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Adam Lambert in the Advocate's "150 Reasons to Have Pride in 2010"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, June 12, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, June 12, 2010


Anonymous said...

Old outdated & so long ago when it happened. Who really cares anymore? Not I!

Anonymous said...

The Picture that shook some Americans lol

Anonymous said...

Why do u have to remind this; the mag is just milking on Adam.

Anonymous said...

i LOVE this picture

Anonymous said...

come on everyone lets use our imagination

Anonymous said...

Old news.That pot doesn't need to be stirred again, but never get tired of looking at that sexy man and thinking how lucky that dancer is.....funbunn40

Anonymous said...

this is history! let it go people.

Anonymous said...

I dunno. Like they said, sometimes it's fun to piss off the very uptight, and that picture gives me a chuckle. No problem revisiting that particular moment in AMA history. :D

Definition of a prude: "Someone whose greatest fear is that other people are having a good time."

I <3 you Adam, you naughty, sexy boy.

Anonymous said...

24/7 I love how you post the news about Adam, but was this pic necessary. This is history not news, and will certainly not help his career. He has tried so hard to clean up his act, and is doing a great job, its his charissma and singing that has brought him to stardom, not any past history, we all have a few skeletons in our closets.He knows he went over the line with the AMA's, and he has never done it since,
personally I think he was goaded into doing it in the first place, because he looked so angry during the whole perfprmance.

Anonymous said...

Cool that he was included in this!!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I'd prefer that you deleted this thread. He's been working so hard all year to get past this, so I don't see the point in bringing it up again, especially on this site, where people come from everywhere to get Adam news. It's hard enough to keep the focus on his music, not his sexuality, but this particular photo and the reminder of the AMAs don't do him any favors!! I'll know we're over this when the AMAs invite him back to perform.

Anonymous said...

Hot, hot, hot!! People need to chill. It was all done in good fun. Pix of near-anorexic-looking supermodels plastered all over the media are far, far more damaging.

Anonymous said...

Chill, it's FUN. It's old but it's part of Adam and us. This fiesco got him international.
Laugh and laugh some more.
Love this sexy photo. I can look at it and get really naughty.

Anonymous said...

Love the sparkly suit.

My how our little Adam has grown

love it when he tries to look mean..because then he will smile and I will melt

Anonymous said...

this definitely defines Adam ---
thanks for keeping it alive lest anyone forgets

Anonymous said...

elte this thread stupid now- lets focus of adma pls-not the amas incident.pls delete this pic.

Anonymous said...

it does define Adam, it is fun to shock people, suck it up everybody. no pun intended

Anonymous said...

I think you just lost half your viewers. There's always other blogs..remember what happened to Rickey.

Anonymous said...

4:25 I agree with with you. Adam does not want to push is sexuality. He says himself he is a singer . If he is gay thats his problem and what he does to get sex should be private.

Anonymous said...

Adam recently called the AMA performance a debacle. It almost ruined his climb to rock god...and don't think it wasn't the gay conservative machine that had the FYE video disappear. This performance was a response to the editor of Out magazine. He learned from this " experiment" and paid for it dearly in lost record sales. Let it go. He has moved on. Love this edgy but very kind, considerate, mega talented man.

Anonymous said...

Again fans, this is your liberal media in action. They will push this when Adam is 85 and I've been in my grave for a very long time. Get used to it, it's what they do.

Maggie Longfellow

Anonymous said...

Hate to be graphic in my description of the picture, but....The guy's face is in Adam's stomach. Not much sex going on there!

Anonymous said...

YEAH...GO BB...CHEER................

Anonymous said...

HaHa 5:57. It looks like the guy's chewing on Adam's belt. I never noticed before. Thanks lol And btw I am so over this AMA crap.

Stephanie said...

OMG you people have to chill!!!! Adam's fine with it. So should you! There's no shame in that picture. Adam says he doesn't regret that performance so as fans, we should all support Adam.

It's good that The Advocate included Adam in a nice list.

Anonymous said...

