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New (Old) Picture of Everyone!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, June 4, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, June 04, 2011

No idea exactly when and where this was taken though. This looks like one of the private parties that Adam attended this year. Does anyone have any idea?

Thanks to @peacefrogdesign and bani_!


Anonymous said...

adam looks amazing! like always!! :)

Anonymous said...

Well his hair is highlighted, so it must have been fairly recent, right? Saw a tweet to Adam from a fan (today?) that her dad helped Adam in the Miami airport. Could they have flown to Miami from London?? Mombert is in the pic too. Mmmmmm - just don't know.

Anonymous said...

It was very recent. There were several birthday parties in the few weeks before he left for Russia. He looks happy...........:-)......JAK

glitzylady said...

This is the tweet from the person who talked about Adam in Miami: (left off her name...)

@adamlambert You met my dad at MIA 2nite! and i got your autograph!he helped you wen you left the plane! <333

Interesting..but no further info..I think his friend Ferras is in Miami right now...(Co-writer on Aftermath...) Guess we'll see what happens next! The plot thickens..... : )

LIVA said...

Must be pretty recent....So many smiles. Adam looks so happy surrounded by family, friends and his love.

Anonymous said...

There'a Adam's mom in the looks like @ Adam's birthday party..glad to have another thread now!

Anonymous said...

No,wasn't it Adam's mom's birthday not long ago?Too recent for Adam's birthday,but since Leila( sp?)is there,it must have been her birthday.Adam has the same jeans on that he wore @ the Russian concert.I like them a lot!

Anonymous said...

One year anniversary of Adam's glamnation tour!!!
What a great summer last summer was.

Anonymous said...

So funny Leila looks shopped. Her head is just sticking there. Adam and Sauli look beautiful. So what else is new.

Anonymous said...

A lovely, happy picture! Did you notice that Adam has his hand on Sauli's hip?:)

Anonymous said...

Great picture but who's the couple on the left? Definitely a recent picture. Yes, maybe Leila's birthday 'cause Adam took his mom out for Mothers Day to the Prince Concert.

Anonymous said...

The blonde guy on the left is from Sony or 19 and traveled with Adam on some GNTs. I think the dark haired woman is Leila's friend, as I've seen them together in another pic or 2.This could have been at on Leila's B-day. I also recognized Adam's pants from the Moscow concert. I really like them. Wonder if Miami was just a connecting flight. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Definitely photoshopped. The heads aren't sitting right, and the only part of Adam's Mum that can be seen is her face .... no body, no dress, and the position of Sauli's head looks weird!

Very strange!

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^______^cute:
i dont know

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's photoshopped. You can see Adam's mum's body and her leg too, she has a black dress (her friend has a green dress). All their heads look a bit weird, I guess that's the point of this fun picture, to pose that way. It must be quite new with Adam's hair like that. Adam and Sauli are beautiful as always.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree @June 4, 2011 11:25 PM. Their heads looked shopped. It's a great photo though.

Anonymous said...

must be before AI red carpet, sauli has hair in the sides

Anonymous said...

Is Sauli grabbing that beautiful woman's breast with the fake hand? They all look so happy!

Anonymous said...

that pretty girl with sauli ia danielle adam's good friend.

Anonymous said...

lol, it's DEF not shopped, are you blind xD it's just a weird angle, calm ur tits

Anonymous said...

OT! Ok, I have a confession, I have not seen every GNT show vid, but I know why, I've been savoring them. But I just saw an improved WLL in San Fransisco & that was sexy as hell!! I'm a big fan of Adam's WLL & I have several in my favs, & I think that one in SF was great! But they're all great! Adam does get better with each performance ! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

This really looks photoshopped. Both Adam's and Sauli's jaw lines are not correct. Sauli's head is too large (compared to Adam's) and is misplaced on his shoulder. Although there is a dress and leg for Leila, the placement of her head for her body is incorrect. Sauli and Adam are right next to each other. Sauli has a smaller frame than Adam and yet in this picture they look like they are the same size. The perspective really off on this. I think someone had fun creating this.

Anonymous said...

Is this picture photoshopped or not is the big question of this day LOL.

Anonymous said...

Danielle is standing in front of Sauli, but not covering his shirt ??

It's photoshopped.

Anonymous said...

Why it's photoshopped?

Anonymous said...

OT just saw this: The Hollywood Gossip Adam's Rise to Fame Jan 28, 2011
Thanks to devenlane

Just WOW!!!


