Adam Lambert in Toronto!
Filed Under (performances,pictures ) by Admin on Saturday, June 19, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, June 19, 2010

Backstage Picture from KiSS 92.5
Another version of FEVER
Another version of AFTERMATH
Another version of WWFM
Another version of MUSIC AGAIN
Performing Mad World
And two sexy pictures from tonight!

Backstage Picture from KiSS 92.5
Another version of FEVER
Another version of AFTERMATH
Another version of WWFM
Another version of MUSIC AGAIN
Performing Mad World
And two sexy pictures from tonight!

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Great Adommy moment! Love how they are both
smiling after (tho Tommy's lips remain closed tight...he loves the attention)
Well - HELLO there, Tommy!!! How YOU doin'? Let me get a nice, close look at you...
- Adam Fix
yeah finally! I was waiting for that Adommy moment - anybody realize it rhymes with Sodomy;p Don't linche me- just being silly;) Although I would love it I see that Tommy probably knows it wouldn't be a good idea for Adam's career to repeat the kiss-scandal. Especially after he said the glam-nation tour would be family friendly.
Poland Loves Adam
I just love the Adommy moments...
WISH he didn'T do the kiss again ,the press gives him a hard time so much.
I love the Adommy moments as well. I believe that them doing this now during the tour is a totally different thing than last year. We are all his fans, we like everything about this group of people as opposed to that show where everyone, fans and NON-fans were watching. Also, I believe that Adam and Tommy are working to de-sensitize people ( in their very cute and hot way). In this venue and in this way, I feel that it is becoming sought after, especially by many of the fans, and not something to be repulsed by.
So did they kiss or not...or just got really close? Details please. I love Adommy too.
well, i don't know about this. adam, you said your concerts will all be family friendly, are you trying to ruin yourself and your career. i do love you but please don't push your luck.
It was during fever, there's a video on another site, and they didn't kiss, just got very close, with great smiles from both of them.
HK fan
I don't see why it would repulse anybody if they did kiss! Don't get it.
I think it's great for people to want to watch out for AL's career, so that part is thoughtful... but still, I can not even believe we are talking about one kiss adversely affecting someone's career when there is IMMENSELY SEXUAL ANTICS going on w/ so many other performers...and don't even get me started about the R&B and Hip Hop worlds, in regard to the sexuality on display constantly. I do NOT get it.
I was there last night and can tell you the 7000 people were pumped. Everyone was on their feet the whole hour. It was amazing to see such a diverse crowd. It was an amazing show and hated that it had to end. Wished he would have sang WLL though. No there was no Adommy kiss but get over it if they had. Great review in the Toronto Sun.
Anomymous 6.18, the truth is that you do not love Adam, you love one side of Adam, the side that complies with your costumes and beliefs. The AI boy is gone. This is the real Adam, the real artist who is different from all we´ve seen in a long time. He is not pushing his luck because his success is not based on luck but on his immense talent which, at the end, is what people notice above anything.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with what they are doing. Even if it turns out to be more than just stage choreography. There is nothing NON-family-friendly about a kiss, period. The best thing that can be taught to anyone is to love. Even if they kiss each other once and a while for the rest of the tour it is still family friendly.
I believe that Adam is following his original outline, but now realizes a slow and steady touch is sometimes better that a slap in the face, to get your point across.
Anon 7:12, Could not say better myself! Adam never said his show will be family friendly, journalists did that. He only said it will be tasteful. And it is :) the more Adommy the betterer :)
Kudos to commenters 7:12, 7:17, & 7:19!! (I am commenter 6:29 but you folks said everything so much better) - especially 7:12... it is okay I suppose for fans to focus privately on the aspects of Adam Lambert (the person & performer I guess) that suits their preferences (and fantasies) best...that is human nature - so long as his fans (if they are FANS) are accepting and 100% open to who Adam is authentically. I've blogged this before - it seems to me (from the immense amount of media there is out there to consume on Lambert) that he is much more the Zodiac Adam, Burning Man Adam, Club Kid Adam than some fans want to accept (just some). Revel in the parts of Adam that ring your bell the best, I'm sure Adam would love that, but do so while always understanding that Adam has a truest self, which perhaps even after all the media, we still don't truly get to see.
