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A cheer squad dances to "For Your Entertainment" on tonight's America’s Got Talent

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, July 20, 2010

From tonight's America's Got Talent Top 48 week 2.


Anonymous said...

Super cooool for Adam!!! the judges weren't feeling them :( I like the fireworks at the end... speaking of which I'm going to watch the Symphony of Fire Competition tomorrow! yay! It's going to amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

Why are there two British judges? We wouldn't allow that to happen in my country. They don't care about cheerleading, because it is not their culture and we already know that the FYE single didn't make it in Britain.

Anonymous said...

Adam sounded so great, it made me unreasonably happy! I think we'll see that song used in a lot of interesting ways

Anonymous said...

Love to hear Adam's music being used!!
Not a fan of Piers (judge)...lacks personality.

Anonymous said...

Interview of Danny Gokey: He talks about Adam...Here is the part..

Q. Be honest: Was Adam Lambert robbed?

A. I said on "Larry King Live" I knew Kris (Allen) was going to win because he had a big fan base. But now the numbers tell me Adam outsold Kris and that means he has a strong fan base, too. With "Idol" it doesn't matter who the winner is. What matters is who you're going to hear on the radio two years from now. Of the 90 or so contestants who have been in the final 13 over the years, you can probably count on two hands whose music is being played. If I'm still being played on the radio next year, I'll be pleased.

This is the only part he talks about Adam but if you are interested in reading his other stuff too, here is the link.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

@ July 20, 2010 10:12 PM

Didn't America's Got Talent originally start in Britain with Britain's Got Talent?

Also, Howie Mandel is Canadian, which makes it funny to me that an American talent contest is judged 3 people who did not originate from the US.

Anonymous said...

They sped up the music so much! It felt manic to me. And I agree with the judges, I wish it had been more technically awesome and polished (my selfish reason: to show off Adam's music even better!). Still, good for them + they're having fun and seem to have a lovely sense of community with all ages.

anon at 6:21, google wouldn't give me anything for that link. Can you give it to us another way?

ZZ, thank you for that Danny talking about Adam info! (very careful and politically correct wording from Danny)


GlammyLadybug said...

Hi there 24/7!
There are some videos from Seattle there… Check on You Tube channels: Artistsupporter / gocanux/

Anonymous said...

IMHO the music did not match their routine. There routine was high school level. I was sorry they used FYE, maybe they thought it would help get voters, maybe it will.

Anonymous said...

S0rry......~but I really d0n't care ab0ut speed, r0utine's levels 0r even t#e judgement itself.... sweet Adam was SINGING and 3 GR0UPS (stage, audience and TV viewers)were #aving fun..... many ages #aving fun t0get#er ...... and remember, sweet Adam is an entertainer as well as a singer, tw0 times bey0nd GREAT ARTIST, #is music being played, listened and rec0gnized. S0 g00d f0r y0u and f0r us, Diam0nd B0y!........ Fan4fun

Glitz and Sparkles said...

This is the Seattke WLL video....very good. Especially like the pause around 4:45...lip lick, 'thank you' to the crowd and the heart melting smile!!!
ohhhhhhhhhhh Adam....

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you G&S! And I personally love how this WLL was VOCALLY so sensual... it maybe didn't include some of his more steamy or suggestive or double entendre moves - but I think that's why I liked it so much - so aurally seductive!! Lawdy this guy is good.

ps. Couldn't wait to check out vids :), went on internet early this morning, lol, before real life started... and from the few vids that are up already, you can see a lot of little lit up glowing screens, which hopefully suggests more vids to come soon, fingers crossed!!

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous July 21, 2010 6:21 AM -
who posted:

saw that on internet this morning - poor BB - ha ha. Thanks for posting here. I can think of a few things to make that feel all better, ha ha

Anonymous said...

Great song...crappy performance.
The dance didn't seem to fit with the song very well.


Anonymous said...

To MGF and Sweetie,
I found this link this morning in google but I forgot to post the name of the poster(sorry I forgot to give credit). I just tried it again and it is working.
Sweetie, try to post the whole thing, it will work.


Anonymous said...

@ZZ 4:40pm