Anonymous said...

not photoshopped, look Leila´s dress its different color than the lady next to her and Leila also has her hand on other woman´s shoulder and she leans to the other lady and adam, while being a bit behind the other lady. Its depth of field also called as DOF, the ankle where photo is taken, Sauli is one step ahead with Danielle than Adam and the rest of the ppl. ..

Anonymous said...

OT but, I just signed on to MSN and "Bing" (search engine) top story is about "Xtina and Adam Lambert duet". Somehow I thought the internet would be more on top of things than that. Me being silly I guess. After all the discussion about it on this site, it was kind of amusing that someone else is "reporting" it.


Anonymous said...

Suggesting that we establish a side office for CSI Hollyweird called Glam-investigation 24/7. Ronnie;)

Anonymous said...

OK, the article I read said Xtina has been in the studio for a duet with Adam and the song will be featured on his up-coming album. Now, we all know that they don't have to be there at the same time. So....what do you think is up? More than one source is now saying this. Were we deliberately mis-lead? Is this more crap like when P Hilton said Adam was a very bad boy?


Anonymous said...

I'm a gullible dork. Read all the stuff, only one site said it was true, the rest said nice, but no. Taking my silly self to bed.


Anonymous said...

A very very strange photo composion ia not right. Clearly photoshopped!

Anonymous said...

The pic is not photoshopped. A short person is taking the pic cuz everyone is trying to huddle together to get in the pic. Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

This photo is def photoshopped! Look the wall between Leila's legs, its white, wrong colour!

Anonymous said...

Leila's head looks like pasted and Sauli's head looks really weird!

You can not fool everyone, it is a fake!

Anonymous said...

Adam is stooping down cause he wanted to get his head @ the aprox same level as Sauli's.He's also wearing those same boots as has he has been lately that many of you don't like..I had typed more,but got bumped off cause a new pic,or whatever was posted before I got thru..Oh, photoshopping.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 3:29am .... you're very observant. The white wall between Leila's legs is a dead giveaway and Anon. 3:38am yes, Leila's head looks pasted and Sauli's head looks really weird so it's definitely a photoshopped photo!

Anonymous said...

I'm confused now,but could that be a rug where Leila's standing?Whatever,the pic is interesting.

Anonymous said...

Ronnie, that CSI Hollyweird would be a great idea! ;) With a Glam-Adam sub-division of course. Lots of skilled & experienced staff easy to find. Never a dull (Sun)day in Adam-land...being an Adam-fan is fun! -Tigger-

Anonymous said...

The pic is def photoshopped and it is poorly done. Saulis head angle and that woman to the left with big head and tiny arms. Leila clearly has an out of body experience and poor Adam would not be able to stand for long in that strange position.
I work with images and photos and have done a lot of photoshopping and if I came up with something like this, I would be out of a job pretty fast. But it´s all for fun:-)


Anonymous said...

Why would anyone have a urge to photoshop picture like this ? White thing behind is propably a bag, Adam is sitting there is propably a desk or similar.. this is not a high end picture, propably taken with phone camera, if someone would like to photoshop this low quality picture it would look even worse lol. Can´t really find any reason why this would be photoshopped or anyone had a need to do so ....

Anonymous said...

The adorable Adam Lambert in times of stress!


Anonymous said...

5:17 AM It's obviously a photoshop. The reason why someone would photoshop a picture of Adam and Sauli is the same reason people used to photoshop pictures of Adam and Drake standing close to each other when they were in reality farther away: Because there's almost no public physical affection between them to flail over. People are so desperate to see it they fake a pic and so it looks like Adam has his hand on Sauli's hip. Pretty pathetic.

Anonymous said...

OT.....MTV Movie Awards "best kiss" has The Swan with Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis kissing as a choice.............I bet this would not had happen without Our best kiss on AMA's.......BB is a trailblazer....He opens so many doors.....

Anonymous said...

Looks like Sauli and Mom were added in that picture.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Bruno Mars is a little ahead of Adam on the Best Fans site. VOTE for Adam now!

Anonymous said...

Please! Give me a break. This pic is poorly photoshopped you can see it instantly. I completely agree with 5:53 AM too!

Anonymous said...

Could be the angle but I really think it is photoshopped for fun because it's not a very good job.

Anonymous said...

OMG! First it was whether or not Adam was wearing a retainer. Now it's whether or not this picture was photoshopped. Some of you should be detectives because you spot or pick out the faults/differences, etc. in the picture from every angle. It must be a slow Adam news day to spend so much time analyzing this picture. But it is fun to read all the comments! I am sure if Adam read this, he would be falling over from laughing so hard.

Anonymous said...

