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Glam Nation Tour in Seattle, WA, Showbox SoDo

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, July 21, 2010











Anonymous said...

He is so talented and fun....

Anonymous said...

Adam is so good at "dirty dancing" too!... daymn!... you can dirty dance with me anytime... I might even teach you a step or
And don't miss the tongue and lip lickin action!:)

Looked like another awesome show Adam! and you're having so much fun!... all that matters!:)

Anonymous said...

Um...I think I better not even comment yet...cuz most of what I have to say right now, based on visceral responses and, um, dirty... (and not just thinking about AL!!, lol). And geez, I already watched most stuff on internet this morning (but on small ipod screen, lol, I should know better than to watch concert vids in the middle of the day on computer in full screen mode, lol). I better process more...and then come back and comment about the performance and music.

Anonymous said...

***GASP*** Just coming up for air!! I survived - barely. Adam was AMAZING!!!! Very glittery and sweaty...just the way I like him. And yes - many dirty thoughts flying through my head last night, and still.

Unfortunately, I was never able to find Glitzylady...more on that later, including a funny story.

Will try to calm myself down enough to send you all "my review", later today or tonight.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Can't wait Adam Fix! Yay. Glad you're back safe and sound.

Oh, but BB doesn't sweat - he glistens :) ha ha. But you got it girlfriend, glistening and glittery - what could be betterer...was thinking about how much you must have been enjoying that!! Getting happier and happier that my Cohasset venue is not air conditioned :). Okay, gotta put AL's body fluids outta my mind or I'll never get any work done. Looking forward to "review" glamsister.

Anonymous said...

Great show as usual. I think next year they had better think over the best costumes for saunas. They have had to put up with hell on earth this summer, with the heat and humidty. At this point I think they are all under paid. I love leather, BUT it must be awful for the performers. Adam said it takes two of them to peal off his leathers, cuz it just sticks to the skin. His show has not slowed down in spite of all this, he is a star with a capital S

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix

D**n!!! Looked for you, asked a few short haired redheads, "excuse me, but are you Adam Fix", but nope....I ended up in the Lounge, lucked out as one of the first 200 in line that they let into the lounge and off the sidewalk several hours before the doors opened, hoped you would be there too.....Ended up close to the stage (5 "rows" back in the sardine pack, and dead center....) but unable to move a finger even.....although did have to apologize several times to the guy in front of me for accidentally groping his a** (he said he didn't mind...), and was also behind two very cute young gay guys who both said they wanted to marry Adam and pretty sure he noticed them, as I felt like I had some "eye" contact but probably not really me.....but one can pretend...I as well have more to say (can you believe it????!!!!) but will save it for later...

Anonymous said...

Damn - as well!! I had a hunch you were in the lounge, 'cause I remember you saying you were going down early.

Here's my quick funny story - I walked slowly up and down the line, out on the sidewalk, twice with my hot pink "24/7" sign - making lots of eye contact with everyone along the way. No luck finding you. Got lots of blank stares, and some "what's that?" questions. (...oh, did meet a woman from Canada who knew the site and reads our comments, but said she can't posts comments for some reason! Hi - hope you loved the show!)

Get inside the walking around with my sign and a guy comes up to me. He says "what's that sign for? My friends and I were wondering." I said it was an Adam website and I was looking for a friend from the site that I chat with...said she'd know, if she saw the sign. He said "oh, we thought you were a hooker" - !!!!!!! What? OMG, I laughed so hard! The theater IS in a seedy part of town, but c'mon. I had gold glitter on my eyes, but otherwise, was dressed fashionable, but not over the top/sexy in ANY way. I think these guys were doing a little wishful thinking. Ha!

- Adam Fix

GlammyLadybug said...

That's soo presh...
I really love how he takes in everything that happens on the stage. But he really needs to watch out for the glamB when he does his routine with Brooke. That girl is a menace to the object of many dreams! :-)

(Did I say I start hating the time difference with 24/7?)

Anonymous said...

AdamFix, too funny! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

GlammyLadybug - I haven't watched the clips yet (am going to watch them later and relive last night - yes I am!) but he said, after his dirty dance with Brooke, that they had just performed the "Nutcracker Suite" - ha, ha! Then he had to adjust himself, and said he would just sing in a higher octave the rest of the night (is that even possible...higher than he can already go?). :)

- Adam Fix

GlammyLadybug said...

Hi there, Adam Fix!
He's so funny. Glad you enjoyed the show as sweaty as it was! So glad for you ...and jealous :)

glitzylady said...

