Adam Lambert on VH1 (Detailed Report by a Fan)
Filed Under (random ) by Admin on Saturday, February 13, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, February 13, 2010

An Adam fan name "Taratimbs" wrote a very detailed report on Adam's VH1 Acoustic Concert. It's very interesting.
My VH1 Report!
Holy shit. That just happened. They let us in at 4. Pretty specific age group; good looking late teens and twenty somethings for the most part. 3 rows of seats, I was in third row but right in the center. Michelle Collins was sitting in front of me, so I chatted her up! Wants me to e-mail her so she can asks me q's about the show! She ended up having to get up and stand in back so ticketholders could sit in all the seats.
Set-up was a really small baby-grand, like a 1/4 grand piano lol. Doug played that. Acoustic guitar for monte, acoustic bass (!!!) for Tommy, bongos and stuff for LP.
They started out doing audience shots of us clapping, laughing, awwwing lol sooo awkward! Then the band came out and warmed up for the cameras. I heard Doug play one chord of Broken Open and I shit myself. I knew it was coming! They're all adorbs...but LP was confused about the crowd being so quite (we weren't sure exactly what to do lol) and was like WASSUP GUISE???? They were doodling around with some metal, some funeral marches, random shit, it was lovely.
Then Adam just breezes in! Sat on a stool the whole time. Bantered in between every song, he was still as comfortable and free as last night, and still seemed to have energy to spare. Kept talking about being hungover, but duuuuuuuude his voice, I mean ugh it was perfect, you'd never think he was hungover.
OH BTW HE LOOKED AMAZING emo hair, quite fluffy, smoky eyeshadow, that cardigan sweater thing that's kinda long with the holes in the bottom, shiny black shirt, lots of jewelery (including that silver leaf necklace that he informed us was Mcqueen :( ), mid-calf black boots, fingerless leather gloves of course!
Did a bunch of random talking about nothing inparticular, but I'll get to that later.
We knew Music Again was first, the band played through about half of it before Adam emerged. I was boppin one else really was. Most people didn't move much until the last song. Oh well...we were all into it but some people just don't seem to feel the need to ugh
MUSIC AGAIN (twice): Lots of fun acoustic, sounds cute with the addition of piano. Same tempo. Vocals weren't as big as normal, but it still had a lot of energy. Kept it low key in the melody, went down on "eyes baby eyes" instead of up. Guitar solo sounded great on acoustic! When Adam comes back in after that, he just like blarrgghed the lyrics it was hilarious! But finished the song nonetheless, and then they did it all over again! Every time he repeated a song, there was a new feel to it.
HIGHLIGHT: he got all French for "raison d'etre," so silly.
MAD WORLD (once...I think...maybe twice? idk i think once lol): Totally new arrangement. Not piano based, reealllly guitar based. It was the jam. Just a great, somewhat ethereal acoustic jam. HIS VOICE omgggg such a cool contrast to the band, he did it all in head voice, had his eyes closed half the time. He was soo into it; for this and every song he seemed to be so involved in the lyrics. New riffs, plus the classic ones we love (i.e. neerrrrvous) I had the chills the whole time.
It's funny, I was kind of hoping for a new cover, and was surprised at how excited I actually was to hear this again. Soooo glad he did it! But seriously don't remember if he did it once or twice!
HIGHLIGHT: I loved on tour when he would sometimes keep it in his head voice on "look right throughhh mayyyy" instead of belting, and of course he did exactly that today since the whole thing was really mellow. It was gorgeous, I think that's when the chills started
SIDENOTE I JUST THOUGHT OF: UNF Adam requesting changes in the monitor volume between every song. He's so in control. No ear plugs, but actual speakers in front of him, he was calling them the wedges lol
ALSO: he sat on a stool the whole time, dunno if I mentioned that. He was like "I'm so comfy! I'm gonna sit here the whole time."
WWFM (twice...with 5 false starts lol): He had already cracked us up a billion times prior to this, but the beginning(s) of this song were some of the funniest moments. They had to start the song 5 times, all for various reasons. Best one: right as Adam breathed to come in on his entrance, his tea knocked over ( it was on a towel
on a little table or whatever) so he just breathed in and was about to sing, and saw it and cracked up. Reinforcements had to come in. That was already his second tea. After the song he was like ummmm can I get a new tea? Or should I just suck the suck it off the floor with a straw? lolll Then some lewd comment about sucking it through carpet. LOVE HIM.
After another song start fail, he called Monte a cock tease. SERSIOUSLY, LOVE HIM.
Ok but the song tho: Most of it was in head voice so it was a really different feel and SO GORGEOUS. Cool melodic changes in the second verse inparticular. No other details really necessary just that you are all gonna need the MP3 of this, best WWFM ever no fucking question.
HIGHLIGHT: You know in the bridge on the recording when his voice is kinda distant, singing along to the synth solo before he goes "I won't let you down"? Well he sang that part today...but in the beautiful half voice he was using for most of it UNF. I dunno it was a highlight for me. /music nerd
SIDENOTE: His eyes are laser beams. Whenever he'd stare at a spot, or whenever he made eye contact with me, I dunno the contrast of the dark eye shadow just made his eyes really piercing lol I sound like a creep but SRSLY U GUISE......oh nevermind /glambert
BROKEN OPEN (twice omgggg I'm so glad he did it twiceeeeee): THIS. WAS. FUCKING. AMAZING. Before he sang it he was like yayyyy here's one that I wrote and that we've never performed before! Arrangement was great, that cool familiar piano intro with those chords, but so different and awesome with the guitars. Some of the tiny adlibs he did in this song melted me into a pool of abdul. Like...I would shudder and so would the girl in front of me and then we would acknowledge it and crack up. I was afraid they weren't gonna do it twice, just because it was so awesome but yesss they did it again and it was somehow soooo much more intense the second time, they've gotta use that one on tv!