Is that Leila's lesbian girlfriend next to her, good looking. I think Jackie is her name, they live together.

Anonymous said...

I guess we can't say for sure if it's photoshopped or not. If it's not, it's just an akward photo with weird poses. But if it's fake, it's not really a good fake one either. Well at least it's got some of our favorite people in it...for our entertainment, LOL.I don't think there's anything pathetic about people wanting to see pics of those they're interested in (probably many people here do appreciate photos as well as the actual news), but perhaps this "photo" isn't the best possible choice for that. Interesting discussion though on this thread as usual. And I agree, Adam would have a lot of fun if he ever read these pages...

Anonymous said...

if this would be photoshopped someone would have a pic of sauli which no one else has...

Anonymous said...

I didn't have to study this photo. It's obvious at first glance that it's been photoshopped and not photoshopped well.

Talk about a conversation piece .... LOL

Anonymous said...

Dont know about the pic , bur Ferras did tweet that he was going to FL today for work . It would be so cool if they were working on a new song for the album ,Theyre such close friends Im sure thay'd find time for some fun ,too. I love them both .

Anonymous said...

Moving on to other Adam-news...

From Twitter:

@TheDoctorLuke @Billboardmatt how goes it in miami
about 12 hours ago via web in reply to Billboardmatt

@TheDoctorLuke Its awesome!Might be my new fav city
around 11:00AM EDT 6.5.11 via web from Miami Beach, FL in reply to TheDoctorLuke

Could this be the reason Adam's in Miami now (if he still is there)? Working with these guys? Who other artists have these guys worked with?

Anonymous said...

What exactly does it mean to you to be a fan of Adam Lambert?
For me? Adam is like an exciting adventurer. He asked us to join him on this journey , so here I am. I love adventure & travel, wherever he goes , I feel like I am there with him.
My favorite song of Adam's is , believe me this is hard, I'm still thinking, can I say all of them?, no can't do that, but you know if I did just give one a mention would I still be a fan? Well, I never did come up with one, I guess it doesn't matter anyways cuz everybody is too busy saying this or that.
I know we're all fans of Adam Lambert, I'd just like to get to know you, we share something very similar, I think we all are very passionate people. You know Adam loves that about us. Adam is very passionate! I love that about him .
Well since it is slow Adam news day, I think I'll go watch some GNT shows that I've been savoring. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

@ anon 8:54 You beat me to the Dr. Luke twitter. It makes sense since Dr. Luke worked on Adam's first Album on the song FYE. Mwah!!K Nice post. very true!!

Anonymous said...

7:28 am - Are you serious? rolls eyes

Anonymous said...

that picture looks shopped to me. That blond guy has his arm around some hips that don't have a head. lol

Anonymous said...

A Year ago today Adam performed in Sayerville, NJ, and this is the first time I've seen this video of the LINE for Adam's concert:

Anonymous said...

This is photoshop picture and that´s why I don´t like it.

Anonymous said...

Me too, I don't like this photo at all either.

If anyone posts a picture I want to know the source where it's coming from really (if possible). It seems someone just posts ANYTHING from internet or photoshopping, its waste of space even if it's about Adam.

coloforadam said...

Wasn't it Ferras and Adam that came up with "Sleepwalker" together???? OMG - be still my heart!! If something else like that comes from those two .......... (can't think of more words).

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!!! Yes, 24/7 Hollyweird Detective Agency!

Let's put out a challenge. Whoever who can find the "original" pictures of the body of Adam or head Sauli...or any of the components of this photo compilation... becomes Chief Detective in the 24/7 Hollyweird Detective Agency!

I am certain will all our detective skills, we can find the originals photos...


Anonymous said...

Ask first @peacefrogdesign and bani who posted this. Simple.

Anonymous said...

@coloforadam Sleepwalker was written by Ryan Teddar of one Republic and he has worked again with Adam on album #2. @ 7:28 You said Leila has a girlfriend. Is that true or a rumor, never heard she was lesbian. Not that it matters, just wondering. I thought it was maybe her sister. They look alike.

glitzylady said...

Actually it was Ryan Tedder that produced and wrote "Sleepwalker"..

Adam's good friend Ferras co-wrote "Aftermath" with Adam and Alisan Porter. Also an amazing song!

glitzylady said...

oops! 10:51 AM posted first w/info re Sleepwalker!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:48

LOL!!!! Well, I think you might just end up being the Head Detective!!!!


Anonymous said...

trolls, trolls, trolls

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you need a moody lovesong and beautiful pictures of Adam. This is one you must see:

Please said...

LOL @ people saying this is photoshopped....

