Adam Lambert Has a Crush on Ellen Page
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Monday, March 7, 2011
Posted at : Monday, March 07, 2011

Adam Lambert has revealed on Twitter that he has a crush on actress Ellen Page, who recently starred in the blockbuster movie 'Inception' with Leonardo Dicaprio.

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Ellen Paige is trending now, although it's Ellen Page. It's like everything Adam's tweet this day always end up trending. Very Good Job.
Adam and correct spelling doesn't go together. :))
Who cares,he will trend anyway.
He definitely has good taste with our Canadian Girl.
Glad to hear this. lol She's a cutie.
Who doesn't she's adorable!
What??? How do you have a crush on a person in a movie. I thought only teen agers had crushes on the movie stars. Adam you are silly, just to get your name or hers trending on twitter. Don't forget we are your fans and you asked us not to ask about your personal life, LOL
Ok just relax people, Adam just expressing what in his mind right now. It is a good sign that I'm still have a chance to be his lover.
LOL!!!!!!!! Adam we are here waiting for your response................
Love u and can't wait to see you on AI!!!!!!!!!!!!
Toronto fan base, Canada
This is not the first time he has said this about her. He mentioned it quite awhile ago.
Here is Cam (his keyboardist's response to him:
UhHuhHerMusic U H H
@adamlambert From which movie, or just a general crush? I'm kind of crushing on "Whip it" Ellen as opposed to "Inception" Ellen...
39 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Yes, that spelling. So annoying when those college drop-outs become so internationally successful haha
ps. I don't think Sauli is too worried...
I hear he is arriving in a few days, anybody know if this is correct?
I thought Ellen was the coolest in her role in Juno (the pregnant teen)
Glad he is attracted to women of substance and not some ditzy thing, yes, all of us still have a chance then, lol
Anon 4:39 pm
No, you don't, but dream on ladies....fantasy fills your dreams.
Love to you all, you are ever faithful and slightly strange. It's nice to be home.---KW (the gay guy)
Just watched Ellen in JUNO again and laughed so hard. Brilliant script and she was perfect for that role.
Good taste Adam! She is a great actress!!! and a smart one, like Adam!
wishful thinking is not wrong that's all !!!!!!!!!!
Adam Lambert is only human like us and there's always the possibilities that we can encounter.
Dream yah it's a dream that can really happens if you believe. Yes or No?????????????///
Toronto fan base, Canada
crushin' on girls. what's up with this gay man?
I knew that The Lamb loved the ladies. I still want him and Evan to do a raunchy photoshoot! so hot!
the thought of Adam biting female flesh is really sexy!
You ladies simply have to read one of the stories written on Juneau & Zena's Salon site. It is titled "Pick U Up - Rated X".
Such a hot and entertaining adventure with our boy!! A must read.
awwww...I'm heartbroken!!i envy this girl!she'adorable though.she's piscean and adam is an aquarian..hmm,are they a perfect match??
And just to further confuse things, my partner and I also have crushes on Ellen Page.....KW
Adam and Evan Rachel Wood would be smokin'! they need to do a naughty pictorial!
and to confuse things even more I'm a straight female and my straight partner has a crush on Adam Lambert! hehe
Adam needs a ferocious female to peel the clothes from his body with her teeth! rawrrrrrr!
I hear she is a lesbian, so she wouldn't be interested in a hot glam god. Adam has all kinds of crushes.
Wait a minute, let me picture I need a drink!
I think she is bisexual, because I hear she has a boyfriend and she kisses women. don't know?
anon 7:04 just what picture do you have in mind?
to confuse things even more I'm a bisexual that dates men and women and my lesbian lover has a crush on Adam.
I'm a bisexual that dates men and women and my male and female lovers have crushes on Adam.
my kitty Kat purrrrs with delight when she sees ADAM!
my conspiracy theory: this is just a trick! maybe set by both.
before adam conceives a new song, rumors are the food for fans.
look at the face of adam during the interview with Perez Hilton, when he said all the girls thought adam is 'bi' not only 'gay', adam's face tell us the answer clearly.
anyway, when sauli comes or he goes, new round of rumor will start, just enjoy ~
O.K. We all know Adam is gay , but he has always said he thinks women are beautiful and enjoys kissing them. Look at her lips they are gorgeous.So I think Adam does appreciate beauty in both sexes but only will sleep with one. Fantasies are always fun though!
