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Christina Aguilera Singing the National Anthem Tonight

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 6, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, February 06, 2011

Christina sang the National Anthem tonight at the Super Bowl. But she forgot some of the lyrics half way through.

Now let's take a look at three of Adam's performances of the National Anthem in the past.

Which one is your favorite?


Anonymous said...

my favorites are marvin gaye and whitney houston

The Dark Side said...

The National Anthem does not need to be stylized with flourishes and what have you voice exercises. The song stands alone!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam at the base was incredible!!

Anonymous said...

Hands down Whitney Houston and Adam both did the song justice. No fancy runs to turn it into their own personal rendition. It's a difficult song to sing but they both nailed it! Out of respect it should be sung as it was written by someone who sings with emotion and reverence. We know who should sing it next year...Adam!

Anonymous said...

maybe nerves got the best of her, she tried.Now they know next year Adam has to sing it and he'll do it betterer and perfectly,he will turn it up,heat it up.I just hope the stadium doesn't trip off the glitz that he is gonna display.

Anonymous said...

Wow Xtina did pretty well vocally but too bad she messed up the lyrics.

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt I love version #3! The first one was at Burning Man making a statement about the George Bush Adm. with followers like sheep, not meant to disrepect our anthem but in protest of the administration. This wasn't a performance on TV or in an auditorium, but at a retreat with like minds. #2 a little theatrical for me and not as stirring as #3, which was beautifully sung without too many vocal acrobatics, strong, beautiful powerful notes and I loved the last word, ,brave, sung with strength, sounding brave! He also sung the word banner correctly, not as so many do, "ba-aner, which drove my highschool chorus teacher crazy. Her biggest pet peeve. His excellent vocal training is most evident in this #3 version. He did put his mark on it, but in a dignified, beautifully stirring way. I love Christina's voice, but not the self indulgent riffs that sometimes are overdone. Adam's were just right for me. She also blew the lyrics and should have been better prepared, or paying attention. Hope they'll ask Adam to sing it next time. Someone should suggest they look at this video. It was sung for servicemen and he embodied patriotism and respect, exactly what it was meant to do. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Obviously, Adam's 3rd version, BUT I really like the BAAAAaaa version too... LOL Not Adam's fault, it's those daym sheep‼ They are destructing him & trying to steal the show...hahaha
And for Xtina's defence... "SH__T happens" people, deal with it‼ :)

Anonymous said...

#3 is the best version from Adam. Until Adam sings at a Super Bowl, my favorite performance at any Super Bowl would have to be The Dixie Chicks! I saw a YT video of another performance of the National Anthem by Xtina and it was horrible also.

Hk fan said...

Not that I'm American but I'll still comment, Thought Xtina's was a bit too much, its not supposed to be a pop song, itsthe National Anthem, should be a bit more sombre and heartfelt. Couldn't hear where she messed up the lyrics, her diction wasn't very good, and the words on the screen were too far behind toc catch it. Adams version at Miramar was the best, beautifully sung straight from the heart and could hear every word.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind if a singer messes up the lyrics. But I really felt a headache listening to Xtina. She's got a strong voice, but the way she complicated the song made me feel really tired. Each note was like going through labor, how could I enjoy it?

Adam made it at ease. His voice was very clear and emotional. It's like his voice carried me up and down, and I felt nothing else, but thrilled.

Anonymous said...

Adam would've killed this! When are people gonna LEARN?????

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I actually feel bad for her as there are already a bunch of ppl criticizing her because she forgot the lyrics and it was indeed overdone. I watched her sing it live and I thought it was pretty good but in retrospect I can see why people didn't like it. She's lost some respect after her last album and I don't think this performance will help her current situation either. I have to admit I am disappointed in her "artistic choices" as of late but moreso I'm worried about the state of the music industry these days. Its worse than the economy imho. Things are just way too warped and the music is no longer a priority.
Its unsettling and makes me fear for Adam a bit because he too is in a transitional period, leaving him a vulnerable position. I just hope he stays strong for all our sakes.
Good night all :)

Anonymous said...

Sad to say it, but I don't think that there will ever be a gay guy singing the anthem in Super Bowl. There are a zillion people out there who think that it would be a travesty. :(

Anonymous said...

Geez, Christina has a very powerful voice that's not to be sneezed at. I understand she's copping unnecessary flack about this performance. The public is so quick to criticize.

My favourite by far was Adam's 3rd performance. :)

Anonymous said...

to 12:24 AM I doubt it will ever happen too. Same reason Adam lost, a gay guy will never win American Idol. Too many homophobic rednecks in this country to let that happen.

Anonymous said...

Monte Pittman tweeted Eber, "One of your sons will show them the right way."[ref. Xtina] Eber replied, "probably Adam. Neil would torn the last sentence into a political rant! Love Eber! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Oops, typo "turn" [above] funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Of course #3. This song should always be sung with the melody as written. Period!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 12:59, must you be so insulting when you don't know what you're talking about?

Anonymous said...

Christina has a strong voice and she sings so loud it's like shouting. I'm sure she can sing in a more mellow tone if she wants to. I'm talking about pop songs. National anthems are militaristic and pompous, so I guess her style of singing is appropriate for the occasion.

Anonymous said...

Of course,Adam's # 3 version was beautiful.I do feel sorry for Christina,tho.She's going thru a divorce now,& maybe she's had a very hard time.

Anonymous said...