I major in art and this doesn't look photoshopped. It's just a strange angle. They were all trying to fit into the picture.

Anonymous said...

@11:11...the only thing that comes up is searches for you tube???????

Anonymous said...

Tried 6 different search engines, copy and paste ...still does not come up??????

Anonymous said...

@11:11...went to You Tube....typed in link....

nothing about Adam??????

Do u have different link?????

Anonymous said...

The link works fine for me. Try going to YouTube and search for Adam lambert-My Immortal.

And you, major in art. That is the most obvious Photoshop I have seen and it is not even pretending to be real.


tess4ADAM said...

@11:11 ... is there a title above the vid on Ytube ... that's the only way I can find the links ... watch?, etc ... does NOT work with my PC ... do you have the title? THANX!!


Honey said...

So, it's a photoshop. The perspective of Sauli's head doesn't follow the rest of the picture.

The question is, why? Why would anyone bother to photoshop a picture that doesn't tell anything?

Anonymous said...


Adam Lambert-Immortal is the title.

I guess you have to ask the person who bothered.


tess4ADAM said...

As for the photo at the top ... I have NEVER seen ADAM or anyone for that matter stand in a crouching position with BOTH legs together ... Leila looks like she is 'mug-wumpin'' with her head on ADAM & the woman's shoulders ... WHAT that unknown man is supposed to be doing in THAT position I don't CARE to know ... the whole pic is a MESS except for ADAM's GORGEOUS face ... JMO ..


tess4ADAM said...

@Eva ... THANX! for the title ... now this 'dinosaur' can find it for me ... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

I agree with You 11:51.

this kind of photoshop pics are not even cool. I prefer the real ones.

maybe someone wanted to see his/her name in this thread and made this photoshop picture..

and Why the heck admin even published this pic .. ??? :0

Anonymous said...

I'm going to miami tomorrow for 3 days, that would be a dream come true if I ever spotted him out and about- I will surly be lookin everywhere whether it's the truth or not- puts alittle more excitement in the trip!

Anonymous said...

@11:05 AM

You call "trolls" about everything you don't like? Often a child does that though ....
Honestly we are only exchanging our opions innocently here, no one except you is offending, right?

Anonymous said...

Hope you´ll find it. It´s so beautiful. Btw, it was me posting the link in the first place, and I always check if it works. I don´t know why it doesn´t work for everyone.
Why can´t we have clickable links on 24/7 ?


Anonymous said...

11:15 look very closely the picture...

you see a sofa and then something white between the woman´s legs..

how do You explain that ?

You should go to see the oculist.. LOL

This is photoshop picture.

Anonymous said...

not photoshopped because there are no "original" pic like this of sauli or leila published so how could anyone photoshop them to in this pic.

Anonymous said...

12:14 in case You didn´t know..... internet is full of pictures... This is photoshop picture, sorry !

Anonymous said...

Who ever did this photoshop, it´s not even good work.. lmfgdao..
there´s always retarded people, who´ll believe this kind of pictures are real.

Anonymous said...

12:20 now go find that specific picture from the internet ,i give you hint you aint gonna find it.

Anonymous said...

i asked my dad, he is like 50 years old and knows a lot of stuff you know,and he said this not photohopped, so there.

Anonymous said...

go to see oculist anon 12:30. LoL

explain to me, what´s that white thing between woman´s legs ?

and look at sauli´s face and neck, they look too strange.

don´t arque with me, this is photoshop picture. period.

Anonymous said...

a white thing is a paper bag or something that sort. zoom to it. sauli's neck is only in a weird position.
there are no original pic source like that for sauli or leila so no one couldnt photoshop them to this photo. this is not photoshop, i study photoshop. period.

Anonymous said...

not photoshopped are you dumb

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@12:30 PM

This pic is photoshopped without doubt, honestly!

Anonymous said...

this is not photoshop, period has been allready said. you have to find a pic like that either from sauli or leila and provide it here or this thing is settled.

Anonymous said...

12:55 this IS PHOTOSHOPPED.. sorry. if it was You who did this, I must say You can´t fool me .. LoL

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:30; explain to me, what is that white thing between woman´s legs ? or can´t You see it ?

and look at saulis face and neck.. not matching..

this is picture is photoshopped.

Anonymous said...

12:55 You´re just a troll.. no doubt abt that.

Anonymous said...

1:02 pm lol you are like a broken record you only repeat yourself... no i havent photoshopped this, nor anyone else cause this is not a photoshop sorry. now go find that original source for the S& L pics and provide them here. kthxbye

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:07 it is YOU who are like broken record. You ask all the time me to find the orginal pics.. at the same time You can´t explain the white stuff..