Ladies, don't forget to vote for Adam on Flecking Records Awards Poll.
Adam has 8 nominations! More than anybody else! Keep voting for him.
he needs to lie beside a female just once. the soft skin on his. how can he resist? mmmmgood
she has a nice face. I can see why he is attracted.
Adam appreciates beauty. She is beautiful. I'm always up for enjoying the ride...whatever Adam is dishing, I'm there. LOL
He corrected his spelling to "Page" and added 'woops' in his next tweet. He's just so darn cute. Didn't he tweet about meeting her in at a recent party?
Anon 7:26 pm
You have it just right, congratulations. Lips are lips, in the past I enjoyed many lucious female kisses...but now that I'm taken I resist temptation.
Anon 8:21 pm
What makes you think he hasn't? As a single guy I had many a sleep over with female friends, same bed, same covers. I occasionally peeked but didn't touch.....boy scout oath!------KW
@ KW
Seems we definitely are NOT on the same paige, I
Are you Adamantly advising us to turn it?
...the page?
No hope for us,ladies. Close the book. Pages all written, inkwell empty, ending not going our way.
Hey, where have you been? We had lots of questions for you last week when Adam went to JR's.
KW I am truly enjoying your posts! Just keep reminding us ok? We'll need that!
Parisiangirl, loved your last post...makes me sad too, but we can dream can't we? It makes the days go by easier....:)
Who knows why Gay Dudes like guys dressed in womens clothing?
Well everything look so confuse now and even more confuse with @KW but I love your comment here. Maybe there is a glimpse of hope when Adam has done with all his boys. Ha!Ha! One hopeful dreamer. :)
Great news Adam because I have a crush on Sauli so now I can ask him to marry me.
It's not all bad though cause somebody here wants to marry you.
well she is definitely a cutie
Well, if it was Adam's plan to get us talking while he's working on his album, he certainly succeeded - as he always does. :-)
Well Adam don't brake Sauli's heart or I will kick your ass never mind as hot it may be.
A & S are still dating. Let's not put too much pressure on them. Anyway, Sauli wasn't on the videoblog last week, Katri was alone. I think he was making repairs in his apartment. Maybe Adam is coming for a visit later.. :)
Isn't that one of the core reasons we love Adam because he respects women? Need I say more. He respects women more that staight men. Might I add he just loves to be entertained too and that in when he admires others talent and he is not full of himself. Again why we love him?
Omg is someone taking his tweet seriously ? :-D
If some1 does, prolly doesn´t have gay boys as friends...js.
( they all have crushes on actresses, singers, fashion icons, esp. Madonna, Kylie etc. )
And she´s adorable girl, why wouldn´t he have a crush on her ? but there´s nothing sexual about it.
Adam loves being in a center of a buzz and keep ppl talking. We all know that :-) And he succeeded in it again, got her name trending, even spelled wrong. :-D
He prolly wrote that wrong on purpose, to make sure the attention 2 the name really is all about his tweet.
He always plays his games and we know it and love him ever more because he always surprises us and keeps us on our toes the whole time.
Just accept that this is one of his stunts and nothing more.
I instantly die (!!!) if Adam mentions MY NAME on Twitter or anywhere even with wrong spelling!
Nope I don't buy that. Practically Perfect Adam just can't spell. I don't mind and I was a teacher. His career fortunately doesn't rise or fall depending on his ability to spell.
And gay guys crush on females all the time. When my daughters were young one of their group was a gay boy who spent every cent he earned on movie posters of the classic beauties, Monroe, Mansfield,Grable, Hayworth and the recently deceased Jane Russell. By the time he went to college these original posters sold for enough to help finance medical school.
