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Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, February 1, 2010

Posted at : Monday, February 01, 2010


Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard I cried. To Funny!! Maybe that is why pleather is no longer a fashion material.

Anonymous said...

Um...what? Who is this airhead chick? Should I know who she is? He's cute as hell, per usual!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha....these too are sooo funny!

Anonymous said...

THE FUNNIEST NIGHTMARE. Meeting Adam and splitting your pants, thats why I am going to wear 3 pairs of Spanks at his concert just in case I meet him. That girl can handle anything look at her composure.

Anonymous said...

I think the last thing she did was the last thing he wanted to see. It has probably scarred him for life and now us cougars really have no chance (tongue in cheek instead of Adam's ear).

Anonymous said...

He laughed the hardest I have ever seen him and I loooooooove it when he laughs. He is so genuine. Loved the "besides you...?" He is amazingly quick and right on spot. Go Adam. I guess I don't have to say that anymore. I can just sit back and be a fan now that he is everywhere and wanted by everyone in the business. Finally!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i always flip on adamofficial website and noticed that it is not uptodate. this 24/7 news and update is very reliable and advance.

Anonymous said...

That was so good! Love them together. I agree, I always check this blog before I check anything else. Well done and great joB! Please don't give in :)

Anonymous said...

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! there's a big hole here!!! hahahaa!!!!

Anonymous said...

I almost died of laughter! That was SOOOO funny, she's a cool chick and it was actually interesting to see that somebody was so open that it I think it actually made HIM feel unconfortable at times! That was sth new!
ps. As for the blog- Thank the Lord for whoever made this site because the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check this blog;)

Anonymous said...

LMFAO! Yep, I also check here first for updates, especially when in a hurry. Great job, keep it up we appreciate the effort!

Anonymous said...

I smiled thru the entire interview...this is my favorite hairstyle for natural and fits his personality!
I also want to thank the person responsible for this site, its the best!!

Anonymous said...

This is the funniest Adam interview ever! Even funnier than Michelle Collins'. I love this girl. She is totally cool with herself, flaws and all! I loved it when she asked him if there were any women out there who could convert him. I loved his answer, too.
I agree with everyone above, this is the BEST Adam site ever. No planets or stars flying around. Clear and to the point and seems to be the quickest with updates. But it's been my favorite since I first discovered it. Please keep it up.

Anonymous said...

anon#13 :No planets or stars flying around LOOL!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This interview was freaking hilarious! I laughed my behind off when Adam "spewed" after Jessi ripped her pants. I also enjoy this website for the updates. I always leave the AO website feeling very uncomfortable, too much drama AND no thank you, I don't want to read your poems or speculate "who" might be the lucky one to convert Adam, etc etc.

Anonymous said...