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Breaking News: Adam is a very nice Gentleman!

Filed Under () by Admin on Thursday, January 14, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, January 14, 2010

Someone over at Idol Forums attended the Oprah show yesterday and this is what she has to say.

"I was at Oprah today, and he handled the chorus just like he did at the Gridlock event, where you could hear the backing track singing that computer part while he just did his "" Does that make sense?

Also, not to make anyone sad (Jooory huggy.gif ), but it's true.....Adam did mention being lonely sometimes. I'm not sure why that person said it was taken out of context, but it wasn't...he indeed says that. He also said he was really feeling sad in the beginning of December.

Oprah adored Adam, she hugged him numerous times. He was gorgeous, charming as always, and his voice was phenomenal today.

As far as SuBo, there is NO WAY they could equalize the segments to be the same length, hers was vastly shorter than Adam's. Also, when Oprah first greeted Susan, she hugged her (O hugged SuBo), but Susan did NOT hug Oprah back, she literally just stood there with her hands at her side while O hugged her. It was extremely uncomfortable, and IMO it set the mood for the rest of the interview. Susan is very hard to understand, and she has a weird sense of humor, the entire interview was painfully awkward. Oprah is a professional, and she still had a very hard time getting Susan to really talk, and then when she did I could hardly understand her. I'll bet the use subtitles for her when they show it next week. There were way more Adam fans in the audience than Susan's.

It's true about what everyone has said, when you're in Adam's presence you can just feel it....he radiates this light and energy unlike anyone I've ever been around before. He was so charming and loveable and sweet. My sister took me to this, she surprised me with tickets because she knows I adore him. She knew of Adam, but really nothing else. When we left today, she told me she was extremely impressed, thought his voice was beautiful, and said that she thought he was "gorgeous." She also said when he does his little moves and dancing on stage, he "exudes sex appeal." This is a woman who only likes country music and doesn't have a very open mind, if you know what I mean. She was most impressed with his interview, couldn't believe how composed he was, how humble and genuine he seemed, and how well-spoken he was. But she told me after this that she would definitely be listening to his whole album, and that when he tours, she'd like to go with me. She considers herself a fan now. [b]

Woops, forgot to add this: My sister also couldn't believe how every time somebody came out to give Adam a sip of water, or to touch up his makeup, or whatever, Adam always thanked them before they walked away. Every. Single. Time. My sister works in television, and she said nobody thinks to thank these people, certainly not every time they come out to bring you a sip of water. She couldn't believe how gracious Adam was. I told her how Adam made sure to thank the band every night on Idol, and that this was normal behavior for him. She said it just proves to her that he really is just a good guy. "

Credit: kashmir


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this! I knew that Adam was a really nice guy, but somehow this brought tears to my eyes. He is beautiful . . . inside and out!

Anonymous said...

WOW! You made my day with this article.
Today is my birthday and I felt a little lonly and almost cried when I read that Adam gets lonely sometimes . He is such an AMAZING PERSON and SO REAL. It's CRAZY how much I love Adam. I feel love sick. This is CRAZY! Anyone else feel like me?
Can't wait ti see him on OPRAH>


Anonymous said...

Fabulous recounting!!! When I met him, there is that energy he has that is truly stunning, his presence is nothing I have felt before and I have been around some amazing/spiritual people.

Anonymous said...

I feel love sick too, anon #2. My heart melted into my stomach reading this.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, it's great to see others getting Adam the way we do.
I'll bet he was sad that week cause it was right after AMA's and it was probably not the way he wanted it to turn out.

MiMi said...

Yes, there are a whole bunch of us out here who are crazy about Adam. I knew he was a nice guy on Idol, but the article was great. I have been giving Adam's CD to friends. Let's get him to platinum soon.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Anyone having trouble getting on adams offical site? Its just bring up the cd sell

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. Adam is truly a gentleman.
I love his stage persona and also love his true
self. He is such a colorful person. I absolutely adore him. Always have, Always will
Love you Adam.

Anonymous said...

yea, I kinda knew something was wrong in December. When things slowed down, I think that's when he started to get depressed. Adam has to constantly express himself. He needs music..He needs that rapid change, he needs to have that feeling that music brings to him..

Anonymous said...

His mama raised him right! I'm so glad he has the strong & loving family he does supporting him. This dude is playing a part in changing minds already... he represents so much more than music to many <3

Anonymous said...

Anon 2 and Anon 4 - Have you seen pictures of Adam when he hugs someone, male or female? It isn't just arms on shoulders or the one armed hug, he puts both arms around as tight as possible. Think that Adam is giving you one of those hugs when you feel love sick. It sure helps me. He is pure love. It just exudes from him. Thank God we have Adam to admire in these hard times. Hugs to you two. Adam rocks my world.

Anonymous said...

Adam is tuely a Ray Of Light. When Simon, or any of the other judges praised Adam's performance,he always gave credit to the band, or someone who helped arrange his performance. I did not see any of the other contestants do that. CONGRATULATIONS, ADAM FOR WINNING THE BEST AMERICAN IDOL EVER CONTEST ON THE TWITTER WALL. YOU DESERVE IT.

Anonymous said...

This article should be passed on to ABC management. Adam has always portrayed himself as a genuine,sincere humble individual, too bad they couldn't just accept he is also a performer. What an incredible singer and human being. Anyone check the new for his birthday contributions, its really doing well, not to mention Adam's encouragement to give to a Haiti relief fund. ABC owes Adam an apology and some serious air time.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your Adam experience with us. You did a wonderful job!! Thanks for your take on SuBo. Can't wait to see Adam with Oprah.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that I'm not the only one who is "lovesick." Can't wait to see Oprah next week - tks for posting.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing this!!! Adam is such a lovely man.

lily said...

it is obvious that adam and susan boyle have different upbringings. adam is so exposed and susan has little education plus she is scottish so her accent is hard to understand. anyway, they are both good although i think adam will have more staying power than susan. adam is versatile whereas susan has one style and does not have original songs but we have to give credit to her talent.