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"WWFM" will feature fighting and it is from Adam's lover's POV?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 20, 2009

Posted at : Sunday, December 20, 2009

JuliannaMilton Adam says the video is from his lover's POV and some fighting. He's wearing this cool ass skull ring and skull buttons on his collar.
2 minutes ago from web

So exciting!


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam's lover will be female or male? I don't think the producers will allow a male.

Anonymous said...

His lover will be male...I would bet on it!

Anonymous said...

It would be kinda disingenius to use a girl, but you never know...

Anonymous said...

I *think* his lover might be played by that blond guy Clayton, who tweeted he was going to be in Adam's video yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Yea I agree that it will be Clayton. It wouldn't make sense for a lot of reasons for his lover to be a girl. Julianna already tweeted what her role is, and it didn't sound at all like a lover. After the AMA kiss and Adam repeatedly explaining 'yes I'm gay, I'm not ashamed' (in so many words) it would seems strange to have a girl lover. People would be saying the label wants to straighten up up. If Adam and the label want people to accept him, in my opinion, they need to just get people used to the idea that, yea he's gay. After awhile most people will just shrug their shoulders and go 'whatever, that's just Adam.' Like with Eminem and his lyics, when he first came on the scene people were shocked&appaled now people just shake their heads and go 'whatever that just Em being Em.'

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if he was with a girl for this video. After all, it's just fantasy, so why not feed our fantasy part of the time. Most of us fans are female, and most of us would go wild to see Adam hug or kiss a girl. It's our turn, he did the guys in FYI.

Anonymous said...

hope it will be a girl for a change.

Anonymous said...

Let Adam be Adam! He likes men! Why should he have to fake it for a video? Hope he has the artisit freedom to do what he wants to do with it and we as fans support his choices!!

Anonymous said...

I think he truly likes girls, too, and has relationships with girls, just maybe not as a lover. And like someone above says, it's a video, a fantasy, so why can't he do both?

Anonymous said...

I say it should be a guy. For several reasons
1st (duh!) he's gay
2nd he's been going around a ton saying he's gay and proud of it. Why wod he then go back on it by not having a male lover?
3rd Adam is Adam. We fell in love with him for being himself, and his sexuality is part of himself. He might like girls, but overall love
interests are male, as he's said before.
4th if he does use a girl as a love interest so
early on in his musical career, it might get him
stuck in a hole he won't want to be in. When an artist is just starting out, labels think he/she is pliable, moldable. If he uses a girl right now, his label might push him to keep using girls, which is more 'crowd pleasing'. If he waits to do it later on, it'll probably be easier.
And I'm sososos happy for Adam!!! In like 4 months he got 3 music videos out or in the making!!! Is that usual in the industry? (frgive me for my ignorance on it I don't know much about music videos)

Anonymous said...

Adam, you can't please all the people all the time, good luck...make it a mystery lover LOL

Anonymous said...

I agree! Let the viewer's perspective be that of the lover, so it is never disclosed - man or would be the viewer. That would open it up and could be very interesting.

But if the lover is shown, then it should be a be other than a man would be so my opinion.