His show is not un-family-friendly. Why is it not family friendly for a man to be close to another man romantically? It IS sexy, yes - as it should be - AL's a freakin' 28 year old man for crying out loud... parents need to decide if they want to keep the tweens home, as they would, or should, with many acts touring this summer!!!!!
And on a lighter note - dayum AL's hot... and the voice, I just can't get enough of that voice.
This Adommy is "nothing" and I agree why is not family friendly. I am an Asian fan living in Toronto for more than 20 years and my parent taught me very straight when I was young. I found his "act" is tame as compare with other pop singers. It is his incredible singing talent along with the stage presence that attract me. In Toronto, we have story books about gay couple in the community library. My 2 boys are taught to accept differences from other people and I am glad they grow up in this country. Maybe there is something that other "countries" can learn from Canada.
Hi guys! Here's the link with Adommy Sodomy moment.
it's almost at the beginning.check it out. so cute and funny:)
Poland Loves Adam
DON'T forget!! ADAM on FUSE TV today ... 5PM EST ... and then Much Music Video Awards after that ... CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTINGS for the specific time in your AREA. The 5PM EST program may be a repeat ... not sure.
HaHa! More shock value from those two! I don't think it's serious ... if it was I think they would want to keep it to themselves. AND so what if it is ... it's STILL their own dang BUSINESS!! ... JMO ...
This is for Anonymous at 6:18am:
So when does kissing a person of the same sex translate to "not being family friendly?"
They are in Canada, not US, that is probably why Adam chose to do it then. I still think that he shouldn't. I agree that the press will kill him.
Gosh! They were playing with the audience, if you saw the video on youtube, they were both laughing. It was not a kiss. They say, Adam has a wicked sense of humor, I suspect there was an inside joke here. Let's not make harmless fun, a big deal. Somebody here said 7000 people were "pumped"!. that's the news!
Two men kissing is perfectly family friendly. To think that it isn't perpetuates the intolerance that we are all fighting against.I'm so glad to be a part of a community where *most* members get this.
ADAM has TOO many critics ... including myself ... good or bad ... so I'll just SHUT UP ... just saying ..
I agree with anonymous June 20 5:38 am said "We are all his fans, we like everything about this group of people as opposed to that show where everyone, fans and NON-fans were watching. " I rewinded many times and i think they are both playful in trying to immitate "the kissing" and both of them could not hold laughing at it. That is so cute, it made me laugh also !! It is so cute !!! I like that moments. It's like: "if i like to kiss then I kiss ...SO is just a kiss ! YaY that's is rock and roll !! It's fun and playful. That's all.
I am not sure how I feel about this "Kiss" It is his career and his life. I love his music and could care less about his personal life really.(lie) I don't own him. It is like telling your kids after they are adults "NO" I am just not crazy about the idea because I really don't want to see anyone kiss on stage man to man...women to women...women to man. So the gay thing really doesn't concern me. My son is gay my daughter straight and I really do not want to see them make out etc. 'cause he makes me uncomfortable. That is just me. Some love this stuff and it is just a personal feeling not the end of the world or a career. Most artist are excetric beings and Adam is no differant ;he is an entertainer and the element of suprise is his thing. Combined with his voice and showmanship that little kiss should not be our focus however his record label and the media may say differant and that is what concerns me so much. I have mixed feeling like a Mom who watches over her flock and worrys to much. I trust he has good people around him including his friends and family and staff that would watch out for his best interest and I know Adam is bright enough to listen them out. Then rest however is up to him. Enough said!!
anon 9:07 - up here in Canada, the AMA kiss was no big deal. As for the media killing him? This is what they said in the Toronto Sun review:
"The closest he ever came to being suggestive all night long was putting his arm around his bass player and pushing his face close to his."
