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3 sisters jamming to "If I had You" from Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Anonymous said...

you go girls

Anonymous said...

See? This is why I think IIHY will be a hit. The teens love it!

Anonymous said...

looked like fat dad did as well!

Anonymous said...

The little one rocks...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Total yay.

Also, I don't know if any of you guys vote on Ryan Seacrest's American Top 5 - but I'm pretty sure it's not relegated to a "local" scenario, and that voting is open to all (don't know about out of US). "WWFM" has been an option for voting recentyly - check it out!

Any publicity is good - for example - even 'though Kris Allen's LLWD has been out a while - it was actually #1 last week on this (or maybe about a week and a half ago, but still, pretty good).

Anonymous said...

Lol I loved the part where the dood popped out of nowhere and the lil girl hehe nice outfit :D!

Anonymous said...

Great song, These girls got STYLE!!!
IIHY going to be the HOTTEST 2010 summer song!!
Keep requesting.
Don't forget to buy the music vidieo and the radio version when on Itunes. it will help Adam a lot!
Oh, VH1 top 20. Don't forget. visibility is the KEY!!

Love all the crazy Glamberts.
Are you getting ready for GNT? got my tiks.


Anonymous said...

Great job girls. Loved it

Anonymous said...

beautiful girls! rock on. the little one was so enthusiastic.

Anonymous said...

Bet Mom's a fan too!

Anonymous said...

Cute! A real tribute to Adam!

Anonymous said...

That little one showed some attitude. Dad has to like it to get involved with something he's got to know will end up on Youtube.

Fun Fun Fun (and good exercise) Get Dad to make his own dancing video. lol

Anonymous said...

girls are great, but NO dad please don't make your own dancing video

Anonymous said...

The little one is fierce!

Anonymous said...

soooooo cute !!

Anonymous said...

Fierce is right - the little one had the cutest snarl on her face the whole time - CUTE! And I love the older, super-cool, detached sister who had the moves. Hilarious! :)

Anonymous said...

Since The first time i heard IIHY i knew it would be a hit, people of all ages even kids will love this song, i am really sure.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious and so cute. Obviously a house-full of Adam fans, rather like my family. Not sure Dad realized he'd end up on YouTube tho. What a good sport!

Anonymous said...

OMG i love it! Go girls. Hope Adam sees this.

Unknown said...

I thought Dad was totally great and the littlest one totally fierce and adorable and the whole group just a blast. Thanks guys!

Anonymous said...

I have a video not unlike this - but to "Master Plan' - consists of relatives - a 14 year old girl (who wierdly looks like the oldest sister in this), an 11 year old boy, a 9 year old boy, and an 8 year old girls - all cousins... and they love to do this sort of thing. They put an awesome routine together to "Master Plan", so this make me howl. The 14 year old is a great dancer and choreographed the whole thing. Won't be uploading to You Tube 'though, parents very private people... but I'm still working on her to get Lambert's music in the ears & iPods etc. of her friends! Trying to convert one person at a time :)!! I just tell them to drink the koolaid and they'll be so glad they did, LOL.