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Randy Jackson mentions Adam in LA Times

Filed Under () by Admin on Thursday, January 28, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, January 28, 2010

In so many of your interviews for Season 9, you declare that "a girl's gonna take it." Is there some orchestration on the part of the producers, consciously or not, to cast a certain way? Because you'd think we would see a lot more theatrical, Adam Lambert types, or Kris Allen-like singer-songwriters during these auditions, but we really haven't.

Not at all. First off, Adam Lambert is an anomaly. So the people who watch "Glee" or go to Broadway shows looking for an Adam Lambert type, he is in no way your typical theater star. He's a slice above. His talent is bigger than Broadway. He's also very different from everyone who's ever auditioned for "Idol." So you're not gonna see another Adam Lambert. Still, there were some theater types that showed up, and we had a tremendous amount of singer-songwriters try out, because Kris won. But I'm pulling for a girl to win because I want to even the balance. Allison was great last year and came in third, but I want to see a male-female finale. Fight it to the death, come on!



Anonymous said...

he's right..there's no one like Adam Lambert..he's his own picture...

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert come off as being very friendly, warm, sincere, loving, creative, down-home I wanna eat kinda person, fun to watch..a lot of qualities in one person that no one else has..he's definitely an one like him..

Anonymous said...

"Talent bigger than Broadway" Wow, them there are powerful words. Adam is the whole package. He's basically an entertainer the likes of which we have probably never seen. His concerts will not be just singing songs--seen the best, and that's basically what they do. Adam WILL entertain us with his voice and his personality. It's difficult to combine Barry Manilow and Adam Lambert in the same sentence, but Manilow is one of the few artists around these days who actually does put on a somewhat glitzy show with theater and vocals.

Anonymous said...

Ok seriously?!?!?! Randy you need to stop talking. You are a judge on this show and you can't even get the people right. Allison finished FOURTH, not THIRD. These judges aren't very good at making sense when it comes to this last season. I can't take then seriously anymore.

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

Allison should have been 3rd, but Randy, she was 4th. At least he had something good to say about Adam - he is "a slice above." Like a slice above anything else out there!


Cookie said...

There will NEVER be another contestant on that dying show with the talent of Adam Lambert, that's for sure. Not that middle-of-the-road America would vote for him, if there were. That is one thing Randy got right. Love the fact that he said Alison got third....she was fourth, as we all know. How could he forget all the love that the judges, including him, showered upon Gokey, claiming that the contest would come down to Gokey and Adam? Just goes to show you that despite what the judges desire, the voters can and will hijack the voting system as it is and have THEIR way....just get some tips from the organization in AK on how to illegally beat the voting system.

Anonymous said...

Allison came in third but at least Randy got the rest right in those comments.

Anonymous said...

That just shows how clueless they all are. Meanwhile he let the cat out of the bag. THEY KNOW that there will never be another talent like Adam on American Idol or off American Idol. But they were too PW to say it out loud when it matter-ed and even today. Worthless, all 4 of them. I actually think singing wise it should have been Gokey and Adam now that I've seen Allison not pulling off any of her live shows. IMO. She's someone you can't listen to for very long and I really thought up until now that she shoulda been second but I retract that view.

Anonymous said...

Oh well middle America can go vote for a preacher this year if any of them get through. How exciting..NOT!

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to watch 'american Idol' this season, but it is just not the same without Adam. Adam was the whole show. I couldn;t wait for him to come on every week. Then when he was on, his performance seemed to end too quickly. I would waait all week to see him, and then it was over just like that. 'American Idol' will be remembered for discovering Adam Lambert . He will be the superstar that they had been looking for. Happu Birthday Adam! Have fun on your Birthday, just don't tell anyone where your going to celebrate on twitter!

Anonymous said...

Randy owes him some nice comments after recently slamming him in that MTV interview. Jeez.

poprocks said...

randy got this right about adam---your not gonna see another Adam Lambert. Adam's vocals have been rated above Freddie Mercury on the top 100 best singers list ever due to his range-power-control-and other professional technical judging. Adam is a once in a life time find!

lulu said...

there will be no other adam lambert in american idol. this is it, adam lambert is unique and no one, no one would be able to follow his success.

Anonymous said...

IMO .. ADAM LAMBERT was/is/always will be the American Idol. He just didn't get the title which apparently means NOTHING when it comes to the ENTERTAINMENT World. Everywhere ADAM goes he epitomizes an American Idol. Who needs a title when all the people think HE WON?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Actually Allison should have come in second, to Adam who should have come in first!