Adam Lambert's June 10 concert at Harrah's Council Bluffs grossed $138,000 (+SOLD OUT)
Filed Under (tour news ) by Admin on Friday, July 2, 2010
Posted at : Friday, July 02, 2010

Adam Lambert's concert on June 10 grossed over $138,000 at Harrah's Council Bluffs! It sold out all the seats too!
Concert Info:
Admission: $35.00 – $189.00. BoxOffice: $138,417.
Sold: 3,741 of 3,741 – 100%
So amazing! Congrats Adam!
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A thought all of his concerts to date have been sold out!! Why the hell not.
Yay congrats Adam! This is only at one venue.. Think Adam will be an instant millionaire after the three months GN tour!
Looks like almost all tickets for most of his concerts were SOLD OUT! and this is only in the US!
Not forgetting he has his GN International tour coming right up after that! Mann.. Adam is Big Business.. n he is the most active 'money-making machine' artist I've ever come across!
Good luck in ur music career Adam! Wish u in GREAT health n wealth ALWAYS!!
Love that picture.
Don't forget that he was advanced $375,000, and when that money is made back to 19 and RCA managers, then he will have a share in the rest of the tour. I think he will be quite comfortable as he explains it.
So happy for the success!
Wow, congrats to Adam! Yeheey!
I am happpppppy, happppy!! NOW, he needs to book a venue in the Tampa Bay area other than the Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg. Everyone across and up and down Florida are most anxious to see the Glam Nation Adam! But just the few that fit in the stadium will get to see him. We are so SAD. I hope his management reads this. Help us Floridians, please!
Sweet Adam, I wish your $$$$$ reachs as high as your voice, baby!
That's my boy!
Ft.Lauderdale is lusting for you too and I will go the distance to see you there, if you can get down that way! Congrats,Adam, even if you don't see this and all of the other's posts,,we're happy and proud and am sending this into the universe to you. funbunn40
I love that pic, yeah for him, he should do quite well as the summer rolls along, remember all the merchandise sales as well. I hope the FYE album keeps selling and the down loads of the singles as well.
I always thought that picture was iconic. Love it, as well.
Funnbunn40 - didn't you see Adam live tonight?? I thought you were seeing him soon...? Like, tonight? Did I have that wrong? If you did see him, we need a full report!
- Adam Fix
OOPS!!! I was thinking too much about Adam, that I entered his name instead of mine in the "comment as" section! :DDD
It was meant to be Arta Arias. :p ;)
@ Adam fixI uderstood Funbonn and Gina were going to live their dream of a life yesterday night too.... there was someone else from our «Club Weird» going too; I went to bed quite late, praying and asking God to take a «ride» with them. Fan4fun
way to go council bluffs in Iowa, I am from Iowa and plan to see Adam on Sept 3
All his concerts are almost sold out, just wish he would come to Chicago!
I am from Iowa also, going Sept 3 also.
That picture is telling me
I am your Rock God
I hope all makes alot of money, he will only spend it to make the next TOUR more fantastic than this one...I personally think he should have charged twice as much for this tour...I was stunned to learn the ticks were only 38.50!
Adam def is lucky. Lucky for his tallent, lucky for his fame, for his fortune, for living his dream... but most of all he's lucky because of you guys.
This is so nice and kind of you to be this generous and happy for someone else's accomplishments while it's not even benefiting you. This is what makes me proud to be a Glambert. And this is what they call unconditional love. The kind of love parrents give to their children, siblings to each other, lovers to one another, friends share together... and OURS TOWARDS ADAM.This is the very essence of the IIHY.
The reason Adam has become so sensational for us is because he's someone who is living the "yet to be granted wishes" of ours! Breaking the cliche, taking the ultimate risks, believing in ourselves and reaching beyond the limit that is defined as "The highest".
We may yet have to try to make our wishes come true or we may never have the time to have them granted. But one thing is for sure: Adam is the mirror in which we can see the reflections of the dreams we dream! Adam is one of "us" who was more driven to have his "wants" turned into "haves", much sooner than they were meant to be. That's why we salute him, and that's why we'll respect him.
No matter what he does now, where he goes... He is an idol in my mind and a hero in my heart forever and I yet have time to have my wishes come true (thank god) so I hope when I reach his age, I'll be able to also cross out "age" -as a limiting definition of what dreams I'm allowed to dream of- from my life.
And... I hope I too can be sorrounded by positive and loving people like "you" who can remind me everyday that "I'm appreciated" just like we do for Adam.
So thanks to Adam Lambert, Thanks to 24/7 BUT MOSTLY... Thank "you".
Arta Arias
P.S Sorry for the terrible English.
@ Arta Arias
«Adam is the mirror in which we can see the reflection of the dreams we dream»
is a lovely statement, should be used in Adam's official biografy. Don't you thank us or the way we show our affection to this amazing young man, you thank God first for giving to our crazy world some Adam Lambert «just the way Adam Lambert is», and then you thank Adam Lambert for continuously being and showing us «the way he is»; You thank to all this positive impact he causes into our lives, no matter our age or living experience (and no matter how good our English is, LOL). I myself am old enough to be his grandmom but every single day I learn FROM HIM so much about myself, my wishes and dreams turning reality... or not..., and about all THIS LOVE that I kept inside my heart during so long, maybe waiting for the right time, the right place (24/7 site) and the right people to share with.
PS: Be welcome to our «Club Weird»! You go, girl!
Welcome Arta Arias, no need to apologize for your english.We Americans sometimes have trouble with our english or typing[me if tired or in a trance about Adam!]Just ask if we confuse you, as sometimes American slang or terms aren't familiar. We ask our friends in UK to explain their terms too. We all share a love for Adam that brings us all together and what you stated was very meaningful. As fan4fun said, Welcome to Club Weird! funbunn40
@fan4fun, I gave a rundown of the concert on the blog site about fans waiting to see Adam in Charlotte after the concert. I'm still not over it and since seeing the videos I'm having an out of body experience! funbunn40
@ Funbonn40
Would you give me some free lessons???
May be I should work out long distances «out of body experiences», so I may perhaps have my sweet Adam «live» experience through an «astral trip» over seas...(Ha!)
RT @J_Lambs: yGNT in JAPANzAll tickets of Oct 8 TOKYO for the presale were sold out!
about 17 hours ago via web
I know why I relate so keenly to Adam, and it's because with all the barbs thrown his way, he's not only endured, he's triumphed. It's a great example for many of us who are going through life's tribulations. Homophobia like so many prejudices, is so entrenched in so many that the way Adam has banished it--his own inimitable way--by replacing it with delight, our admiration, and compassion--is so much more powerful than railing against it.
Adam has made himself an instrument of love and its power to transform. I enjoy Adam, not only for his artistry, but for his humanity. He makes me proud to be part of the human race and thoroughly warms my heart. Eventually, even the most hard-hearted will begin to melt. That is my dream.
Love is the most powerful word in the Universe. Just think about it in it's most basic form. If people truly loved, there would be no war, violence, greed, hate,etc. Adam exudes love and is his own most positive ally, against homophobia, just by being his own sweet, openly honest self. Eventually those people, fearful of what they don't know or understand, hopefully will realize Adam and other gay, lesbian people are really very normal individuals with ethics and sense of morality. fanbunn40
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