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Adam Lambert New Single If I Had You RADIO EDIT VERSION!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, May 2, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, May 02, 2010

CLICK HERE to listen to Adam Lambert's third single If I Had You (IIHY) Radio Edit version!


Anonymous said...

I L-O-V-E this cover! I Read somewhere that his friend Lee Cherry took this photo - Adam's such a great friend!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to listen to this song on the radio! Hopefully it becomes a huge hit like those Lady Gaga songs. They play Gaga and Rihanna's song EVERY SINGLE day on the radio. It gets tiresome. I hope this is the song to do it.

Anonymous said...

I only can tell 2 differences from the original....

Was there a WWFM radio edit?

Anonymous said...

Yeah I agree with Anon 9:23 p.m. there isn't much difference but I really like the end with the guitar giving it a raw finish.
And Anon 8:39 P.M. is so right, I had the radio on for about half the day and they kept playing Gaga, Rihanna and Beyoncé to exaustion...Let's hope this new single makes it because I don't mind hearing over and over IIHY, it makes want to dance.

Anonymous said...

Love this song! Think it will do very well as a single.It makes you want to get up and move. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I have listened to both versions and really can't tell the different. I know I really like the remix better, but I can't discern what is different :( I'm in Texas, and they are playing WWFM a lot but not nearly as much as the others. Then again Gaga has so darn many hits. She is amazing. And Beyonce's Rude Boy is getting on my nerves with the lousy Can you get it up...Is you big enough. But then there's Imme Be...yipes.

Anonymous said...

I also can't tell the difference between the original version and the radio version....

bec said...

Good luck Adam Lambert!

JILL! said...

Brilliant song for a single....and perfectly timed! Lee Cherry took a fantastic picture!
Watch ADAM go through the stratosphere now!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He will go to he Stratospher only if we support him, request him ad spread his music.
As a fan, I am going to buy IIHY on I tunes today. Evnthuogh I have the CD.
I will spend a $1.29 for my IDOL!! Can you join me??? PLEASE??

Anonymous said...

it's a cute song but I'm personely disappointed they chose it as a single. I would have preferred "music again" or "sleepwalker." but if Adam likes it then I wish him the greatest success and that he have fun performing it during promotion!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, not sure if I can describe the sound properly, but I'll try. (So please keep that in mind before you sh*t all over me. I'm not trying to be negative. It's just difficult for me to describe it, so please think about what I am trying to say, and not so much on how I'm saying it. Thank you.) Some of the changes are with the instruments in the background, especially at the :40ish, 1:40ish mark and of course at the end with the guitar. The only way I can think to describe the sound at the :40 and 1:40 mark would be in a small way, if you held your microphone too close to the speakers, it makes that sort of screeching effect? It's sort of like that, but it's very subtle and not annoying at all, but hopefully you get the right idea.

At the 2:00ish where he sings the "flashing of the lights" part, and his voice echo's in the background? That part is more emphasized.

And I'm sure my untrained year hasn't picked up on other things, but those are the biggest differences I was able to pick up.

Anonymous said...

7:06 I like the echo of his voice that they use that you mentioned, but otherwise, I like the album version better. It sounds cleaner to me and less hectic and buzzy. I felt stressed listening to this version, and I never feel that way listening to it on the album.

And yes, 9:23, there is a radio version of WWFM, which I like much better than the album version. You can find it on youtube if you want to compare them.

So I'm disappointed with this and surprised. Maybe when I hear it on the radio, it'll sound better.

Anonymous said...

To ANON 7:06 You do not need to apologize for having an opinion. I hate that you feel someone will jump down your throat if you don't say what they want. I agree that this radio version sounds muffled and fuzzy. There's also a difference in the layering of vocals. Of course I prefer more pure vocals and less production, but music producers these days tend to overproduce and often drown out the artist. I guess they aren't used to having singers with the vocal talent Adam has. Anyway, thanks for adding your thoughts to the mix.

Anonymous said...

i can't find it !! please can someone post the link for me?

Anonymous said...

RE: My original post at 7:06

To ANON 8:25 - I totally agree with your comments. I like the echo of the part where he starts the "Flashing of the lights" also, but overall I prefer the album version.

I don't know if anyone else can hear the background sound at :40ish and 1:40ish. Last December I decided that I was going to splurge on myself and bought a really good set of headphones. It's amazing what a difference they make. Everything is so much clearer. :)

To ANON: 9:14 - Thank you for your comments. I just didn't want to be misunderstood with my "screeching" comment. I agree with your views on this version also. There is more layering in the vocals and more production, but as long as it gets played on the radio, I'm more like ecstatic!

One thing I always try to do when reading comments or listening to people in general is to think about what that person is trying to say and not so much on how they are saying it. I just don't like it when someone jumps down someone's throat when it could just be a misunderstanding. But thanks for the support. I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

It's Almost the same. No one would notice the difference. They think it will sound better on the radio. It's all part of the business.
I would go too deep into it.
Good luck Adam.

Anonymous said...

I ment I will NOT go too deep into it!
Enjoy the song and don't forget to REQUEST it. Now is the time.
ONCE a day PLEASE!!!!