he is still behaving. That's how old this show is. He only refrained for a short time,
and is obviously back to his attention grabbing
Australians or NZ:s tweeted they would come from the other side of the world just to see Adams hole(!). They wanted him to sign it. Not a bad idea for business.
Does Adam really like the artists he tweets about. I'm a bit sceptic. It could be his management who tells him to do so.
Perez Hilton is evil. I thought his interview with Adam was sweet but he was SO disgustingly joyful gossiping about Adam at the party.
He makes me sick to my stomach.
I ADORE ADAM LAMBERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And forget it Anon 3:07.
@Eva It would be hilarious! I wish I can be there.
About Perez. It was article today. The name was something like"If Adam fans will not boycott ABC, I will boycott Adam's fans",don't remeber exactly. This publisher is big Adam's fan. For some reason they removed this article. I would like to know what was the reason.
Anyway, I like the article and scrolled down to read the comments. One of this comments was very interesting. "We, Adam fans don't call it boycott, we call it Glambcott!" This comment was wrtitten by PEREZ HILTON!!!!!with his disscusting picture wich he has on twitter.
After this who will desagree with me that Perez has serious mental problems!
Perez Hilton is such a negative force on this earth and we do not need this just when the world is falling apart and with so much suffering.
Adam is the most positive force and look at all of the good he does.
"nough said. We love you Adam and don't you EVER forget that! FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Eva The idea to pay to touch th hole isn't my anymore:(!!!!! I just read the comment to the article about la Cita. One of the Adam's fan wrote"Gonna go to see this hole, I wish I can pay some money to touch it"!!!!!!!!!
This is hilarious! la Cita deff can make some money:)
'RADIATE LOVE' only drama from PH.Adam...PH not your friend.forget him !!!!
Did Jennifer Aniston get the Razzie award?
People want to pay to see Adams hole!!!!!! ha ha ha where do I sign up??????????
@ Delilah5 and @ Eva
Hope you take responsability for what you just did to Icon's wishes... because of your comments above now he wants and wants it bad: as a birthday gift (another one!) he wants an autographed picture of «sweet ADAM'S HOLE»!!!!!
Perez definitely does not radiate love
Perez Hilton is a scum-bag, and Adam Lambert is a class act. We should all strive to be more like Adam!
"Lord, I want to be like Adam. In my heart, in my heart.
Lord, I want to be like Adam, in my heart." (sung to the tune of "Lord, I want to be a Christian".)
This is just too funny, can't stop laughing. Go all the way to the bottom #5.
@ 4: 39 p.m.'
That's Hilarious my dear!!!!!!
We are only humans and make mistakes !!!!!
We have feelings to be upset and forgive!!!!!
Just carry on my dear and what ever religion you are in right now, it doesn't matter. We just have to learn how to be civil ha!ha!ha!
About PH, he is lonely and alone that's why his asking for attention from anyone.... Poor
him indeed.....
We just concentrate for Adams success and everyone of us will feel better my dear...
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Not too much else to say except remind Adam fans not to google PH, visit his site or even mention his name on internet. These add to his numbers. Use initials if you must talk about him. This is who he is--a garbage mouth who cares not for slandering people. What disturbs me more than with he said was the fact that mainstream media picked it up like it was gospel. I blame them even more than PH. If he were ignored, it would not have been blown up so much.
5:20 thanks for your info. I didnt know any of that. His name was used a zillion times in this thread alone but it never will be used on the net by me again, I never have googled him at least.
I think PH is trying to say he is sorry. How much to I care...not one bit after what he did to Adam. The implications he made where uncalled for and I do not give a rats ass what he says now. He has had numeous chances to redeam himself with other celebs. I think Adam has moved on and Perez already has that bullying reputation. He will never shake it now. He is like an alchoholic that can't take a drink...he just cannot help himself he just runs his mouth and doesn't know when to shut it. This is a matter of trust and he blew it pure and simple. He pulled us in and we thought he changed but he hasn't..he is an embarrisment to the gay community. I do not give a crap if Adam had one to many that is his business not Perez. It must be hell to be perfect. Haven't we spent one two many minutes on this PH idoit. Off topic I do like that song by Adelle. I won't let PH spoil that either.
Hi Ya'll
Re: Adam & PH Tweets
I am too tired to read everything here again,but I think we are all in agreement.It doesn't matter how it transpired "sexy brain" as usual,has handled this betterr than we do.A simple sarcastic response from Adam said it all!!
The celebs know just what PH is about & I doubt he has a lot of friends amongst them. Unfortunately,3,000,000 people are amused by his trash.
Glitzylady sent Adam a beautiful tweet & he probably has tons more.
Adam will take care of him & the best thing we can do is ignore him. It is his evil intention
to rile us up. He no longer exists!
Perez is contemptible and not worth a comment.
Adele however is now on my list of must buys. Love her voice and style of singing. Is it just "my ears" or do many U.K. singers sound like they are straight from Nashville? I know their actors do very creditable Southern accents in films. This young woman sounds like a 20 years ago Wynonna Judd..............JAK
Bought Adale´s CD. Love it!
ADELE´s OF course.
PH was the jerk who released the pictures of Adam with Cheeks when Adam was on American Idol.
Then, Adam gives PH another chance after PH says he is turning over a new leaf...and look what happens. Two times he backstabbed Adam. You have to go out to Lady GAGA news but you will see that she is bringing her mom along on tour to curb her excessive drinking. Adam was drunk at a party that many were drunk at including the guest of honor who rolled on the floor making out with her boyfriend. Adam isn't ratting on the other guests and he is taking the brunt of the BS by admitting that he was drunk and went a little crazy. He wasn't in church while others were sober by any means.
If new words are being put in the dictionary then I vote the phrase Snake-in-the-grass has PH's face as the definition, because he has more than earned it.
@ Cheril,So glad to see you on this site and so good to have seen you at GNTs! Hope to see you at many more! I didn't know that Cheeks was the sneaky snitch that released the pics of Adam on Idol. At the time I saw them I hoped it wouldn't destroy any chance of winning and going on to greatness. Karma will catch up to P**** Hilton. I can't imagine anyone able to trust or contemplate him ever being a friend. I don't wish anyone any ill will, but to me Perez ceases to exist. Missing the palm trees! funbunn40
Perez released the photos not Cheeks....he was offered lots of dough to give interviews about Adam and kept his mouth shut...they are still friends..RM
@ RM,Thanks so much for the correction! I meant to say Perez, brain not in gear. Should have edited. I am a big fan of Cheeks and am so glad you spotted my error. funbunn40
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