Am I missing something here? Some of you are actually offended that 24/7 posted this article and scan that has been circulating AMONG Adam fans on twitter for the past 10 hours? I saw Adam fans tweeting this scan all over twitter this morning.

Also, are most of you "new" or something? This picture was splattered all around the world when the AMA thing happened. The whole world has seen this picture. Why are you getting angry and mad that it's posted on an Adam fanblog???

I love AMA's performance and if you are a fan and ashamed of it, then you need to ask yourself if you are really a fan.


Anonymous said...

Yama, we're all fans and many, but not all, enjoyed the AMA performance. But it's naive to discount or forget the damage it did to promotion plans and radio play. Adam has worked all year to refocus on the music, and finally there's a platinum single, the CD is selling well, and the tour is selling out. There's no need to harp again and again on this one performance that does not define Adam. It's only one performance. Let's move forward and hope he's invited back to perform.

Anonymous said...

it's not abt not loving Adam; it's abt trying to resurrect the past that Adam kept saying its past. true - we have accepted it; but look what it does to us fans, ignited another debate w/ 27+ comments!

if u have a friend who was astrayed and got up; do u have to drag it over & over & over again?

just display nice thing abt him. Period. Less comments.

Anonymous said...

The picture doesn't bother me, but I am upset that this picture is circulating around the web. I agree with 6:57.

Anonymous said...

Just an observation, but it is almost like some of you guys are embarrassed or ashamed of Adam here. Why? He owned it, said it maybe wasn't the best choice or his best performance-but he also didn't apologize, which I loved. Since he didn't do anything more raunchy than Gaga or Madonna. There was clearly a double standard, and Adam getting scolded by BOTH homophobes and the gay media was more than a little weird.

I agree with you, Yama. If you are a fan, a real fan, I can't see why this would bug you. Okay, not your cup of tea, fine. But it also seems like some of you guys want to pretend Adam isn't gay, or sexless and not a child of West Hollywood/Burning Man/The Zodiac Show. Maybe the AMA's damaged Adam's rep a bit, maybe not. It certainly branded him not "safe" and "boring" and a cookie cutter Idol.

And as Madonna, the Beatles, The Stones, Jim Morrison, Michael Jackson and yeah, Elvis have proved a little controversy can only help you in the long run. I'd hate to see Adam pretend he's a sexless Ken Doll to please people. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

There is such a double standard in the US regarding the AMA's. Adam did nothing that female singers haven't done in the past,(Pink comes to mind) and have done since on air with no comeback at all, especially the same sex kissing, i.e Sandra Bullock,most press about that seems to be more 'yeh, way to go', as was the Britney/Madonna kiss.It seems girl on girl is fine as all the men like that, but never want to be reminded that guys do guys.
Even the videos have double standards, the stuff that Lady Gaga has done in her last 2 videos at least would have the press/conservative Americans etc spitting feathers.
HK fan

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Agree w/ a lot, not all, but a lot of what 7:55pm said. Folks, do your research, dig deep, cuz AL is so much more the Zodiac-Adam, the Burning Man-Adam, the West Hollywood/Club kid-Adam than many of you are confronting. I'm a huge huge AL fan, but in my fandom I never ever forget this fact. I admire, immensely actually, that Aam is a good business man, but that performance was no anomoly!

On a lighter note - all "heavy issues" aside - I think the pic in and of itself is hot! (Loved the performance too, again, all ramifications aside.)

ohh, speaking of double standards, well sort of :), watching MTV and Xtina's "Not Myself Tonight" video just came on - now THAT's racy...and devoid of the kinda cool throwback cultural reference that AMA performance had! Interesting, caught Xtina singing this on Early show/CBS this past Friday - 'course, she totally cut out all the sex sounds, especially those at the end... wonder how many people will download that track based on the early show performance and get quite a big surprise when they listen to the real track? Just interesting, that's all.

Anonymous said...

OMG people let this go! There is no need to bring this up again. It was one performance and Adam even said he owned it and it did not define him as an artist.

Drop it and move on.

glitzylady said...