HIGHLIGHT: His presence. He just put so much meaning into those lyrics, even beyond his vocals. Every look and movement seemed so...profound idk idk. It's amazing how he was sooooo silly in between songs and then he just goes into this zone where all that matters is the song.
DTRH (twice!): I was quite interested to hear how this would sound acoustic, just because the original version is so heavy on big, loud, electric sounds. Well this was just as fucking awesome. This is when everyone there actually started to move (fianlly)! Beforehand he was like (paraphrasing of course) "I wrote this one too! I hope I remember all the lyrics...some of it was inspired by psychadelic experiences, some by Lewis Carrol..and some of it is just random" That prompted him to go on a little tangent about when people were tweeting him about lyric specifics and meanings and how much it cracked him up, because it's all basically meaningless lolll. Then he mentioned the "Maybelline vacation" as was like "bitch plz, I wear Mac" LUH HIM
Anyways...this was so amazing, I can't decide whether I like this version or last night's better...and that's saying a lot because we all know last night was intense (I was there too...this is basically the best weekend of my life). Even though he was just sitting in the stool he was doing to much with his hands and body, striking poses and shit, being campy. It was in the fullest voice of all the songs, not totally full out of course, but it was in noooo wayyyy low key like the others.
When he did it the first time it was perfect...but it's like no one wanted the show to be over. Adam didn't he knew he didn't need a redo but we were all like please. I was like "unacceptable, needs a do-over" and Monte noticed an cracked up. Then TPTB were telling Adam that they thought it was fine...but the band was like but we have 20 minutes, and Tommy was like "it's the last song :(" (it was adorable!) SOOOOO they did it again! After all the drama lol. AND IT WAS EVEN MORE EPIC ON THE SECOND TAKE!
HIGHLIGHT: A tie between the billion different ways he said WHO ARE YOUUUU and the amazing vocalizing he did in the middle section. TOTES REMINISCENT OF RING OF FIRE! Especially on the second take.
Ok now time for random shit. He talked a lot, but never really about anything relevant. It really was like we were all just chillin with him.
-Adam was musing about how it's sooo cold outside and then suddenly warm inside and it totally throws him off kilter and makes his eyes water, but then hoped that that would happen at the perfect moment in a song so that he could look super emotional
-He wanted there to be a hookah and an Afghan rug to help with the atmosphere
- He also wanted to be barefoot, but decided against it because he is un-pedicured...and saying this prompted him to sing a little Tik Tok with Tommy
-During band intros he in introed Tommy then called him Glitter Baby and was kinda awkward haha
-When the tea spilt, he was like yay instant fog machine! And then started grumbling about having no fog machine, mimicing TPTB "It's not in the budget" omg I LOLed so hard
-He kept leaking out little dirty comments and was like yeaaaaa I lost my filter last night, still haven't recovered it
-HE'S JUST REALLY RANDOM for example: At one point where they were waiting for their cue to start playing, he opened his jaw wide and just clecnched the mic with his teeth. For some reason, this sticks out in my mind. Probably because he was looking right at me as he did it lol, it was such a small group that you actually got moments where he's lookin you in the eye and you have to try and keep it cool.
-He's really sweet
-But also hella sassy.
There were so many great moments, I hope a lot of his banter gets on tv. This isn't even 50% of it...I'll post later if I remember anymore. BOTTOM LINE is he's a really funny guy.
-Michelle Collins thinks I looks like Natasha Richardson (RIP)....and I just thought you all should know.
I had an amazing time today. Sorry the post is ugly, I've never actually used my LJ for anything but comms. I'll answer any questions you guys have got :D
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Taratimbs, that is an awesome review, you made me feel like I was there. I can't wait to see this and I will only be able to see it if it is posted on this site or YouTube because I live in New Zealand and we don't get this show over here. Broken Open is one of my most favourite songs of Adam's, I love them all, but somehow that song really touches me and I have been longing to see him sing it. Thanks for this. And if you can remember anything else you know we will love every word of it.
Thank you! I wish Iwas there. Sounds AMAZING!!
Do we know when we can see it ?
I can't wait to see Adam.
Thank you for the details you lucky girl! Can't wait to see this and hope they make all the songs available on itunes. Love it when he mixes it up!
OMG!! What a GREAT article!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to give us such great detail! It seems like we were almost there with you...i hope they keep some of Adam''s ad lib's in the show....he really is such a funny guy and has a fantastic sense of humor!
And what's with the audience not moving to the music??? Didn't they know the songs or were they just put in the audience by VH! cuz they looked good?? Anyhow...thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
wow that was like a real life experience. thanks Tara!
What is DTRH?
DTRH is a song that was on his deluxe album
called Down the Rabbit Hole, its awesome.
omg!! thanks that was amazing. it makes me love him even more!!! . . . how can that be haha
thanks for the article.
Thank you so much for this!!! Awesome!!!
What is UNF?
Thank you for letting us share this incredible experience with You. You made me feel like I was there.
Urban Dictionary my dear.
Basically its an onomatapaeic exclamation of sex, like, "omg he looks so UNFFF" sexy, basically.
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