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Quote of the Day

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, June 17, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, June 17, 2010

"I don't think there is any artist out there that has better fans than Adam Lambert - their undying love & support warms my heart! #TrueStory"

-hitpredictor on Twitter


Anonymous said...

Aaaaawwwww! I agree....we are pretty great!

Anonymous said...

hell ya!!!!

Anonymous said...

You got that right. We are TRUE fans that will be with Adam ALL the way. We understand talent and understand that Adam DESERVES this.
That's why we vote, request and BUY his music.
I can't wait to see him in July.

BTW Vote IIHY on VH! top 20 If you can.

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

where is this quote from?

Anonymous said...

So true, just returning the love and appreciation back to the most talented and the sweetest guy there is! :)

Anonymous said...

I love Adam - I mean that I actually love him. I have liked various Bands, Singers, and Actors, but what i feel for Adam is entirely different. I have REAL, deep feeling for Adam. That is why i'm soo upset---HE SHAVED HIS HEAD!!GO TO HIS TWITTER AND LOOK!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE TWEET HIM NOOOOOOOO!

Anonymous said...

as the message says
...calm down its only one side!!!!!

i have just gone to twitter and Adam looks BEAUTIFUL,Delicious and Sexy AS ALWAYS... checkout the picture yourselves
Love that Lambert Very Much
Glambert Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

YAY to All Glamberts,Lambrits,Glambrits and all Berts everywhere for your Devoted Love to The Most Beautiful Man on this Planet
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

lois from Iowa said...

His fans are devoted to him, we love him, support him, and love to see and hear him. I am 70.

lois from Iowa said...

We are Adams fans, devoted and support him. He is getting what he deserves, a lot of fan followers. I am 70

Anonymous said...

OMG - he is SO HOT in that Twitter picture!!! I loved the shaved side of his head - gives him a wicked little edge to his look. Verrrrry niiiiice.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I really have not loved any artist/band as much as i love Adam. He is such a great entertainer. He also has a great personallity and seems so nice. I hope to meet him in person some day.

Anonymous said...

One of the best quotes. Love
his edgy shaved style.
He is sexy with any look.
Keep voting anywhere you can for Adam. And also keep requesting.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I had never understood the reaction to Elvis and The Beatles all those years ago. I do now because it is how I feel about Adam. I am proud to be a fan of such a great man.

Anonymous said...

we love him--he loves us. he just keeps getting better and better. his hair shaved on one side is cute. he keeps changing as he says he gets bored easily. can't wait to see him in ct next week. going for my birthday best birthday ever.

Magiclady said...

I have never felt about any singer the way I feel about him. He has it all and he has my support and undying love

Anonymous said...

awwwwwww Shucks!

Anonymous said...

Adam's fans love him because he is love. Look it up in the dictionary. "Love" and it shows a picture of Adam. What's not to love about him? The best voice ever. The best entertainer ever. The sexiest man ever. The most handsome man ever. The most interesting entertainer ever. Need I go on?

Anonymous said...

Paula Abdul referred to what Adam brought out in us, as early as AI, a "visceral response"--the feeling in our gut like the butterflies in the stomach when we're--how else can I compare it--in love. Never thought I could love someone from a distance, but then, because we know Adam so well now, at least in an area that delights, the joy part of our soul, Adam, from all what we've seen and heard from him, is no longer distant, but as near as anyone. I do love him in a way that I have never connected with anyone, because he is real and both perfect and imperfect in loveable ways. If he fills a void, it is because I know of no one who can.

Anonymous said...

What really separates Adam from so many entertainers is his very real connection to humanity. His hugs are genuine to his loved ones, eye contact and thoughtful answers in interviews, honesty in who he is,and not falling into the trap of dissing other entertainers. I noticed the professional class on Idol, always thanking the judges by name, acknowleging the band and crew. These seemingly small things are a testament to how well he was raised and the excellent theatrical training he was afforded. The voice and stage presence and physical beauty are undeniable, but it's the sweet, playful, caring man that attracts me the most. I hope the stresses of fame won't take away the joy of his success. Didn't mean to get so long-winded, but it's Adam! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

does anyone know about adam's bus. does rca-19 pay for his ride? just curious. it's a pretty rad ride.