IMHO, the magazine is being quite "catty" and snarky re American Idol, Rupert Murdoch, etc., and is not doing Adam any favors by dredging it up again. Adam has nothing but nice things to say about his gratitude to American Idol and the opportunities it has given him, and while he stands behind his performance on the AMA's, he knows it might not have been the best idea ever at that particular moment in time!!!! As someone above said, Adam has worked so hard this year to get beyond that performance and he doesn't need it to be dragged out from time to time, especially right now, with his tour just getting started etc.. Middle America probably doesn't read the Advocate as a general rule, but it could show up on Popeater (AOL) and other places, and remind people again,.... and again..... Doesn't really matter whether I liked it (AMA's) or not personally (not a prude BTW), but it's old news and I'd rather it didn't keep popping up (like it most likely will from time to time...). He has so much to offer the world and even tho it did get him a LOT of publicity, it would be nice if what we see from now on is new and highlights the work he is doing now. Moving on.....!

I do think it's okay to publish this article on this website, be it good or bad, whatever our perception is. Gives the opportunity to respond to the appropriate place if the mood strikes....

glitzylady said...

And, by the way, I do love who Adam is, in every way, Zodiac, Idol, Burning Man, its all wonderful. That's why I find him so fascinating as an entertainer. Wouldn't be a true fan if I wasn't aware of all of his history. Just would like the American public to see all of the positives about him instead of the rehashing of last year's controversy. It is part of who he is, but only one part of the whole. As I said, moving on to bigger and better things....

Anonymous said...

I actually never got what the commotion was about this image. I do get Adam being upset at some of the less than perfect singing and the tumble. My favorite quote of Adam's about his being sexy and gay is: "I refuse to apologize for my existence!"

Anonymous said...

I love this Picture..and love the fact that they use it to ram it down the Shocked Americans Throats excuse the pun!!
i have NO probs seeing this picture of the guy chewing Adam belt LoL
Laugh Folks its a Fun Picture not a Bad Picture
Loving the lambert
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Oooh this picture is so hot. I love the way Adams holding him in such a dominant way. Mmmmm....

I for one am always happy to see the AMAs revisited. Puts a big smaile on my face ;-)

Anonymous said...

Get with it America! International fans have no trouble with this at all! I am tired of reading about how Adam made such a mistake that AMA night! Not so! Plus, look at all the divas new music videos and not a mere mention about the 'double standards' that are clearly visible.
It's time to get real!

Anonymous said...

Love it too. If you want family friendly then watch Justin Beiber.

Anonymous said...

The fact that Adam was recognized in an important political gay publication is NEWS from a journalistic GLBTQ source. The fact that Adam exhibited his sexuality on national TV is also news not so much for the acts displayed but for the unbelievable inequality and double standard it exposed. I love that Adam REFUSED to apologize when the bullying powers that be tried to SHAME him into it. You see, Adam is an out and proud gay man and like many, many gay people I’m sure he dealt with bullies before. I don’t understand how fans of Adam could harbor SHAME on his behalf we he does not

Anonymous said...

Ok,the AMA's and the fact that he was 2nd on AI seem to dog Adam in some articles. Hopefully, it will fade away some day and be replaced with all the fabulous things he has done, which out number any miss-steps.

Focus on his achievements and when things like this pop-up ignore them. Bitterness isn't good and Adam is looking forward not back so, I don't know why others in the media seem to want to hold on to the past?

Anonymous said...

re my previous post at 8.06,
meant they 'would have been spitting feathers' had Adam done any of those things in Gagas videos.
HK fan

Anonymous said...

This pic will live long after Adam does. It's a major part of his legacy and the media will always put it up whenever his name is mentioned. No matter who sez it does or does not define him, it won't make it go away.

Anonymous said...

I wont see this place any more, Move on, why hold on to the past? are you sure you are a fan? really?

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Let's move onto another site. Don't see how 24/7 can be an Adam supporter. Why circulate this to help the haters. What's your real intention.

Stephanie said...

"Agreed. Let's move onto another site."

LOL You're a Kris troll trying to destroy Adam's fanbase. Get a life.

