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WIN A Skype Conversation With Adam Lambert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Adam Lambert has gained a huge following with his amazing debut album, For Your Entertainment and things are just getting better with the release of his next single, Whataya Want From Me.

After interviewing Adam at the beginning of the year we know what a lovely man he is and we've decided he is one of THE nicest men in music.

But we thought it was only fair for you to get the chance to have a chat with him and see for yourselves.

We kid you not, we're giving you the chance to win a Skype conversation with the For Your Entertainment star!

To win this money can't buy prize, just watch Adam's new video and answer the following question:

How many guitars are in the room with Adam?

A) 9

B) 12

C) 6

Of course, to enter the competition, you have to head over to Entertainment Wise's website!

Good luck!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! somebody purposely forgot to shave, I like!!! Does Adam ever gets bad photos, he is so stunning! Those eyes are so amazing!:)

Anonymous said...

That looks like a picture from when he was still with Drake and they went to New Orleans, that is when he had that look. I am sure it is an old picture, look at his hair.

Anonymous said...

I am posting this because i would like to know if there is someway to complain. okay so as we all know from comments about the D.C. performance it was fantastic, everyone seemed to LOVE the D.C. concert. It was brought to my attention when i was on twitter that there was a not so wonderful review about adams concert of course me being an adam fan and hearing how everyone praised it, i got mad but didn't think they would put that as the reivew for the newspaper. However to my surprise when i got the washington post this morning i looked at the style section and found a headline saying " It wasn;t so much a feast for the eyeballs as a test of the eardrums" i knew immediately that it was the hating article. anyway i was wondering if there was anyway to complain i prob won't but it just made me so mad i was about to rip it up, esp since everyone loved it, they had a terrible review about courtney love but thats fine since ppl actually didn't like it. To make matters worse it ended with some fans put their hands over their gaping mouths.Others stuck their fingers in their ears. . . .Fans who went to the concert does this review seem accurate? It just gives a bad impression for adam

Shirley said...

Don't let those negative energy get to you. Adam is all about the positive energy.

And I entered the competition. :) Doubt I'll win though.

Anonymous said...

10:29 probably some old, kill joy, party pooper, close minded and not happy about themselves happen to write the article/review. As long as we know what an amazing show Adam did is all that matters! Kill Joys are entitled to their own bad opinions, can't control that... we know the truth and we just have move on. Washington Post writer might need a drink or two to lighten up, live a little.:)

Anonymous said...

You, Above. Didn't ypu lear NOt to read EVERYTHING aut Adam? That's why we come here. it'sa happy positive place to be, cuz we are all VER passionate about Adam ad get upset when we read negaivty about him. Remember; it's the writer's opinion. That's all.
Now. ead on to = VH1, teen choice award and vote for Adam. better use of your time. Crank up his music, and VOTE,
For the teen hoice you have to pose as a teeon. You will fegure it out.
Also. on google news if you type Adam Lambert News, there is an article about the two woman who wrote that book;;On The Meaning If Adam Lambert. I have the book. It's AMAZINMG. If you love Adam, GET IT on Amazon.$20 comes with his Tatoo.


Anonymous said...

This is an old photo and it seems like an old article since it says next single - Whataya Want From Me?????

Anonymous said...

This is an old picture and the article says his next single will be Whataya Want From Me??? Looks old.

You can always complain to the editer in a nice, constructive manner if the critic bothers you, but they also had a good one on line from that paper.

Anonymous said...

I was livid when I read this review. He said people held their ears and worse. I sent a comment but when I went back later I couldn't find the post. Many people must have commented so the took everything down. That's called censorship!!!!! Disgusting

Anonymous said...

Submitted! Hope I win lol.

Anonymous said...

