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Oprah mentioned Adam Lambert yesterday on her show

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, May 21, 2010

Posted at : Friday, May 21, 2010

Simon Cowell was on the show being interviewed and Oprah mentioned Adam at around 3:55


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Simon didn't say that Adam was a star on Oprah. He told Adam on the show.
What a JURK! Simon is JELOUSE of Adam.
Neve liked him and today I don't like him EVEN MORE! I will not spport his factor!!!!!

Stephanie said...

I'm so glad that Oprah remembers our boy. I hope he is asked to be on the show again later this year.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that Simon didn't mention Adam, since he gave Adam a standing ovation on Idol and has acknowleged his talent many times in the past. Oprah did say Adam was a star and she seemed to feel Adam's magnetism and talent like just about everyone else that comes in contact with him. Guess Simon has other things on his mind, unlike me and others that don't have anything else on our minds but Adam. lol funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I forgive Simon because he did mention on Jay Leno that Adam should have won AI S8. Then, when Terri Seymour from Extra asked him who he thinks is going to win S9, he said Adam.

Anonymous said...

Me too. I forgive him for not mentioning Adam this time on Oprah because he's been giving props to Adam in the past few shows he's been on. Either way, I'm more happy that Oprah likes Adam.

Anonymous said...

No worries here. Simon is trying to plug in America to his new show, the X-Factor. He would not go against a 50 + 1 decision (however wrong it was)that Americans made last year. He wants the US on his side. Secondly, he only mentioned two past winners (no mention of Kelly Clarkson either, who is such a genuine artist). Simon has endorsed Adam Lambert as a true, international star directly on TV during the AI 8 seasons and often times afterwards. Thirdly, it is so obvious that Adam has made an indelible impression on Oprah, because she carefully added HIS name after the two that Simon had mentioned. Oprah is such an expert interviewer: By adding Adam's name, she was politely saying to Simon, without actually telling him he was wrong, "Hey, you forgot Adam Lambert in your list, let me help you remember".

Anonymous said...

as i recall in the audition, simon told adam that he was theatrical, therefore not relevant...oops!


Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon 12:11..

I think Simon is trying to stay away from talking much about AI from now on. AI is no longer his show after this season. He will focus on promoting THE X FACTOR USA. I wonder how that will turn out in ratings. I smell a bomb actually.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 12:11 and 1:11pm

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Simom is boring and over paid. Yeah, he plays the game even with all that money he makes. Adam was the best Idol contestant ever in the history of the show.

Anonymous said...

I wonder about Simon. He has been so wrong in so many cases. Of course, he's had success and does know talent. But he's is absolutely not current. I love Il Divo (his discovery and design) but this is not what is going on in music at this point. SuBo is perfect for him. Boring and traditional. It's OK, but he still really doesn't get Adam. And yes, I do think there's some jealousy there. That is Simon's nature. I don't recall any men's names being mentioned among his favorites but I could have missed it. Makes you wonder.

Anonymous said...

I really find it odd that in that conversation Simon did not name Adam. It was like the elephant in the room, and I suspect they both saw it there. Oprah didn't become Oprah by not bringing those things up, tho. Luv her!

Anonymous said...

..agree with above....I really thought Simon would at least mention Adam...only THE best singer to come out of that show...sort of stange!

Anonymous said...

I love the comments about the elephant in the room. For sure, and I love Oprah for not playing the game.
I think Simon has mentioned Adam more a lot lately (once slipping that Adam will be the winner of Season 9, LOL, and once saying Adam should have won Season 8.) I think he wants to avoid talking too much about Adam, but he messed up. He needed to mention Adam this time.
Also, he's wrong. It's not all about selling albums. It's about finding talent, and finding Adam was like finding the hope diamond.

Anonymous said...

fantasia?? simon even mentioned fantasia??? how about adam lambert, do you think fantasia is more successful than adam? your guess is as good as mine.

Anonymous said...

Agree with lots of these comments. I wouldn't have minded at all that Simon didn't mention Adam when discussing American Idol in general and if the conversation didn't take the specific turn it did, but when that occurred, it just made sense to mention Adam then; and Cowell's failing to mention Lambert, IMHO, only served to make him look foolish. But I do agree with the poster above who commented that Cowell has been and will continue to stay away from as much Idol talk as he possibly can and will steer all conversation towards x-factor as much as possible, just plain and simple business for him. And oh, good for Oprah for acknowledging that PINK elephant in the room. (original Lambert comment :), not mine, lol).

Anonymous said...

Something all of his fans have acknowledged and no one in management is admitting (in public or in print) is that Kris "winning" AI8 was a "jump-the-shark" moment for the show. It instantly removed any credibility for the show in the eyes of many as we were standing there in front of our collective tv's, our mouths agape in disbelief and horror. Adam broke the mold. I still want to see the numbers. We can see the numbers in a presidential race, but we can't see the votes for AI? What are they afraid of exactly? That the numbers were so close that they made a marketing judgment call? I wonder if the guys even know what the numbers are. Who in management will go to their grave with the knowledge that a mistake of injustice was done? Not that coming in 2nd has hurt Adam very much, as he is blowing the doors off the other contestants' post-Idol careers. I still have high hopes for Alison and Lil. Alison's career will grow exponentially during and after touring with Adam. Being in his presence certainly can't hurt. It can only help. Kris, although talented in his own way, is already going the way of Taylor Hicks (also talented, but obscure-poor marketing team). Only in Adam's case, he will surpass Daughtry's fame and fortune in a much shorter amount of time. What some people consider "mass appeal" can turn out to be just the opposite in the end. The saga continues.....


Anonymous said...

Just a thought...I think Simon could have been trying to talk just about the AI "winners". Maybe not the runners' up because there are so many. IDK Also, someone definitely has access to the vote counts. How else would they know how many fans voted in Arkansas???

Anonymous said...

Relax people! :)
Well, simon was asked for first time impression. But he's not always correct (as in it's not easy). For Carrie I could understand as , you know...being blond hair, blue eyes, pretty face, good voice, he knows america loves this. But for Adam and Susan Boyle, their talents have won him over. Like he said during Track of My Tears (motown week), he said Adam has sum up for everything he said and he's emerged as a star! To me, this is a true winning, knowing Simon is very tough, yet he fell in love with Adam with "all his left centred-thing" and he praised him until today (many interviews on radio/talk show/tv). Same goes for Susan, Simon even looked bored at first but once she sang, he just smiled, bcoz she has this sympathatic story behind her, just like Fantasia. But everyone's great. Sometimes I'd rather trust Paula's instings during idol. And I noticed Simon listened to Paula alot! :)
And who do you think really becoming a world wide star among idols? It's Adam,he really won pple's hearts, and Simon mentioned this during the finale.

What I like about Adam is (beside he's crazy talented and smart), he is what he is.Very genuine person, even to the most difficult questions.Compare to Lady Gaga for example (on Barbara Walters' top 10 fascinating pple), so much diff btwn Gaga & Adam (Adam comes very honest).

I think Simon's abit nervous about bringing X-factor show to US, i feel like i want to support AI since they brought us Adam Lambert, but have you seen AI season 9? heehee, no comment here :)

~ Robert

Anonymous said...

Good points 12:11 and 1:11

Also, when Simon first said Adam was theatrical, he was subtly trying to HELP Adam. He KNEW Adam was gold, but also knew America wouldn't like theatrical.

Props to Oprah. I'd love to know all of Simon's true first thoughts about Adam, if he saw him in color vs. black and white like Carrie, etc. Maybe one day he'll tell us.
