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Report from a photographer at IIHY music video shoot

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, May 15, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, May 15, 2010

On Saturday 15th May 2010, @NSianN said:

Did anybody else see this? Apparently a Photographer from Adam Lambert's Music Video shoot of IIHY had this to share on the IF I Can Dream House last night (Via MJ

Info about the IIHY video seen last night on the live feed to If I Can Dream:

There was a photographer there who was talking about being on the set of Adam Lambert’s IIHY video!

Details she shared:

1) He had 5 wardrobe changes
2) The video was “magnificently lit”
3) This is the 3rd music video where she shot stills for Adam
4) She gets very excited every time to see what Adam is going to do because he’s “SO creative”
5) She gushed about how sweet and grounded he is



Anonymous said...

thank you for beautiful!


Anonymous said...

As usual MJ'sBigBlog is all negative about this video and Adam.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Awwww, we love hearing such wonderful things from people who work with our beloved Adam!

Anonymous said...

"As usual MJ'sBigBlog is all negative about this video and Adam."

What are they saying? I told myself to not read Mjsbigblog anymore becuase of the Kris fans over there.

Anonymous said...

yes, adam is always sweet and creative.

Anonymous said...

Lucky Lady!!! no wonder she is Gushing!!!Great job xx