@10:58 June 30 - did they really take stuff down. I'll have to investigate a little further. Someone on 24/7, one of the regulars who uses a tag when commenting but I can't remember which one at the moment, posted a comment about the Washington Post review in an older thread - and basically said the reviewer didn't even come close to "getting it" - so true. I didn't mind his not "getting it" when I read the rview - but it was just sophomoric how he reviewed the concert, an embarrassment to him IMHO. But anyway... there was another article from the W-Post about how many comments they got slamming their review - so I thought that was interesting!! If I can find the link, I'll post it here. And there was also some other good media that came out about the DC show - but that might have been more from BLOGS, so maybe not as important - but still, some good comments were available. Man - I thought that DC show was smokin' hot, fan or non-fan, and there was some stuff available, if even only the blogs, where casual fans and non-fans were portrayed as having been blown away by the show...if I can still find links easily enough, I will post.

Anonymous said...

I like that hidalgo look and I would probably like the short stubble beard too :D

glitzylady said...

@10:29 a.m.

I read that silly article online and have to agree, it was a very uneducated "review", if you can call it that. The guy didn't have a clue as to what he was saying, and I commented yesterday that the WP should send someone with more knowledge and understanding of what his tour is about, and perhaps someone with a less jaded attitude (putting it mildly)...Such as someone from this website.... :-). Its not a reviewer's job to be a "fan" but at least needs to be objective, and to actually review the concert, not just make snarky remarks.

Anyway, you could go online to the actual article and add your comments to the other unanimously disgusted readers of that article. I tried to access it today but you now have to sign in to the comments section and to even read the article.....Just was curious how many more people responded. As someone above said, its probably not worth getting too upset about, BUT... as someone who HAS responded to an especially snarky review before (me), you certainly could do that.

I actually emailed a reviewer in a different paper (not the WP) several months ago personally (the only time ever), thinking I would not publicly want to embarrass the guy (silly me) and was not insulting, just suggested he choose his words more carefully....because words are a powerful thing.....There's more to the story, but we'll leave it at that....old news.

To be clear, I didn't see any negative remarks directed at Adam in the Wasington Post article comments section, just MANY asking the reviewer if he had actually been to the concert, etc. and if so, what was his problem....and all added their personal reviews.... Lots of positive energy there....So if you feel inclined, add your own comment. Otherwise, just know that you sure aren't the only reader of the review that was not happy and that Adam and the GlamNation have been well represented and defended by his loving and passional fans.

Anonymous said...

People who were there DID say they put their fingers in their ears due to the people SHOUTING around them, NOT because of Adam.

Also, it was uncovered that this "writer" is a failed singer wannabe and perhaps he is just jealous.

Too bad he didn't feel the love that Adam puts out.

glitzylady said...

ooops! Should have said "passionate"fans, the last two words of my 10:29 post, although "passional" may have some sort of meaning as well...Hmmm....

Anonymous said...

I think with this link:

you can get right into the WPost article WITH THE COMMENTS POPPING RIGHT UP... as opposed to this link:

And this has popped up from the BSun - but warning, it might make you feel badly and you might want to avoid it... or you could find yourself compelled to comment favorably for AL there as well. **Keep in mind, all these Entertainment Journalists are looking for hits to their articles/sites... so you may want to purposefully NOT click on the site and give it more hits... it's a personal choice...I sorta like to know what's being written and said so I choose to blog, but it does ruffle my feathers sometimes for sure and sometimes I end up wishing I'd never read something.

and this link:
is that follow up from WPost with what they call:
"You said it: Recent highlights from our comments pages" - which again, I'm sorta feeling is just them trying to get more mileage (aka - hits) from the whole thing. But just FYI


Anonymous said...

