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Adam Lambert's debut CD confirmed to be released November 24!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Posted at : Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Okay I just got word that Adam's debut CD will DEFINITELY be released on November 24, 2009!! He said it himself according to this person who went to the KANSAS tour.

"After talking to Kris, Adam still had a sizable crowd around him, but Lisa was afraid he was going to vanish or be whisked away, so we made our way over to him. There was a little girl who had consumed entirely too much sugar in front of us. I think the handler was afraid that she was going to bounce off of Adam and injure someone, so he came over to move the hyper child and her entirely unhelpful mother along. Adam, though, was a complete doll. Once the bouncing child had bounced away, I introduced myself again and we chatted for a bit about the show and his upcoming CD, which, by the way, he confirmed would be dropping November 24th. (I can't wait!!!) He signed the picture in my icon from the Glendale show, and we took some pictures. We couldn't chat for long because he still had a lot of people to get to and we probably should have waited closer to the end of the line to not be as rushed, but he was absolutely charming and gracious and I cannot wait to see what he's going to do with his music!"

Source: ONTD


Anonymous said...

Actually it was ONTD_AI.