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Adam Lambert Interview at Z100!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, July 22, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, July 22, 2010

Part 1

Part 2


Anonymous said...

Ok this might possibly one of my fav interviews of him !!!! He is SO FUNNY I was literally laughing out loud :)

Diana said...

Finally, an interviewer who doesn't ask the same, worn out, boring questions!!!! Why was Neil there?

Stephanie said...

Sweeeeet!! one more interview!

Anonymous said...

This was a great interview, probably my favorite as well. It really brought out his humorous side, he is really funny. This guy is so talented, good at everything.

Anonymous said...

Me too, 6:50..

Anonymous said...

Yeah Anon @ 7:11pm - it's like AL's good at everything, wow. What I loved so much about this interview (among many things) is that AL IMMEDIATELY asked what Brett's mother's name was - right off the bat, no prompt needed, of his own doing...gosh what good manners, how thoughtful...what a people-person he is.

Anonymous said...

He always amazes me with his whit and I agree with all the above comments. He is so humble and kind and appreciates his fans like no one celeb I have ever seen. No wonder people fall in love with him over and over again.

melissa toronto said...

You guys took the words right out of my mouth. Love this interview, it shows so many wonderful qualities of Adam here. I really need a good laugh today. Thanks 24/7!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 6.50, this is the best interview I've seen so far. He was very relaxed and the interviewer was completely cool. Loved it.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely glamtastic interview. Adam is such a wonderful person and awesome entertainer! He is not only handsome, talented, unique, sweet, wonderful, sexy...he is FUNNY!

Anonymous said...

This is one of my fav interviews of Adam ever. :P

Anonymous said...

Def agree - best interview. Breezy, funny, had all the ingredients that make Adam so delectable.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Neil probably just hanging with his "bro"

who just happens to be our "Rock God"

Anonymous said...

How can anyone not love Adam? I must have watched these clips at least ten times.. So funny,warm and yes so ADAM.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 24/7. Great interview! Can't get enough of Adam. He has it all. I love his sense of humor. And I am sure everyone watching this just wants to hug him to pieces.

Anonymous said...

Adam...just makes the world a little brighter. Thanks 24/ doesn't get any better than this!

Anonymous said...

When Adam said, "Whatda want from me? " and 'oh, there's pizza?" I cracked up. I agree that this was the best ever and he looks so darling in his natural look. The Jewish references were the best . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Dianna at 7:04 pm

Neil is sort of his "right hand man" on the tour so that's why he was there...Saw him about 50 times a least in the background in Seattle, running errands, looking really busy....Pretty sure Adam is getting his money's worth....Maybe why he cut his hair, does't have time to even comb it on this tour...

Anonymous said...

Again, 0ur natural/gallant/captivating y0ung man is playing s0me «I'm just a smart/funny b0y», killing us all (f0r sure) wit# a simple natural smile 0r a brig#ten earing n0w and t#en ...but y0u all fans believe me, and n0w I'm seri0us:....y0u SEE+LISTEN bef0re taking my w0rd........ sweet Adam Lambert is muc# m0re t#an an amazing y0ung man and an extra large -talented artist!!!........ Bey0nd all we may kn0w 0r guess s0 far, we will f0r sure find, 0ver and 0ver again, T#E best G00D FEELINGS CATALYST, ever!!!......Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Lots of nice footage of Neil smiling in this
Loved the "there's pizza?" haha

Anonymous said...

That was so great really warm and natural, loved the "Mum" talk. Adam and Neils Mum must be so pleased and happy they are together.

Anonymous said...

This is so funny about the Jewish moms..and sons forgetting birthdays. My mom is Italian (which is similar, believe me!) Anyway, my brother forgot to send her a Valentine one year. He called her to apologize for that and she said."That's ok honey, I'll just reread last year's valentine." They know how to press the guilt button! Great interview!! Also want to thank all the Glams for reading my post a few days ago. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

So cool to see Neil on tour with Adam. Nobody looks out for ya like a brother. They probably snark and snarl at times like all brothers but Neil just looks like he would take someone apart who messed with his big bro. Love this interview - he is so relaxed and natural and always naturally funny - what the RS interviewer referred to as "triple-snap humor". I think he looks really well rested, healthy and upbeat - pretty amazing after 30 some shows. Looks like they will get a few days in LA - imagine how good that will feel to be in own shower and own bed. What a truly special human!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Jewish Humour.I was raised in a Jewish neighborhood and there's nothing funnier than to listen to an elderly couple bantering back and forth. Little old Jewish men are priceless. Just trying to imagine Adam at 75! He'll be hysterical! Adam is so comfortable and willing to participate when djs ask. Neil was smiling and looked so young in this video. Must be the haircut. So good that they are together and Neil can look out for Adam with so much to take care of and he can trust him with the important things. Adam always gives more than he is asked . I've seen the My Prayer video and he's such a pro, no matter what it is and it was touching. The valentine story brought me right back to my old neighborhood and my best friends mother.Great memories. Love Adam more than ever, if it's possible. Thanks for this interview! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

nice !!!