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Adam Lambert signs autographs after his concert at the 9:30 Club in Washinton DC

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, June 29, 2010

For more Adam pictures, visit source!


glitzylady said...

Wow, Adam unadorned and so cute, freckles and all!!! And how sweet of him come out to do that!!!! Gives me hope!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know he just stepped out of the shower...I can smell him....Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

So sweet

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! He actually look very good without make up. Another side of himmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Adam looks so young without makeup. i love both looks - sans make up or with make up !

Anonymous said...

Off topic:

here's a link to Randy Jackson saying something nice about Adam part way through an interview about a new band he manages. It's cute, 'cause Randy acts like Adam won Idol. :)

I'm not fond of the band's video on this page, but others may like them. I agree with the comment down the page by Libraglam, comparing their energy to Adam's.


Anonymous said...

So adorable and natural in these pictures... and the hair is growing back which is good news to me !!! I wasn't a fan of the shaved side. Love you Adam.

glitzylady said...

And as a side note, just a thought: The fact that he came out, fresh from the shower, no make-up, just natural and himself, makes me think that he is beginning to truly realize that he is beautiful (handsome, whatever) no matter what amount of make-up or lack thereof he shows up with. He is perhaps finally feeling that he is not the ugly duckling that he probably still believes he was as a teenager (not that he ever was, really) . Maybe he does read these blogs from time to time (???) and hears the comments about how great he looks regardless.... Or maybe I'm just reading too much into this one little thing, but still just love that he was able to come out afterwards and make those fans even happier than they were during the show, and considering that the show included THE KISS etc., that is saying A LOT!!!

Anonymous said...

He looks great and lovely without make up!

Anonymous said...

That "ugly duckling" thing probably came from his teen years...Most of us know how that goes....he talks about his skin problem....I think when he has some down time..and he has the money now....he will do something about it.
He is still beautiful inside and out.

Love him!

Anonymous said...

The 6th picture from the top: anyone please tell me... is it the light?? Is it MY light? Is that one over there with that s m i l e my little sweet devil calling me to his arms? Let me go, let me go!!!

Anonymous said...

He looks great and lovely without make up but he looks knock-down-drag-out gorgeous, hot and ragin' fierce WITH makeup!! It's for the SHOW people!! How many times does he have to make that point?? It's not REAL - that's why its so fun and enticing. We have enough plain faced, t-shirt bubs around - Adam's flash and sparkle IS his unique appeal - the more the better!! Of course he's a cutie sans makeup - why is that always so remarkable?

Anonymous said...

Handsome is handsome!! Sexy is sexy. Love these pics.

glitz and sparkles said...

such a sweetie pie!!! I bet he smells yummy..

glitzylady said...

Anon at 11:40 a.m.

No kidding, the ugly duckling thing, that was me! My high school freshman picture....OMG!!! I was a late bloomer for sure....We all still retain a little bit of that always (those of us who identify with that, some of us more than others!) As you said, most of us were there in one way or another....

And you make a very good point, the more important beauty is on the inside, as far as I'm concerned. If his beauty was only skin deep, that would be it for me. But the outside part is definitely a plus and one that I thoroughly enjoy on a daily basis!!!

glitzylady said...


And OF COURSE I love the make-up and the glam-just love seeing him in all of his many looks....nothing too deep here! Wouldn't be "Adam" if he wasn't rockin' the make-up! Wish more guys would feel comfortable wearing a little make-up here or there (my husband will have none of that of course-oh well...!) Heck, most of us ladies wear make-up, I wouldn't be caught dead (even then...) without make-up, to enhance what we have and it sure does that for Adam-indeed!!!!. Not saying he shouldn't wear it, of course he should, he does look drop-dead gorgeous, just that he looks so cute any old way, and loved that he felt comfortable seeing the fans fresh-faced... that's all.... :-) What a sweetheart he is!

Anonymous said...