Not every media is as critical as the American media
DC Canadian
Folks, don't worry and be so protective. Cuz anyway, the media kept repeating about the AMA kiss and they never let it go ..believe me. Eventhough it is a very old stuff but the media's job is to escalate these things and non-fans who are jealous with him were with it. The only thing is we have to let them know that this is what we think "SO WHAT?" people do it all the time and if they don't get used it then it is time to GET USED TO IT !! Sandra Bullock kissed a woman twice at 2 awards events (just recently) and Miley Cyrus also immitate kissing (in a way of telling it is ok to kiss...and so what !!) It's time that everyone has to honestly acknowledge the GAY people. They are humans,and they exists in all families. They are created by God. God created imperfect people just like those who are physical handicapped or mentally handicapped. No one wants that to happen and it just happened. Gay/Lesbian are born imperfect and happened to think and do more like the opposite sex. Ask God why God create them and make their brain think and feel that way. And if God created them then we have to treat them as other human being. Look at so many handicapped and mental ill people 100 yrs ago were burned, killed and were treated like animals (still in many cultures)because their people think that they were created sinned and should be punished. Now, look at today...esp in US, these unforntunate people are well treated and people understand them just because they are children of God. However, many countries, any phyical or mentally ill people are considered as the lowest class in the society. Imagine...that is the same thing that was happened to the Gay and Lesbian people. They are sexually oriented , they are not sexually preference. Remember, ALL OF US ARE BORN SINNED ANYWAY ! so don't discriminate people ! We are ADAM's fans and we are supposed to be more understanding. I have a healthy straight son and i saw so many friends and relatives have mentally ill or physically handicapped children...i said to myself...if i was them and i have a choice...i would prefer that child be born imperfect as homosexual rather than being physically handicapped or mentall ill. I rather have them healthy and able to enjoy life like others even if they are homosexual. What's wrong with the world ? Please promote "No Hate" and "End discrimination". BTW ADAM is MARVELOUS, that is what i want to write today, but i could not stand seeing people being so protective !! ADAM ROCK !!
I was there at the front. It was a great show and I am sure there were more than 10,000 plus people. Before Adam's set maybe 7,000 but once Adam started many more people suddenly showed up. All reserved seats of close to 10,000 were packed and plus lawn seats. Everyone were going crazy about Adam. He definitely felt the love from Canadians. Adam and Tommy had a close face contact, it was all good, nothing to worry about.
Well, gosh, just watched the video and they were just being silly and cute, no kiss.....But agree, that one split second moment could make the rounds down here, ho hum, same old stuff. Maybe not, who knows. Nothing there to get nervous about, as far as I'm concerned. Pretty sure he doesn't want to discourage all ages from coming to his concerts so doubt he will actually do any kissing of Tommy any time soon! He's a smart man and he probably just can't resist injecting a little humor once in awhile. Keeps us all wondering, "Will they or won't they..." (guessing they won't....)
Hee! Just watched the Adommy moment-hilarious! I flove Adam's sense of humor-and Tommy's. "Its so rock and ROLL, man!"
And as for a male/male kiss- and I'm not talking about with any tongue or any crotch grinding ala, you know, GaGa-but just a big ol' smooch, it saddens me deeply that people find it "shocking", and not "family friendly".
I mean guys, Adam is gay and he kisses guys, and it should be NO BIG DEAL. And it pisses me off that people will freak out over a gay kiss of gay sex in movies or on tv, but there is nary a peep from these same people about violence and mayhem and rape and murder depicted in popular culture. To me, that's what is obscene and not "family friendly."
I mean, it's okay to show someone getting tortured on "24", but a man kissing a man is what makes people go crazy. I don't get it, period, as kissing is the nicest thing to both witness and participate in.
And this most awesome statement:
"I've blogged this before - it seems to me (from the immense amount of media there is out there to consume on Lambert) that he is much more the Zodiac Adam, Burning Man Adam, Club Kid Adam than some fans want to accept (just some)."
This to me is pretty bizarre, as one thing I love about Adam is his honesty and openness, and he's never pretended to be anything but who he is. He's not ashamed of his past, being gay, wearing make-up-and he doesn't apologize. To be that way takes INCREDIBLE courage and I admire him deeply for it.
And fans who think Adam should hide it, or be embarrassed-well, shame on you.
And 7:12, 7:17, 7:34, 8:35 and DC Canadian, thank you for your eloquence, and being real Adam fans.
Just wanted to say that I understand what you meant but I happen to believe gay is just another form of perfect, not flawed or imperfect, and in the case of Adam Lambert, BEYOND perfection (my clear Adam bias is showing again)! I love that you are such a fierce fan....we can't help but feel protective of him!