I am done with You.. besides, I don´t like stupid people like You.. PMSL

Anonymous said...

Why are you still discussing this? This is a Photoshopped picture done by an amateur. You can find lots of pics of Sauli and Leila just like these online. It takes some skills to make a good Photoshop and this person doesn´t have it. It´s probably done just for fun but it is very obvious that it is photoshopped. Look at the hand on that man on the left. His thumb is cut. Saulis head against Adams: you can see the cutting line. The left side of Saulis head should be darker, it´s redish brown. His head is floating free not properly connected to his neck.
Should I go on? No? I didn´t think so:-)


omg said...


Anonymous said...

you cannot find a one picture like this of sauli online, man on the left- his thumbs are behind of green dress, a white thing is a paperbag, saulis neck is in a weird position, do i need to go on?
this is not a photoshop until you provide a original source of either sauli or leila, we decided that allready

Anonymous said...

Fake or not, this pic is ODD! I have magnifying glass in my hand and can't understand what leg belongs where. Leila is a mystery. Ronnie the Holmes

Anonymous said...

Sauli is double jointed, he propably could turn his head 180 degrees if he wants to.. guy has a circus training !

Anonymous said...

LOL.. and leila´s body is missing in that pic too..

geez, some people are really retarded if they can´t see this is photoshopped..

or maybe that one is just a troll, who says this is not photoshop.

Anonymous said...

Leila has black dress the lady in her front has green one.. ppl open your eyes

Anonymous said...

Wow, are we bored or what? I realize it's something to talk about, but good grief. Calling names and getting angry over a picture?!?! It is to wonder.


Anonymous said...

IMO, that body is not leila´s. maybe it was added in this pict to make this photo look like a real.

omg said...

The world is an illusion :D

Anonymous said...

This poorly photoshopped photo should be linked to one site which will publish photoshop fails.. LOL

so other people could laugh at this pict too !!

who ever made this, didn´t succeed in foolong ppl.
never underestimate other people, we are not that stupid You could fool us with photoshopped pictures..

Anonymous said...

2:13pm after Leila put on her black dress did she place her head on her shoulder?

Anonymous said...

*** fooling ***

omg said...

I believe in miracles.

Anonymous said...

3:09 LoL !!

IMO, leila´s body position is also very, very strange, like a twisted or something..


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3:09 PM You rock!

Such an obvious fake, but creating some hillarious comments, I love it!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:10 PM you are hilarious!! LOL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I mean Anon 3:14 PM!!

Anonymous said...

what the f**k does it matter!!!

Anonymous said...

we are still waiting patiently for original pic of either sauli or leila, im sure one of adam's millions of fans should have seen it ..IF THERE WOULD BE PIC LIKE THAT BUT THERE ISNT IT THIS I NEW PIC AND REAL ONE.

omg said...


Anonymous said...

7:34pm what??

Anonymous said...

*sniffs* :''(

I miss all the cray cray banter: please come back. It's all been so very entertaining here.

Anonymous said...

Hello?....... :''(

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:02 PM Yeah where are youuuuu????

Anonymous said...

It's PM where you are, still? That's cray.
It's the AM here on the east coast...

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! This thread is hilarious!! And I really & truly needed a good laugh!!

Photoshopped photo - ABSOLUTELY!! - & the comments it's brought have been very entertaining. :D Thanks guys & LOVE UUUU Adam.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should send it to Adam and ask!


Anonymous said...

132 comments over a family photo!! Seriously?
Well, a photo-seed for hungry fowl..Berts, I guess. Where is my troll friend to share a quick laugh? I hardly forget a great metaphor, you know.

To your heart's content!


Anonymous said...

7:37 AM

No, not to Adam! He has better things to do like recording his new album!

Question to those TWO PERSONS who had ACTUALLY POSTED this fake pic on 24/7.

Can you both tell us the link (source) or have you done that yourself?

I think people who post here should have at least some sort of responsibility what they post!!

Anonymous said...

Yea tweet the pic to Adam & ask him!
I'm in tears over this thread! Lmfao!!! Mwah!! K

glitzylady said...

@8:45 AM you realize that those two people didn't actually post this picture here????? It was picked up from twitter (those are both names of people on Twitter) and/or the internet somewhere and they probably found it somewhere else, and was posted here by admin...and I appreciate it...

Quite honestly, I don't care one little bit if this picture is real or photoshopped. The people are "real" people and that's good enough for me. Sheesh!