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Adam Lambert is #5 on AfterElton Hot 100!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, May 17, 2010

Posted at : Monday, May 17, 2010

5. Adam Lambert
Rank last year: 16

Mr. Lambert, the 1950s are calling: interestingly, they don’t want their pompadour back. In fact, they’re fully admitting that no one back then managed to make a pompadour look nearly as sexy as you do.

Adam famously didn’t win American Idol, despite dominating the competition all season long – a result widely believed to be the result of American discomfort over Adam’s perceived sexuality. And he probably didn’t do himself any favors with his deliberately-provocative performance at last fall’s American Music Awards. But what makes Adam such a dynamic performer is precisely what sometimes lands him in hot water: his utter refusal to compromise his own unique artistic vision. Now that’s hot.

But the hottest thing about Adam? Under all that hair gel and eyeliner, behind the whips and chains, is obviously a very kind-hearted soul, and maybe just the tiniest touch of geek. Adam, you have a charisma of “18” – and if you’re truly the closet geek we suspect you are, you know exactly what we mean.



Anonymous said...

Love this article. So much so perfectly said in so little space (and I just got scolded on another 24/7 thread for being too longwinded and verbose in my comments, brevity not my strong suit :), so for me to appreciate the conciseness of this article is saying something, LOL). Well said AFterElton!

Anonymous said...

I too love this article. Everyone who interviews him falls under his spell. The AMA's was a faux pax = we who love him have moved on..Just hope the AMA big wigs and ABC don't punish him this year! Will he be invited again???

Anonymous said...

Agree with above. Love this article. Go Adam!

Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

Wow. He is the hottest!! Number ONE on my list.
But ahead of Ricky, now that's nit too shabby.
Plz vote Adam on the best idol ever and on vh1 top 20.

Anonymous said...

WTF Kris is on the list???? LOL!!

MiMi said...

Good article. Love AfterElton. Too bad everybody doesn't get our boy. Adam is adorable inside and out.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy Adam is on the same ranking as Cheyenne Jackson and Neil Patrick Harris. They're both my favorite actors.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I admit to being kinda geeky, but I still don't know what "charisma of 18" means -- can anyone here explain? (I do think Adam is super charismatic and on a scale of 1-20 he'd be a 25, but I don't think that is what the last sentence is referring to!)

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:54

I tried googling the meaning of "charisma of 18" and I found no defintion.

Anonymous said...

Basically Adam is your nice Jewish boy who is gay and has the "IT" quality! Loved the brief article. Great parenting and great genetics are on his side.

Anonymous said...

love adam lambert nice handsoem guy- also i like his looks hes no ordianry jewish boy but a good human being plus hes a mix breed. gewish/euroepan blood. he saids the his faher side is scandenavian-norwegian euroepan mix. no wonder hes so handsome a unique human being and he has a unique looks he look so euroepan and a bet jewish /but more european l00l thas nice.

Anonymous said...

Should I be proud I'm not a geek, so had to research the Charisma 18 reference? Seems to be an allusion to Dungeons & Dragons -- 18 seems to be the max Charisma a character can have. Any players out there who can confirm?

A curious notion - I don't think there's any evidence that Adam is a secret D&D player - he appears to play out his fantasies in real life.

Anonymous said...

thank you anon 2:03

I doubt he was a D&D player too, but if 18 is as high as you can get, he is certainly an 18!!!


Anonymous said...

From Wikipedia:

"Charisma (CHA): Charisma is the measure of the character's combined physical attractiveness, persuasiveness, and personal magnetism....Charisma influences how many spells spontaneous arcane spellcasters (like sorcerers and bards) can cast per day, and the effectiveness of said spells."

A score of 10 or 11 represents average human ability.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:54 here -- thanks 1:16, 2:03 and 3:06. I too tried Google and Urban Dictionary to no avail -- it never occured to me it would be a reference to role play gaming. I should have asked my IT Director at work -- apparently back in the day he was quite known for his addiction to D&D but trust me on this, zero charisma in real life and in the negatives compared to Adam! Thanks again for the info and to 24/7 for all the great posts.

Anonymous said...

WE shouldn't forget the fiasco when AT& T gave all those Kris Allen fans those cell phones where 38 million Arkansawian's (sp?) voted for Kris when there are only 3 million residents of Arkansaw!! This WAS a factor that AI CHOSE to ignore!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:16 Why did you post these comments on this thread? Don't start trouble where none is needed. Please. It's over. Now it is time for you to get over it. Kris won the title. Get on with your life.


Anonymous said...

kris allen is so f**king BORING!!

Anonymous said...

SIGH - reminder #2,376 - Adam hates neg comments about friend, Kris - KIO!!

Anonymous said...

Its not even whether 'Adam approves' or not of bitching about other artists, its common courtesy. It makes you look like a petulant child sticking their tongue out and running away screaming.

Anonymous said...

If Adam Lambert is ANY sort of a Geek, the rest of us have no hope. It seems to me that geeks melt into the background. Anyone who has blogged about seeing Adam in person can't seem to find words to describe his effect.

Anonymous said...

some people love different artist. some are boring to me. you should see what my dad listens to, but i get it. that's what he likes so that's good for him.

Anonymous said...

anon 4:48. my post had to do with the subject: "Adam famously didn’t win American Idol, despite dominating the competition all season long – a result widely believed to be the result of American discomfort over Adam’s perceived sexuality."

I like Kris. I was not dissing him, just pointing out the facts and contributing to this discussion. Please don't start trouble on this site.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:49

You should place the blame at the feet of AT&T and not on Kris or his fans. They're the ones at fault. And Oh, btw, who is further along in his career. Who's gone on an Asian and two European Tours and been to Canada twice. Who's headlining his own almost completely sold out tour this summer?

Why bless my soul if it ain't that lil ol Adam Lambert. Hey now, wadn't he the poor lil ol boy that dint win on that Idol show? Why my oh my.

Anonymous said...

Love this article! AfterElton really gets the inner lovable Adam that enchants us all. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I have to say, that this is the Aquarius personality. Sweet on the outside and tough as nails on their resolve to be who they want to be regardless of what others think. You cannot get mad at them because they are born with Charm running through their veins! And they are wickedly smart as well.

I have a son who is also Aquarius and he is just like this!

Anonymous said...

Awesome for Adam. SOme hot men on this list

Anonymous said...

this thing about adam and kris should stop, you are giving kris allen enough free publicity. as along as we associate him with adam people will hear about kris allen. so please stop! you see, kris allen's name only pops up when we fans mention his name. let us stick with adam, ALONE.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:52 DUH that's what I did...

Anonymous said...

I always read AfterElton ... especially when the articles are about ADAM. You must go there & see the pics of all the 'hotties' .... their pics are 3x better than other sites (not this one) and ADAM beat out a lot of cuties which PROVES ... ADAM is the BEST of the REST!!