I don't think at this stage of Adam's career a kiss on stage with Tommy would hurt him. After all, been there done that! Adam has proven himself as a performer/entertainer with great vocal abilities and looks and style to die for. Plus, this was in Canada, not the US (where we have to protect the children). If we, his fans, keep pushing the AMA kiss, what are the haters going to do? Leave it where it belongs - in the past.
How many times does Adam have to say Tommy is straight, Tommy likes girls? Let's all leave them alone. It's getting boring to keep harping on it.
And one more comment, I absolutely agree that a huge part of the attraction for me is that Adam IS that Burning Man, Zodiac Show, Wicked, multi-faceted performer. If he were more one-dimensional like so many others who have come through the Idol process (nothing wrong with that of course) or others that are out there today, and he just "reminded" me of someone else (he doesn't) I probably wouldn't be here on this site. ( Might be getting more things accomplished at home, that's true, but that's beside the point!) If controversy is something I can't deal with, I would have left his fandom after November last year. Whether we liked the performance or not, it WAS a little scary, all of the hate directed at Adam. That was the part I didn't like. Was a little afraid for him on several different levels. A lesser mortal may not have survived all the crap, but here he is, doing great and able to tease us and inject a little humor into the situation. I admire him so much and trust that he knows what he is doing every minute.
Let's just focus on the music and the talent. Everything else is not that important. Adam Lambert is one stylish, edgy, charismatic performer. He knows who he is, what he wants, and has told everyone out there. Adam connects with the audience and his fans both musically and visually. His sold out concerts across the country tell you that we are watching the emergence of the next superstar rock god and thankfully he is taking all of us along for the ride.
Thanks 8:00am for posting the link.
That is hysterical. They really got a chuckle out of doing that. Made me laugh to see them smile. Oh, how they love to tease the fans and audience. And it everyone worked up over nothing. What fun friends!
I can't wait to see them in July and September. I hope they stir things up in the concerts that I will be attending!
So cute, I loved it, they (Tommy & Adam) were just having fun, look at their smiles, just winding us up and it worked, love them. Jan, NZ
I'm going to assume all the people saying he's trying to ruin his career have now seen the actual video and will shut the hell up.
It was a great crowd last night and there were people of all ages and genders shouting his name. His performances were breathtaking and the audience absolutely adored Adam. Its safe to see Canada LOVES Adam Lambert.
And seriously theres no need to make a big deal, it's just a kiss, its not like they took their pants off.
@Anonymous June 20, 2010 4:08 PM , That's true, it is not like they are "mooning" on stage....even so...I am going to support my ADAM 110% anyway ! It's not big deal. It's just for fun and i found it very funny and cute ! ADAM, please don't hesitate to do it again, again and again! Love to see them playfull on stage !
I really do not care if they kissed or not. What would be the big deal if they did it?
Adam is a sweet soul and I will support him during the rest of my life and after life, if possible, no matter his choices, kisses or what... I'm no a young girl; I got my part in the 60's and 70's IN BRAZIL, when and where everybody kissed everybody, singing and writing poems about changing guns for flowers and making the world a better place to live. At that time, the media used to say the drugs were to blame. I guess it was the easiest way to swallow the whole thing going on. Come on, we are living 2010! When will you people get a life?
Agree with comments about 6:18. This is conditional love. In a lot of cultures, men kiss each other on the lips. It's entirely normal and acceptable. In the uptight and culturally backwards U.S., we pretend to get horrified as we ask to see it one more time. The Tommy/Adam thing is show buz, rock n' roll. Just don't take things so seriously. Relax and enjoy.
I'm American, but I just don't understand people in this country sometimes. Heterosexual sex is used to sell everything in this country. Children see this every day in all forms of the media. They see violence all day to. A lot of it in video games their parents buy for them!! They also don't seem to mind if their kids see half naked women all over the place, but they freak out over two men kissing??? In European countries, I understand that this is a normal form of greeting each other. If the two men were shooting or hitting each other, they'd be fine with it!
This is not a televised awards show. This is a concert people pay money to go to - adult people. I would think that the people who would attend Adam's show would know what they're getting by now. And have the good sense to know whether or not they want their children to attend. I've heard of a lot more shocking behavior displayed on stage at rock concerts in the 70's and 80's.
One final thing - if it's homosexual sex that everyone is having a nervous fit over, how come no one gets so worked up over two women sticking their tongues down each other's throats??
All I've got to say is - Hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites!
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