Wow, he look stunning like this!! Adam without or with little make up make you healthier. You know,
most make up products from US are by products made from those "oil" right now pollutng the Gulf Coast. If need to use, try those European Brand (Europe has much tougher product legistlation law)
or the organic base one. Choose those you can apply in Liquid form. Prevent the spray type ( most make up product has nano particles that so tiny , they suspend in air while you spray. You can easily breath in those particles inside your body. Trust me, I was a Chemist.

Anonymous said...

What the heck did the Washington DC audience do? If the audience is a mirror as Adam says then you guys won the jackpot - Adam and Tommy Kiss, he does WLL AND he came out (looking extremely happy) all fresh faced and signing autographs. He is the ultimate performer and the ultimate nice guy. Love that you are so grounded Adam. You Rock!

Anonymous said...

Adam has the most classically beautiful features in a male that I've ever seen.He must be a photographer's dream. He's like a chameleon, so many different looks.I would like to see him act in a movie or on tv. He has the talent and could be very convincing in any role, dramatic or comedy. Being gay shouldn't limit any roles either. He has such passion in everything he does and has such an honesty about him, he would be convincing in any character.He has enough going on now, but he has the ability to do it all and I hope some savvy producer will take notice. Adam was never an ugly duckling. Even his baby pictures were beautiful. There's one of him with a Mickey Mouse guitar that's so cute.I would guess that most of his highschool insecurity had more to do with his sexual identity confusion than his physical appearance. He may have put on a few pounds in those days, but all kids think they're not perfect.His entire family is attractive. His mom also has a smile that would light up a room. He always looks good, with or without makeup. I also like to see him without it, when off stage. He's just so huggable. So happy to see the joy in his face, knowing that he's more than entertained his fans. Love that big smile!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I was one told me he would come outside so I left! I am so disappointed. How did these people know that? He was fabulous btw...not like anything I have ever experienced before. The vocals were out of this world.

Anonymous said...

2t2tag--He's got such a pretty little baby face.

Baka said...

So nice of him to sign and meet the fans!

glitzylady said...

Bad choice of words on my part, the "ugly duckling"-never in reality!! Adam was always attractive, but like so many of us in our insecure "teen" years apparently didn't think he looked good, even tho he has always been a cutie pie, and that picture with the Mickey Mouse Guitar, so adorable, as are all of his other pictures. Other kids are so mean sometimes, and being an overweight kid can be really hard on the self-perception. My son had a similar situation going on and it was really tough on him, even tho he is a very good looking guy (if I do say so myself :-) ) Made him feel bad about himself and created other issues as well. We all know a few pounds one way or another shouldn't matter but in the high school years it can be really difficult, and as you say, adding to that the struggles with sexuality can be overwhelming. So glad he had the wonderful parents that he had and his music and theater outlets to help him through. His theater and school music groups gave him a group of( most likely) accepting friends and a feeling of belonging. My son interestingly enough became involved in theater in high school and it really helped him through those years. Close knit set of somewhat disparate types of kids from different groups who all came together to put on a show. He still loves theater and I'm pretty sure that is why he is an Adam fan, that theatrical style of Adam's. I digress, but didn't want to give the impression that i thought Adam WAS an "ugly duckling" at any point in his life!!!! Au contraire!!!!

And speaking of his family, all beautiful as well. I sometimes really see Adam in his mom's looks and especially that smile...And I'm thinking he looks a lot more like Neil ,without the make-up here. I guess someone tweeted at one of the shows and it showed up on the big screen, something to the effect that Neil is hotter than Adam (uh, NO) Anyway, would be sort of fun to see Neil get a little glam-ed up. Thinking the girls would be happy with the result and so would he, although guessing we won't be seeing that any time soon. Could certainly create a lot of confusion anyway....

Sweetpie said...

Whta a gorgeous beautiful man.

Anonymous said...

