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Adam Lambert spends birthday at 104.3

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 29, 2010

Posted at : Friday, January 29, 2010

Wishing @adamlambert a very Happy Birthday backstage @ the Grammys from your friends at 104.3MYfm!!


Hanna said...

Gorgeous pics of a gorgeous man. Thanks for sharing them! :)

Anonymous said...

That's sooooo sweet!

Anonymous said...

thx for the pics!

Anonymous said...

Pretty but also tired looking! Does he ever rest?!?!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks gorgeous in these pictures. I hope that he wears his hair like this at the Grammys. I love this look the best. There is a huge full moon tonight. I hope it is a sign that 2010 will shine even brighter for our beautiful Adam!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwww, so sweet of the Radio Station to buy cake for Adams birthday, that's awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm can't believe he's working on his birthday, after doing shows and interviews all wk. in
Canada. I thought he would take a day off. He must just be dragging himself around. He'll probably be up partying til the wee hours of the morning too.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't even rest on his birthday.....

I wish he would rest even though I'd love to see more of him!

Anonymous said...

Anything Adam is consuming my life,24/7! Hope he keeps a more natural look[hair down,less eyeliner] for the Grammies.Hes exquisitely beautiful and sometimes less is more. Think the celebs will be more open with the friendly, not too ultra glam look. Dont think they would want to be "out-glittered by our B-day boy! Hope he had a fun day and rocks at the Grammies!