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Adam Lambert's Meet & Greet with the fans at Chesaning, MI

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, July 13, 2010



glitz and sparkles said...

sooooooooooooo lucky!!
Maybe better chances to meet him at this type of venue???

Anonymous said...

No Adam, no ouija board shirt. Bad luck. Very bad luck. Please throw away ouija board shirt. Better to burn it. No good come from ouija board shirt.

Shirley said...

I think these people have meet and greet passes....(notice most of them wearing some batch around their neck.

glitz and sparkles said...

contest link

And another date for Hard Rock Hollywood Florida in Sept.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so great on those pictures! Seriously! I would wanna be on their shoes one day!... can't wait till it's my turn to watch Glam Nation Tour!!! It seems like forever waiting for the day to come!

Anonymous said...

I wish I can get a M&G pass sometime. How does get them?

Anonymous said...

Great slideshow!!!!! Does every venue has a meet & greet? and if so how do you get them?

Anonymous said...

5:08. I thought the ouiji board shirt was hilarious. He isnt using it. Kids should really stay away from them but Adam is an adult. I think using ouiji board can sometimes be weird bringing in negative spirits but not bad luck. IMHO

Anonymous said...

So enjoy seeing Adam with his fans, especially liked all the young girls with their braces and the number of men as well! Signed, Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I grew up with a ouiji board. We kids in the neighborhood used to play ouiji all summer when it was too hot to play baseball. I grew up just scars or demonic possession. It's a freaking game board, people. Keep wearing it, Adam. If we put our hands on your chest, will it send us a message?

Anonymous said...

aww!!!he looks so cute there:)

Anonymous said...

So cute and beautiful. The fans look gorgeous and cute and flawless too. :)


Glambird said...

So glad to see there's so many men there.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how a person gets to "meet and greet" Adam? I am going to see him in August. Please!!!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how to get a meet and greet pass?????

Anonymous said...

.....just read the idol tour is cut short and ends in IndiAdampolis 8-31 the same night Adam is playing at Clowes Hall how ironic.....but don't care will be in the fourth row for Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my Rah!
So many people and only one Adam...
He smiles so truly on all these pics!

Anonymous said...

did you guys go to the source site and look at the rest of the pictures? Please tell me that woman did not have Adam's signature tatooed on her chest.

Anonymous said...

I really think that's an Adam signature. Lucky lady. Nice to see all ages plus some men for a change!! Adam has a gorgeous smile and perfect teeth. He looks perfect.

Has anyone noticed how much better his complexion seems to be?

GlammyLadybug said...

The signature doesn't seem tattooed. I think the woman was 'marked' right there as a genuine Glambert!
And his smile is nice indeed, but seems too 'professional'. It's identical in each and every one of those 25 photoes. I know that he is a people's person, but these M&Gs became too much of a routine. Sorry, but this is the vibe I get from these otherwise beautiful pictures.
However, it's so nice of him that he takes the time to make some people happy.

If you haven't seen it already, check this out:
It's funny.

Anonymous said...

calling all Adams fans!!! we need some help..
please go to:
one on one.. we are trying real hard to win this on...he's up against the band Hanson, they say Hanson fans will make sure they stay to put Adam at #1....their fans comments aren't very nice....please help get the word out so we can prove them wrong!!!
i know Adam fans are devoted...we need all of you to help with this one....thank's for Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

It was mentioned else where that meet and greets are sometimes connected to the local top 40 station if Adam is doing an interview before the show?

Anonymous said...

Adam is so cute with that hat on. Looks like he is developing a "meet and greet" smile! Poor guy, everyone wants Him! Me included!

Anonymous said...

Re meet & greet smile - he is ONLY HUMAN (hard to believe, I know I know, I get that :)...but not a GOD, only human afterall) and this is business too... we all have our business/profession/work smile know don't we?!!!

Anonymous said...

been trying for 3 days to get a vip pass on the radio, i have one more chance tomorrow and i have 6 ppl helping me call in, wish me luck glamberts! concert is friday night, cant wait!!!

Anonymous said...

Saw him at Chesaning and had 2nd row seats. Saw two other shows and thought Chesaning was the best of the three. His personality, warmth and charm really came through onstage and you couldn't help but love him! Very funny too! He was trying to hold his notes while trying to keep the bugs out -- not an easy task! So happy to see he is getting the credit he deserves.