Hi Glitzylady, I didn't think you perceived Adam as an "ugly duckling," I got your meaning.My son, also went through a chubby period between 10 and 13 and could be very dramatic and still is as an adult in a very comedic way, for fun. He also turned out to be a good looking guy.{Mothers's right to brag lol} Your idea for Neil to get glammed up would be hysterical!! Everyone knows he's straight and he has a wicked sense of humour! Couldnt you just see Cheeks, Adam and Sulan?,having him tied to a chair, glamming him up? Maybe another scenario of Neil, disguised as Adam in full glitter mode, acting as a decoy...hmm imagination running amok again,all Adam's fault! funbunn40

glitzylady said...

Same things that were going through my mind, a body double....he IS working for Adam...was that REALLY Adam signing autographs last night...Hmmmm..... I said it sort of looked like Neil......The plot thickens....Lets see what happens...If we see Neil glammed up in the immediate future, we'll KNOW Adam or someone close to him reads these blogs!!!! It all started here!!! And something Neil could blog about in his non-existant blog that he said he would write in during the tour....Would undoubtedly be hysterical (did anyone ever read his condom blog entry?????) Off topic but very funny......

Anonymous said...

Can definitely see the family resemblance with Neil when Adam is fresh faced. Someone made a good point - how would Neil looked glammed up?

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

agree with you all such a doll and such a cutie!! and agree on the ugly duckling thing it does not mean one was ugly at all but its all about self perception and the teen years are rough!!! and I guess for Adam it had to do with his sexuality as well cuz lets face it we still do get some perception of ourselves from others and he had no one for years and no experiences to give him some positive reinforcement. I remember reading where he said he did not feel beautiful until he was in love - awwwwww Adam!!!

thank you Cheeks you did a good job boosting BB and helping him make the awesome confident person he is today!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is the Most attractive man I have ever seen when he has no make-up on. When he has his make-up on, he drives me out of my ever-lovin Mind!! I have never seen anyone ever that exudes more sex than Adam!!

Anonymous said...

@ Funbonn40 (1:03PM)
(as always to your comments).... INDEED!

Anonymous said...

I saw one of the profile pictures close up and it looks as if the make-up is causing some break outs on his face. Don't get me wrong I love him any way I can get him and he is gorgeous. I just hope he is being careful with the over use of make-up. He has sensitive skin and he needs to protect it.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha - what a bunch of great comments!! I have nothing more to add. Love the "he just stepped out of the shower, I can smell him!" comment. :)

I prefer Adam with makeup...doesn't have to be heavy-handed, stage makeup, tho. But it really accentuates those eyes! He is fresh and beautiful in these pix, tho. OK, I'll take him any way I can get him.

Glitzylady/Funnbunn40 - thanks for the stories about your sons. You both sound like strong, confident moms. Nice job, to both of you.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

late bloomers make the most beautiful flowers, from my experience.
BTW I was a late bloomer myself

Anonymous said...

Love that comment Anon @ Jun 30 2:02am!!

And as is often the case - Adam Fix's comments almost feel as though they came from my own mind :).

yeah, for me... what gets me about these pix is what comes to mind at the thought of him just getting OUT OF THE SHOWER... lawdy

Finally viewed all stuff from this DC show last night - dayum - what a hot night from AL, OMG.

Anonymous said...

I prefer Adam with just slight makeup. He looked absolutely gorgeous and sexy. Reminds me of Adam in Tracks of my Tears then.

Anonymous said...

I think it's so funny when male TV personalities talk about the "makeup wearing Adam Lambert." There's not a single one of them that would step foot in front of a live camera without their "tv makeup" on. Such hyprocacy.

Anonymous said...

tru dat Anon 3:19

Anonymous said...

Glitzy Lady, Fun Bunn and Fan 4 Fun.

Please exchange email addresses with each other.

glitzylady said...

Been resisting replying to this..... I think I know the spirit in which the suggestion was given....The silence is deafening here right now... Enjoy...