#3 for sure!that is the voice I love! All kidding aside Christina's just didn't sing it like she repected it. This isn't one of her songs; it is "our" song. To many additions to the song always spoils it. It should be sang in its most raw form.

Anonymous said...

Christina is being over indulgent with all the riffs. It was a torture listening to her. The national anthem should be sung as it was written, with a sincere heart and not to show off your voice. Adam gave the national anthem its due respect by singing it so beautifully in the last video. In the process, he also showed how good is vocals were.

Anonymous said...

To all the people who criticize Christina....I'd like to see you get up in front of millions of people and sing the National Anthem acapella....LIVE. Give her a break. I know she should know better, but we are all human.


Anonymous said...

You left one out ADAM singing Nation Anthem at Burning MAN theres the real Adam Lanbert

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam would find this thread even necessary, or particularly kind. JMO.

Anonymous said...

However, Adam singing at the base, truly perfection.

Anonymous said...

There are many lessons to learn from Ms. Christina Aguillera's career of late. I hope and pray Adam does not ever get to go through the same experience. At least in Adam's case, the AMA's happened early on and he was able to overcome the aftermath of that first major public appearance (that didn't go as planned). I think the reason GNT concerts were seamless, was Adam did see to it that everything would be just perfect.

Anonymous said...

Christina has a powerful voice yes. But Adam has a better voice by far. #3 is best. You really need to punch out the song at the "land of the free." Not very many singers can do that. Whitney and Adam can do it with ease.

Anonymous said...

I think they missed an opportunity when they did not have Adam sing the National Anthem. At least Adam knows the lyrics. I love the Black Eyed Peas but thought the half time show did not have the sound right.

Anonymous said...

loved Adam's #3.I heard Smokey Robinson sing a mean SSB many years ago too.This performance def will not hurt Xtina career, talk shows and SNL here she comes.

Anonymous said...

skipped xtina,nah, went onto ADAM, he had different sounds in each, so I liked them all!!!

Anonymous said...

Christina is an icon. She made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. I will not begrudge her for it. She's still great in my book.

Anonymous said...

I don't know all the lyrics and I think Xtina did a fabulous job. Adam should do it next year definitely

Anonymous said...

I loved Xtina's "Bionic" cd (to those two posters above who think her career as of late has been full of each his own), and she did well in Burlesque IMHO.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful rendition Adam#3...
Have you heard Kris Allen's at the pro Bowl football game in Hawaii? Very nicely done too.

Anonymous said...

I like the first of Adam's versions 'cuz Everyone can sing along easily with it.

Anonymous said...

To those of you who think Adam would never be asked to sing the National Anthem in front of a large crowd because he is gay, did you ever hear of Johhny Mathis?

Anonymous said...

Yep, she goofed. Yes, we all make mistakes, but it shouldn't happen at the superbowl in front of 100,000 fans plus 100 mil or more watching. And Xtina shouldn't have been nervous. If she was, she should have written down the words on her hand (a little Palin) or something.

Way too many riffs girl. Just sing the song. You have the chops--don't embellish it so much. JMO Any version Adam did would have worked. Or Pink could have done it.

Anonymous said...

To 10:08 Johnny Mathis was/is one of the most talented vocalists ever. Believe it or not, he was not "out" at the time publicly, although most people in the business knew he was gay. It was a different world then with no internet and other social media. It was not common knowledge among the rest of the population that he was gay. We all danced to his incredible love songs.

Anonymous said...

Adam Adam oh my goodness at the base he is awesome always singing we watched the super bowl I told my family Adam sings it wonderfully...l love him singing it!!

Anonymous said...

Adam sing this the very best ever

Fan4fun said...

Sweet Adam made me feel AMERICAN with that his 3rd performance of your Nation Anthem. Do I have to say more?

@ Anonymous 6:36AM
I hope it's not sarcasm what I saw in your comment calling sweet Adam «the real Adam», because I would say that too, but in a flattering way. «A REAL MAN AND ARTIST», a real american citizen using all his qualities and talents (voice, beauty, spirit, body expression, amazing sense of humor, etc.) to show an opinion about the presidential government. It's supposed to be allowed by Democracy, as a way to show patriotism.

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 10:35, somehow I knew that would be the response as soon as I submitted the comment. I, too am an older fan and have danced to the older romantic songs but I just thought that perhaps there might be a different mind set now a days.

(Was hoping anyway)

Anonymous said...

I agree it was torture.

To whomever mentioned Johnny Mathis (sigh) dancing wasn't the only thing we did to his records!

I have 2 daughters to thank Johnny for!


Anonymous said...

If Adam could sing the anthem at a military base, why not on super bowl? Really? Are you serious?


Anonymous said...

I think she yelled for most of the song. I didn't think it was her best performance.

Anonymous said...

Adam sings it flawlessly.

Anonymous said...

this girl singing NA is so funny...I literally ROFL


Adamluv said...

I agree with those who say Adam will never sing at a sports event like this, and I would never want him to. He would be booed by many of the macho football fans and called a lot of homophobic names. has had several reports on professional football games where a hugh number of fans insult the opposing players and fans with homophobic chantings. Cant remember what teams they are since I dont follow the sport. Maybe someone here knows?

Anonymous said...

Would they boo when someone perform the national anthem? So the macho guys are more homophobic than nationalistic?


Anonymous said...

Didn't Clay Aiken sing the NA at a big sports event last week (ice hockey?), and isn't he gay?

Anonymous said...

wow 3 different version from adam!!! that's amazing! no one can possibly do that!! second to none