@ Anon on June 30, 2010 11:48 AM - I did also read that somewhere today - about the reviewer being a failed wannabe... that would sure explain a lot... not that this is confirmed, and not that he can't have a negative opinion of Lambert, absolutely he and anyone can, but his tone, to me, made me take his review less seriously right from the get-go, something any journalist (entertainment or hard news) should be concerned with if they want to be taken seriously, IMHO (went to school for journalism and worked briefly in the field on small scale at one point). But anyway, haven't cared enough about this reviewer to look into/read about his CREDENTIALS... and I'm sorta feeling like I shouldn't, so as to not give him any more hits...but it's hard to stay away sometimes when you want potential readers to understand that they should just check out Lambert's offerings for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Here's the Baltimore Sun link that I spoke about above, but failed to post (ding dong me)

again, warning, just may make you feel irritated...may want to just stay positive and skip it!!

Anonymous said...

Submitted!!! Yay hope this works.


glitzylady said...


Thanks for posting the website for the WA Post blog, was just going to do the same thing...

Went to the Baltimore Sun, read the comments by Sam Sessa, decided he isn't worth my time....anyone that wants to read the little blurb that he wrote regarding his "comrades" (his words) at the WA POST article and the resulting comments section in the Post will just be upset and mad, so my advice is, don't bother, but its up to you. I really do think some of these guys just get such a charge out of themselves, are so very cynical and full of themselves, and like nothing better than to get people all worked up, at the expense of the artists who they are supposed to be "reviewing". They think the whole thing is "hilarious" (their words again). Phooey!!!! I have a feeling this is not all that uncommon and lots of performers are fair game as far as they are concerned. Not going to add to their entertainment by commenting, if that's all they see it as, entertainment for them personally . Just going to support Adam the way I always have. He'll be hugely successful and those idiots can just eat their words...........

Okay moving back into that Positive Energy Mode now... Think I'll go see Fever again, watch Adam and Tommy, and go to my Happy Place...

Anonymous said...

I hear 'ya glitzylady -
and you go girl!

glitzylady said...

And after watching Fever agian, just thinking these guys may be very jealous of the GB, because maybe they haven't been, well, as ....blessed......(they can be snarky and so can I :-) ) Sorry, I'm being bad.....won't say any more....back to that Happy Place again...

Anonymous said...

I’m all about positivity and support for Adam. THe WP article is very hard to ignore and the activist in me perks up when there is unreasonable criticism peppered with standard less than equitable code words and inferences. However, if someone is paying for a subscription to a newspaper that they feel is less than objective they have every right to send an opinion editorial to the editor.

Kiwi said...

Adam with a mustache! So hot and sexy and manly.

glitzylady said...

@anon 2:24 You are absolutely right, the Washington Post is considered to be one of the better newspapers in the country and should be able to hire professional staff. And you are right in saying that sometimes going to the top in that case actually gets the point across better. I had alluded ( in a post above) to an email I sent a few months back to another music critic in Florida, some of us may remember that little situation.....Actually perhaps the first time I commented on 24/7, I was a reader but didn't comment...Anyway, to make a long story short (sort of), the REST of the story, in a nutshell was this: The Critic was supposed to be discussing Adam's upcoming performance at a Ray's game (afterwards) and made some good comments, peppered with some very snarky remarks ("screeching", and "caterwauling") etc.) and also alluded to the AMA's in a roundabout sort of way, etc.. , and some others that escape me at the moment.... Anyway, I was insulted enough as a fan, to email him. I was "professional" in my comments (my son's word) but let him know what I thought about his comments, and that I was concerned that his comments would perhaps give the impression that Adam's appearance and show would not be "appropriate" for an after baseball game concert, with families, etc... and that it could create problems for Adam's booking, etc.. Not to mention disrespectful to Adam in a few places. I figured that would be the end of it. Well, others actually spoke to the editor of the paper, pointed out that article had attracted some very homophobic nasty remarks in the comments section and also expressed dismay at the tone of the article. The editor said he didn't pay the critic to agree with everyone (of course not), but once he took a look at the comments, the comments section was disabled because of the nasty gay bashing going on. He said they did not want to promote hate like that. So, a couple of days later, finding out about that, I went to the critics blog, and lo and behold he had published my email along with a few others. Mine was the least "salty "of the bunch.....He said he couldn't understand the fuss and thought it was pretty funny..ha...ha....So, not sure the critic really learned anything by that and I suppose he just thought it was funny, but then again who knows. I just think each of us should do what we think is right, whatever that may be . Sorry to be so long with this but maybe it can be helpful to those wondering if they should give this sort of thing any attention. Sometimes you can ignore it and sometimes you just have to say something. I can't tolerate a lot of hateful remarks, especially when it comes to sexual preference. And I also can't stand outright lies and meanness. I try to live by Adams philosophy of Love and Tolerance and Peace, but once in while, just have to have a say............

