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Adam Lambert Speaks To EF

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, June 17, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, June 17, 2010

Adam Lambert has been taking the world by storm since the release of his debut album For Your Entertainment. Currently Adam is touring the US on his first solo tour Glam Nation and has been wowing fans and critics alike.

We caught up with Adam last week to see how the tour was going and to put some questions from our Twitter followers to him. Read on to find out more about the tour and see if Adam answered your question. A full interview will follow in the coming weeks so keep checking back.

@mrseyebaulpaul How is the Glam Nation tour going?

It’s great. We’re only on show 4 and we’re in Iowa right now. The fans are so incredible. They’re so enthusiastic and passionate. They come and they’re dressed up and they’re loving what they’re seeing. It gives us on stage that energy – we give better performances in exchange. Everyone’s having fun. I’m lucky to travel with musicians that are like family for me; that are really good friends and we’re having a blast.

@gemmalovesadam How do you think fans have reacted to the show so far? I am loving what I have seen on YouTube.

It’s been really positive. Everyone seems to really enjoy it. The couple of reviews we’ve gotten so far have been positive. After next week we go to New York which will be a big splash as far as journalists are concerned and we’ll probably get more write-ups. I’m really confident in what the show does. I think it presents the music on my debut album really well and I think it gives it a visual through-line and an emotional journey. It sets it up with a really good flow.

@LambertUK @Kiki_Violet Do you have plans to expand the tour outside of the US?

I’m not sure yet what the logistics are on that. We’re definitely coming to the UK in the Fall and other parts of Europe. I don’t know if it’s going to be the same show. I think it will be pretty much the same show from what I know right now. Based on logistics and the size of venues we’re going to be in we’re trying to play spaces that are more intimate. I think arena tours are really fucking exciting but I think there’s definitely something lost when you can’t see the artist except for on a video screen (laughs). I really wanted it to be a little more intimate so the audience can really see me and feel me.

@fanofadamh What is your favourite song to perform live on the tour?

I like doing all of them. Fever’s really fun to perform. If I Had You is really fun to perform. Sure Fire Winners is really fun. They’re all fun. I have a great time up there.

@priority2 Are you recording the tour to put out the best parts on DVD?

There are no plans yet but it’s definitely something I would consider yeah. It’d be great.

@verminjerky Were you involved in creating the merchandise for the Glam Nation Tour?

Yeah I was involved. We did it in the UK because I think they’re (the manufacturers) are based there. I had a lot to say about it. I was like ‘nope I don’t want to use that picture, I want to use that picture. Can we make this more green? Can we make this more blue? Can we change that lettering?’ People get surprised at how involved I get (laughs) in everything.

@karendiamond1 Did you always know you were going to put ‘Ring Of Fire’ into the setlist when you went out on tour?

It was designed to be part of the set. The whole beginning of the show is seamless and we don’t ever stop; it’s almost like a big medley. I wanted to the opening to be all very seductive and mysterious.

Adam’s new single 'Whataya Want From Me' is due for release on July 19th 2010.



Anonymous said...

Great questions.
Now to business;
Vote VH1 top 20 countdown. It's VERY CRUCIAL for Adam to be on the tOP.
Vote Adam on
A great page. You can vote and request. study the page and SAVE ie and VOTE daily.

PLEASE Adam needs it NOW!!!They have to play IIHY.
This is crazy, We are NOT giving up.

Request on your local radio. NOW!!!

Love Gina

Anonymous said...

Yes, Gina and all, we have to keep our boy on top where he belongs and by the time the tour reaches NY, the journalists will be clamoring for an interview. I love watching these videos of the tour and seeing the fans singing to FYE and when he sings," thanks for loving me" {WWFM}the fans scream and say,"love you Adam!" It always makes him smile during that part of the song. Hope fans will keep it up at every concert. Can't wait to see him in Charlotte! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! I was sure he was planning to record the tour and sell a DVD or sth! He has to! that would be magic- to put Adam on my big-screen TV whenever I want...please Adam! Tape yourself! I'd pay a fortune!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful face*****

Anonymous said...

AL says "I really wanted it to be a little more intimate so the audience can really see me and FEEL ME."

Be careful what you wish for babyboy :)

Just kidding (well, not really, lol)

Great interview!!

Anonymous said...

Hope he does do a DVD of the tour! That would be great.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam please bring the Full Glam Nation Tour to the UK in the Autumn
Love Adam very much xx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:20 - you took the words right outta my mouth. I'd be happy to FEEL him! OK, stopping right there. :)

- Adam Fix

Lulu said...

I hope there's a DVD too :D

Anonymous said...

I want the picture posted here on my bedroom ceiling LOL!!! I, too would pay much for a DVD since I cant go to a concert due to prior obligations.