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New Adam Lambert Pictures!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, May 13, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, May 13, 2010

Not sure when and where these were taken but cute pictures!

UPDATE: The guy that's kissing Adam is Justin Lee Collins, a UK talk show host. Pictures were probably taken a few weeks ago when Adam promoted in the UK.

Credit: _ninni


Anonymous said...

Adam is sooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Justin Lee Collins!!!! A really funny UK talk show host. He shows the love, such a sweetie and very funny. Wonder when it airs? x

Anonymous said...

yes i agree as above comment Justin Lee Collins!!
this is in the idea when its on,justin is very funny and Adam does look like he is enjoying himself..more FUN FUN English FUN
Lambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

omg i wonder if there's a video of this. this is so cute.

Anonymous said...

to see this programme in the UK ....
May 31/10: TV Interview, Justin Lee Collins: Good Times Show, Channel 5 (UK)
Lambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Hehe I love Adam's face on the bottom pic :P!

Anonymous said...

Adam has always said he likes to be in control. Betcha he'd rather be the one doing the kissing, that way he gets to choose who gets those glorious lips and who doesn't. But this is funny.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed when fans go kissing on him that he moves his mouth to the side like here. It makes me think the person is taking too much for granted otherwise he wouldn't make the lips moving away from the kisser...??? Food for thought.

Anonymous said...

Adam don't like guys with beards kissing on him, but he is a good sport.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Adam is looking good in these pictures...
Yeah, I wouldn't be very comfortable either with being kissed on by beard-guys, but Adam is a good sport so no harm no foul :-D

Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see That video. Adam does come across as lovable! Hope this doesn't ever get old for him--but he seems to find all of this over the top attention humorous for now. He has the best laugh in the biz.

Anonymous said...

Just watched that "BLISS" interview again last night... just happen to come across it - SO FREAKIN' ADORBS - how can anyone not love Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

JLC kisses EVERYONE. He is sooo disarmingly childlike. No-one can take offence- you have to see it in action to appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

I agree Anon 7:16, the MyBliss interview is the best Adam interview ever (IMO)! Soo funny.

My boyfriend has got a beard and i love him kissing me!!! But yeah, maybe Adam prefers the clean shaven kinda guys ;-)

Justin Lee Collins is quite funny though, could be a good interview.

London fan x

Anonymous said...

justin is very funny i am sure Adam was having great fun