glitzylady said...

Okay off to that Happy Place again!!! It's getting A LOT of use today. Thank goodness for Adam and Tommy......

Anonymous said...

The Washington Post is one of the most liberal newspapers in the nation. There you go again, liberal journalists/writers hating on Adam.

Anonymous said...

Wow glitzylady - did your email get published with personal information??? Surely not, right?

Also, like the well spoken Anon @June 30, 2010 2:24 PM, sometimes my activist side comes out :)... it can be a scary thing, lol. But yes, as has been said here - a personal choice has to be made about such things.

glitzylady said...

And I aways did kind of like that picture of Adam looking a little rogue-ish sexy, a bit like my favorite picture of him from a few years ago, leaning against the wall, the little goatee, longish messy hair, and long legs.....well, any way.....forgot what I was saying....oh yes, like it!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 3:28pm on June 30 - is that by any chance you "justpeachy"?????? If so, I miss your comments on this site - please use your tag again, pretty please :)!

If not, whoever you are, you've commented this before on 24/7 - I believe I see your point, as much as I think I understand it, which is not wholly because you don't ever quite elaborate enough for me to get what might be your full meaning, and I have a reply inside me itching to get out - but, I'm not quite sure I get your exact meaning, coupled with the fact that I too have moved on to my happy place this evening :), but I'd like to invite you to elaborate sometime if the spirit moves you to do so, because I'd like to understand your thought process better (especially before responding w/ my POV, if I should ever choose to do so).

glitzylady said...

MGF 3:31pm

No email info, thank goodness, the guy had SOME scruples....I sure didn't expect to see it published, but I guess one should always think about that. I hadn't even left a comment in the comments section when it was still there. The second I saw it (my letter to him) in print, I looked to be sure. I had also signed my real name and that wasn't there either....

And I also wanted to add that I firmly believe in freedom of speech, and am not a big fan of censorship so wasn't completely sure how I felt about the comments section being disabled in the Florida paper,but was quite frankly glad that no one would have to seem some of that stuff. So sad that there are people out there who just seem to really enjoy being as nasty as they can possibly be about people who never did anything to them.... I understand that the paper did not want to promote or be in any way accused of supporting the vile comments that appeared in that section. Its a very fine line sometimes. Of course the supportive comments also disappeared , except for the blog. The article remained but any comments went to the critics blog, which was harder to find.

glitzylady said...

ooops "see" some of that stuff, "not seem"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reply glitzylady. Interesting. Food for thought for sure.
MGF 3:31pm

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you something, fellows fans and anonymous here posted, I just got myself here and had no chance yet to read all your comments but until that first one about the negative review on some newspaper(?) and I say:
ANYONE, and by that I mean ANY SINGLE ONE who can't (or don't want to) «LISTEN» and/or «SEE» this wonder young man, this such a great shining star&artist Adam Lambert, should be BLIND and DEAF FOR LIFE, just as a punishment to have not the homework done.

(now, let's read that NOGLAMshit review, if I can find it...hope not...) God bless you, sweet Adam, and keep you out of such a crap!

Anonymous said...

...or should I say «everyone and by that I mean every single one"
Someone (or anyone) help me with this f****g English! (Sorry!)

Anonymous said...

<3 U Adam!!!