If you want a family friendly Adam, then you're not welcome in any Adam blogs/communities. Why don't you catch the Bieber fever and leave us Adam fans alone?

Anonymous said...

The 24/7 team is doing a great job at reading/understanding what is at its core a positive article about Adam. The Advocate segment about Adam represents a jab at the silliness of Idol/Fox- not Adam. In fact it mentions Adam’s success outright. The magazine is called “the Advocate” not “Why Can’t We All Just Get Along” and the publication seems to often take an in-your-face activist stance. As Adam has said (paraphrase) there are varying ideas and values within the gay community. The political, social and economic significance of Adam’s AMA performance appears to have made a lasting impact with a leading voice in the gay political movement.

Amy said...

There's nothing shocking about that picture. Only ultra conservative and uptight people complain about that picture. Mainstream female artists and rappers and r$b singers have all done the same sh*t. Can't believe Adam was the only one who suffered consequences for doing that. So lame and unfair!

Stephanie said...

Anon 9:34 AM

THANK YOU FOR YOUR POST! I agree with you so much. The Advocate has written a lot of nice things about Adam and this article is coming from a good place. When I read it, I thought it was a great article. They're very complimentary of Adam and his success.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong to assume "only uptight people and ultra conservatives" get upset about that picture. You need to listen to what Adam says and pay attention to what he is doing ( assuring people that the concerts are sexy, but tasteful.) I love the "Burning Man" side of Adam, but if that would have gotten him a contract with a major music company, then he would have been an icon years ago. The man is talented! He knows his mistakes and he HAS apologized. "I didn't mean to disrespect anyone" (the Ellen show). This is a great site and people should be able to vent their concerns. His album should have been platinum a long time ago.The AMA was a bad choice on his part and he has said he didn't realize the problems it would cause. This is about promotion, image, and sales. Love to see that he is selling out everywhere.

IamNina said...

Even though I am not a fan of the AMA performance, I find nothing wrong with posting this scan. 24/7 is an Adam blog. They post Adam related news. The fact that Adam was chosen to represent The Advocate's 150 reasons to have pride in 2010 is a pretty cool news, isn't it? Weren't people complaining that the gay community wasn't so gaga over Adam? This is a good first step. The Advocate is a huge gay publication magazine.

Why would a few of you want to stop visiting 24/7 just because of this post? That is insane. I like most of the regular posters on 24/7 because they are more matured and smart.

Anonymous said...

Thyy the first time i watched this performance on tv i was in shock, I didn't know what think of him.. like many people latinoamericans are not used to see this on tv, but the more that i know adam for this site or internet this sexual acts for me are eally HOT he can be so sexy i don't mind to see him with women or men.
Wha What I lucky dancer of this picture..AAARR..

BirdyCat said...

The 24/7 community have grown a lot since I started reading this blog 5 months ago. Now, there's a lot of people (adam fans and adam haters) that read this blog. So opinions will clash and people will fight. This is exactly what happened to Adamofficial etc.

I know the community has grown and changed becuase, for example, if you click on this video of Adam + Christina,

Then click on the 12,507 views, you'll notice that thousands of people watched that video from 24/7, even more than Adamofficial, idol forums, twitter and Mjs. I just hope people don't fight everyday though because Adam fans are all about love right?


Anonymous said...

i don't believe that I would like to see a performance like this between two men but just because of Adam i find this really hot.He is the sexiest man on this planet.

Cloud said...

This is my favorite Adam performance ever. Don't get the hate for it.

Anonymous said...

There was a wonderfully defiant quality to that performance but I am old enough to realize that defiance is a slippery slope. It was absolutely pointed in a valid direction and his courage is something that I will never forget and will always admire more than words can say. But, the message, while filled with truth, hurt him when he least deserved it, as defiance often does. What it has done is solidly define fan allegiance and weed out the timid. UIMA

Anonymous said...

