Adam Lambert scheduled for Late Night With Jimmy Fallon on 8/4
Filed Under (If I Had You,news,tv appearances ) by Admin on Saturday, July 3, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, July 03, 2010

According to this website, Adam will be appearing on the Late Night Show With Jimmy Fallon on August 4! It is one of the upcoming scheduled appearances to promote the third single "If I Had You".
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finaly! I was wondering when he is going to show his beautiful self on JF show. YAY Adam! Can't wait...
I love Jimmy F. and his band, the Roots. Jimmy can sing pretty good himself and will probably really appreciate Adam's talent. I can not wait to see Adam sing; maybe he will be in one of Jimmy's skits.
WAKE UP EVERYONE! IIHY is about to become the new #1 on VH1! @adamlambert is the first artist this year to have two videos make it to #1!
It is #1 way to go!!!!!
I love Jimmy F. Show, he is really funny & talented. I was wondering when Adam will be on his show. Can't wait! Congrates to Adam, #1 on VH1. Thanks to everyone for voting including me, hehe.. Let's hope no more #2/2nd for Adam from now on. Here's a video of Adam answering questions where some fans couldn't see before: Here's an article on Adam's wealth:
@ Melissa Toroto
Hi there fellow, I want to believe that sweet Adam made #1 vh1, but WHERE is the official news about it?.. before I open a special bottle of french champagne and invite you to share it with me, you (who seems to be the best treveller I know on Internet, finding out and sharing links), you please tell me?!
Does anyone know if this is pre-taped, because he has a concert in Lubbock that night.
adam is #1 on VH1, you can go to top 20 or here is a screen shot for you.Credit goes to Scorpio4adam.
ASAP XV, the highest noon time Sunday show in the Philippines had covered Adam Lambert's songs in several of their episodes. They also used FYE for their opening dance number. Good fortune for us 'coz some of the Pinoy fans posted the covered songs online.
That's a nice picture for the single cover too.
Thanks again Melissa in Toronto (fr the links) + congratulations that you get to go to 5 concerts!!
p.s. 24/7: Please post the Alpha Male article on here. The comments below it on Associated Press are amazing, and I want to hear what all of us have to say about it too!
@@ Melissa Toronto,
So... Yeeeaaahhh! What are we waiting for? Let's enjoy our champagne, fellow!
And you sweet Adam, you bad kissing boy, you just keep on singing it all away; keep your beautiful voice as high as possible baby, send everything you wish to the space (the Universe will certainly give you back answers... be ready to them...) And from now on, you are not my golden boy any more, but my DIAMOND BOY. Never mind the platinum step, get over it, you have just been promoted!!!!
worrspace, my n soul wich is gone to your han ds, my voice trough the Universe, let me tell you, you are not my golden boy an y more, you've been promoted to MY DIAMOND BOY, never mind my thoughts, just get over a possoible platinum...
God...! What is that under my comment above??? I should be just talking no sense a sleepwalker, HA!!(Product of my joy!)
new adam promo picture.Credit goes to @Glitter4adam
enjoy glamberts! I <3 u all!
Yeah Fan4fun, let's party together girl!! Diamond Boy haha, that's cute.
Sweetie: Thank you! Went to one concert already
in June. The other four will be in August, can't wait. Lot's of driving since coming from Canada, debating if I should wait in line early in the morning for one venue which is General Admission. I have to be up front & in my face at least for one concert. LOL.
Here's the Alpha Male article:
yes #1 on vh1. also, keep voting on sirius xm hits 1. on the opening page scroll down to the blue section and adam is listed. also vote for top 20 where you see the pic of gaga. adam is on the list there as well. i vote every day.
Have been DOUBLE VOTING since I came home from the hospital. Didn't have a clue where ADAM ranked on VH1 & VOILA! ... #1 ... what a fantastic surprise this morning on VH1! So I have started DOUBLE VOTING everywhere to keep ADAM where he belongs ... AT THE "TOP"!! YAY!!
Well it's pretaped I'm sure unless Fallon moved to Lubbock, Texas where Adam is performing that evening. How odd!!
Anyone have tickets for the Lubbock show? It's in the middle of nowhere. Can't imagine why management scheduled there. Guess students from Texas Tech will get a treat. Distant from almost everywhere else in Texas. Just don't get it.
I bought the first tickets sold to the Lubbock concert. Me and my family will be there. I live in Odessa it is a 2 hour drive for me. I'm glad it is there any where else I would have to drive 5 hours to see him. I just wish they would start adbertising it so more people would know.
I have tickets to the Luboock show can't wait. I live in Odessa a two hour drive from Lubbock. If they had done it anywhere else I would had to drive at least 5 hours. I wish they would start advertising his concert. I think I'm the only one who knows.
Question for those attending Lubbock concert. Sry if this is off topic. Is it all general admission--first come, first serve. Also, what is the venue like. I hear it's outdoors and concerned about heat/t-storms, etc.
It is general admission. From my understanding they have an outdoor that is the ampatheater and an indoor which is the pavillion and the tickets say the pavillion. So it should be indoors holds about 2000.
Read this article that Melissa from Toronto had posted above. Coming from a medical make sense to me. I like it a lot. It gives you insight why women in particular are attracted and drawn to Adam.
The article is from "Arts and Entertainment".
Here's the Alpha Male article:
Thanks anony 5:34 for info on Lubbock. It just seems odd that I can't find any picture of the facility. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place.
How is Adam going to be on Jimmy Fallon when he is going to be in Texas on that date.
If it is true they must have filmed super early.
Did I see something Tommy tweeted about Fallon? Or maybe I imagined it.
Got tickets for Lubbock. They were face value, so beware of scalpers already hawking them at much higher prices. Long drive, but it should be a small venue, college town, laid back.
Adam will probably tape Jimmy Fallon when he plays in or near LA if that's where show is based.I think they usually tape two weeks in advance, but I may be incorrect. Can't wait to see him on tv again and Jimmy is a lot of fun and may have Adam do something funny. Adam has great comedic timing and is such a good sport! funbunn40
@ MelissaToronto, The Charlotte venue was Gen adm.and it held about 2000. the fans that arrived at 8am got a decent place, but there was a seperate line for VIPs and meet and greet fans that were let in first to see Adam about 1/2 hour before we were admitted.Fans were supportive of each other,allowing bathroom,food and drink breaks,for each other, saving their places in line.Bring a chair, umbrella for sun and water,and you can bring items back to car as time for concert gets close. Fans in Charlotte a fun, friendly bunch, as I'm sure they are at all of the venues. We're all Spreading the Lambert Love!! Hope this info is useful. funbunn40
im in lovington nm..about 2 hours away from Lubbock venue...i have 2 general admission tickets...but does anyone know where i can get vip or meet and greet passes!!!???? we soooo wanna meet him! :) thanks!!
Check out Jimmy Fallon's scheduled listing for 8/4 - Mike Posner. May be a mistake all ....
yea, can't wait!
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