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Adam in Birmingham today!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, March 25, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, March 25, 2010

Adam spending time with fans today in Birmingham!

Credit: ollie33


Anonymous said...

While all these pics are beautiful, I would move up #s 3-4-5 and 6 into the 1-2-3 and 4 spots. I think the teenager is sweet and deserves to be in the # 1 spot with Adam. Just my preference!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I thought as well it would be sweeter to have the teenager to the forefront. (they may have added more pics since your posting ??)

Anonymous said...

Adam happily has Fans of ALL ages-equally cute-equally important. Thank you Adam for your fan appreciation!

Anonymous said...

Why is age important? Adam has fans of all ages. You just hear
more from the older once. Didn't u see all thr crazy young once on Canada, Singapore and japan?
Love to see Adam interact with his fans. He always smiles. I met him and he is sooo sweet impersonal. He is soft spoken and look u right in the eye. I was under his spell. Lol

Anonymous said...

it is nice to know that adam is also capturing middle ages women. come to think of it during their generation "homosexuality" was something spoken under the table and people being judgmental. seeing these ladies with adam makes me wonder if adam will change the world perception about sexuality. it is about time anyway because we were created equally for a purpose and every one has a part to play in this universe.

Anonymous said...

I'm 63 years young, the young part thanks to Adam, HA HA, but seriously I never felt that gay people should be in the closet, my sister's brother-in-law is gay and it was no big deal. Unfortunately he kept it from his parents and moved to another State so he could live openly. It always made me feel bad that he couldn't be open with his parents. The upside was that he was able to be open with his siblings. And as a side note I have 3 beautiful children 2 boys and a girl, and one of my sons is gay, and I wouldn't change a hair on his head, or any of my children for they are who they should be and I love them all.

jordan!! said...

god that man is beautiful!!! and his hair is sooo sexy!!

~adams 13 year old and biggest fan!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:45 - you have a beautiful soul. Thank you for being so open minded, intelligent, accepting and loving. Of course you're an Adam fan! You live by the same guidelines in life that he does.

Anonymous said...

He's so sweet! Love him so much ♥