My God,i cannot believe all these Negatives Blogs on this Thread,
Please get a Grip some Americans
as they say if you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen
we INTERNATIONAL ADAM FANS really cannot see why it upsets people so much ?????????
as for saying you will leave this 24/7 blog site, well goodbye then...this is the best Adam site on the web IMO
24/7 have EVERYDAY brought us everything we need to satisfy our Lust for Adam..every GiG sent to us as quickly as possible so we can Watch..every piece of news of Our Beautiful Adam
we Love 24/7 and will always defend them for their good work
i am so p***ed off with anyone on this thread who is offended with this picture,i am now going to print this picture and hang above my computer
Adam I Love you and do not care whos face you shove you crutch into..but please let it be mine
Love That Lambert very much Indeed
enuff said
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

glitzylady said...

Just want to clarify my comments earlier on this thread, lest there be any thoughts that I may have said I "don't like the picture". I had no problem with the performance (on a personal level, I LIKED it!!! PHEW!), other than I knew instantly that it would ignite a s***storm of negativity and problems for Adam and his career, at least in the short term. Everyone I talked to afterwards was either 1. "Shocked!!!!!" or 2. Didn't think the vocals were that great ,or 3. Didn't see it at all and had no idea who he was. That was the reality of general American impression afterward. And of course it was featured on every tabloid, every entertainment show, newspapers, etc. so eventually most were somewhat aware. On a positive note, he got worldwide attention so definitely became a household word, a lot faster than he might have otherwise!. Just don't want that one picture of Adam to be the one that people always pull up when they think of Adam, although just fine if it turns you on....!. If nothing else he is one brave dude!!! Love everything about him. And to quote Glambrit Isle of Wight UK (love the UK, BTW) : enuff said .

Crystal said...

great post Glambrit Isle of Wight Uk!! You nailed it perfectly.

Everyone, calm down. It's just a sexy picture of Adam being sexy.

Anonymous said...

...Hi glitzylady.... i like reading your posts and my remarks were not directed at you we know how much you love Adam and 24/7 and thanks for loving us Brits...UK LOVES LOVE ADAM
....Hi Crystal.....thankyou, i felt it needed to be said
i am more shocked at the negative posts than i ever will be of this quite frankly delicious Picture
LOL i cracked up with the wording under the picture...(adam standing) like nobody knew who Adam was??
also it brings tears to my eyes seeing all the wonderful fans at Adam's concerts at Glam nation Tour, its so refreshing to see all ages into Adams music
also its just been the Isle of Wight open air music Festival this weekend, we had Jayz headline on Friday and tonight Pink was a Special wished Adam could have played heres hoping for 2011
our Festivals in the UK have all ages from gran and grandad to tiny tots, its all one big happy party..everyone is welcome its partying at its best,Adam would love it..
Listen Guys... there is so much more to get upset about in this quite frankly at times sad selfish evil greedy world..why would you waste your energy with negativity regarding this LUSH picture of Adam ?????
anyways i have a lot of videos to watch as 24/7 are posting thick and fast don,t ya just love these guys thanks 24/7 please go to the top of the Class top marks for giving us our daily dosage of the Delectable Adam
love and stuff
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

That is one sexy heck of a picture. LOVE YOU ADAM!!!

glitzylady said...

Thanks, Glambrit Isle of wright. Just never know, you think you are saying one thing, but then it comes out in some other way! Enjoy you as well, you are always direct and to the point! And yes, I also thought it was funny that they had to identify Adam as the one standing (geez!)

And to 24/7 again, thanks for keeping us all up to date....

glitzylady said...

Sorry, Isle of WIGHT

Anonymous said...

Hi worries people usually write isle of white lol
oxoxox Glambrit Islr of Wight

Hamid Khalid said...

The AMA performance was a calculated move to gain national and international attention and it worked. People who think the album would have sold more without that publicity are kidding themselves. The album is not particularly mainstream and takes effort to absorb; there was no way folks were going to put in that effort without an extra push. So people who think Adam is trying to backpeddle on the AMA performance, maybe he is, now he has everyone's attention, he can afford to.

Anonymous said...

bloody hell i can't even write ISLE OF WIGHT NOW!!! lol
Glambrit UK

Stephanie said...

LOL Glambrit, maybe it's been a rough day!