He's spent the last year working in Haiti....You never know who the gay kid down the street will turn out to be !.....JAK
Welcome back KW
P. S.
We ALL purr when we see Adam!......JAK
maybe Adam has sexual fantasies about women. he is wondering what it really is like? I say try it BB!
I see Adam with a bisexual woman before a straight one.
Sauli is too good for Adam. He should find a better, trustful boyfriend.
Yep, now Adam´s gonna leave his boyfriend and marry Ellen Page. Then they´ll have 2,7 children, labrador and a volvo and r moving to countryside.
Tommy´s singing in their wedding.
Monte will do the ceremony.
PPl blowing glitter on them.
Ok, that´s settled then.
@ 10:48am, you forgot to mention Adam would wave to his Glambert nation form the balcony. LoL
@Anon March 8, 2011 7:11 AM
I like your comment, good and valid point
Adam seems like he gets shy in the company of females? that is the vibe he gives. I might just be imagining things, but he has a blush going on in their presence. silly me!
I just Love Him & His wat if he cannUT speal, speel, sple,spile.. WHO CARES!!!!
We all know that Adam is just keeping us amused until Thur when he will be on Idol. We need something to do to pass the time. He knows us so well.
Seriously, why does twitter stop Adams Trending sometimes? I signed up, but I don't know what the
H I'm doing yet.
Havent we all had crushes on people in our lives and it meant absolutely nothing, just fun! Crushes on teachers both male and female, celebrities both male and female and so on. No big deal!!!!! Adamluv
Adamluv :
Ecxept Adam´s crush on Ellen isn´t like he dreams about her or anything like that. He just likes her style and thinks she´s adorable. Believe me.
^ except ,that is :-)
anonymous 2:07 PM
Totally agree with u.
every crush I had, I wanted to sleep with them. I think it goes into fantasy mode!
Maybe Adam wants to pick her brain apart and see what makes her tick. Some men think that a brilliant mind is a turn on.
He wants her to know his crush.
YES I AM HERE EAVESDROPPING....You ladies are my favorite puzzle to ponder.......KW
Hello to JAK, I missed you while I was gone, suggested that my partner check in occasionally.
I won't repeat what he said I assume there are ladies present...............KW
I hope Adam stays exactly like he is .... picturing TWO men, turned on in the manner in which men tend to be turned on ..... has been an unexpected, lovely, fantasy pleasure!!
Signed, Still Amazed Straight Female
Now you've done it---------
Signing off...............KW
I think it's more than what's below the belt that makes a person sexy. Adam probably sees sexy in a different way than I would. He might think Ellen is sexy for the person she is. She is very petite.
We all have a Crush on you BB. Why would you be interested in some of these beautiful,talented chicks like Madonna & GAGA & now Ellen & a ton of others when you have US????
You Heartbreaker You!!
He has a large harem of women, but seems to prefer the dancing boys. Sigh......
Think I have a crush on you, KW! Tell your partner not to worry and join us! We're really harmless![Well, almost lol]funbunn40
I´d be sick jealous if Adam would marry a woman!! I am sooo happy he likes boys. Must admit though that seeing Adam in a pic with a naked lady (advertising something etc) turned me on oddly. I am quite confused right now...
Sanni, straight girl
Whatever, Ellen or Sauli, I´m jealous all the same! Can´t have that gorgeous glam God Adam for myself :(
Sanni, straight girl loving gay guy ;)
Sanni I have a crush on you, you are so sweet;) I also have a crush on Sauli, he is such a nice guy and very attractive.
@ Sanni @ 3:32 AM Have to admit, the Details magazine Shoot was an example of Adam being photographed in a straight setting being very sensuous and beautiful. So striking in black and white with a very beautiful model. Knowing that Adam is gay didn't take anything away. He is a photographers dream and has the ability to be convincing no matter what he does. When he is working, he gives 100% and is an oscar worthy performer! Wish he would throw us straight ones another crumb, but those that still are in denial that he is gay would come unglued with hope. haha funbunn40
Adam says he sees sexy in Female and male. He is allowed to explore any territory he wants.
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