Adam Fix

That IS SO FUNNY!!!, well, now that you think about it, it COULD give the wrong impression!!! All glam-ed up, glitter, and a big hot pink "24/7" sign!!!!?? In fact, its beyond hilarious!!! ......Had to get up from the laptop and get a drink of water, I am laughing so hard!!!!! Actually sort of had a similar experience in Vancouver at River Rock...People don't always get the "glam" part......Wishful thinking indeed!!!! "My friends and I were wondering...."... Also looked for you after the show, after I could move again.... after WLL....YOU know what I mean....Then out to the buses, waited an hour in another sardine-can crowd jammed up against the barricades, by then couldn't feel my feet, and then.....WOO HOO!!!!! Out comes Adam to sign autographs and although I didn't get to talk to him-there were people in front of me (there's always next time...),I DID get my prized and beloved Rolling Stone magazine signed by Adam, and a lovely smile as well....He looked gorgeous and seemed as fresh and happy as always, even though he had put in an exhausting day of interviews, meet and greets, and then the concert....and it was almost 1 a.m. by then....Everyone else in the group were in the buses and ready to go...He truly deserves all the success he is achieving because he is so hard-working and so generous to and appreciative of his fans. Not that we don't already know that but to see it personally just reinforces that fact.

And yes, I LOVED the show...want to see it again today....and tomorrow and.....Oh well...And SO sorry I missed you...

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady & Adam Fix -- you two are hilarious!! WOW...Adam's autograph...!! I would be floating for days after a close encounter of 'Adam-liciousness'...

Anonymous said...

Hi Glitzylady...will write more tonight, but so excited you got to see him after the show!

I met Longineau in person!! Inside the venue...he was just strolling through the crowd while Allison played. Couldn't believe it! Nobody even looked at him - but me. I went up to him, very respectfully, and suddenly found myself tongue-tied! Ha, ha! All I could say was "...I just wanted to tell you how excited we are to see you tonight, how happy we are for your/the bands success and that I've been following your travels all around the globe..." (or something equally lame). He was super nice/polite/humble, said "thank you". Then I told him I'd leave him alone, and said how excited I was, a few more times. Rolling my eyes at myself. :)

I seriously resisted the urge to grab him by the shoulders and say, forcefully, in my best (you will obey me) "mom voice": TAKE ME TO ADAM, NOW!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix
Thanks both for sharing your experiences.
You are both so funny. Write again next time. Love to hear from both of you !!

Anonymous said...

OMG - love what you're sharing, love that you're sharing...write and post as much as you feel like ladies!!

Adam Fix - the story is HI-STERICAL! I almost pee'd myself (TMI, I know I know). And LP is all kinds of hot himself IMO!

glitzylady - a signed Rolling Stone, you can die happy now - a glimpse of him so close, oh man, how thrilling, give us details if you can.


GlammyLadybug said...

Here they come, the glam-puppeteers!

But let's face it - it's no way an ADAM-puppet, maybe just a Mad Hatter dummy of some sort.
Did you see them last night?

Anonymous said...

Between Adam butt spanking Tommy, dirty dancing with Brooke,Adamfix being mistaken for a hooker,thinking of taking LP hostage, Glitzylady making eye contact with Adam, him smiling at her, [thud, thud,]signing Rolling Stone mag,I'm beside myself with laughter and glitter envy living vicariously thru' you two! So sorry you couldn't meet up, but you each had an excellent Adam adventure! Still laughing. Have to go dry my eyes! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Funbunn40, Amen to everything you just said. Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Yep, also saw the "Adam Puppet"...the puppeteer,his assistant, and "Adam the puppet" were outside and inside the venue, and quite glam-ed up....When you think about it, the Sodo show was quite the experience in every way....My BFF went with me. She has admiration for his voice and obvious performance talent, but is still "resisting" a bit, in fact I think she kinda liked Tommy....., well, can't argue with that, its all in the "Glamily" anyway .....She did however say that the experience of yesterday was quite "surreal", and nothing that she has experienced before, and that is saying a lot because she is quite well traveled and has seen much more of "life" than I have. She has at least been properly exposed: nothing better than a live GlamNation concert to catch a case of Adam FEVER.

@Adam Fix
so cool you saw Longineau, you were doing well, just to get words out....and I'm sure the temptation of demanding to be taken to Adam was staggering... the thoughts that go through our minds...


I really NEVER imagined I'd get that thing signed, in fact this is the only time I've taken it with me, just thought, oh what the heck..maybe a premonition....He just looked so great, so tall, some make-up on, ...and SO nice. He just absolutely doesn't look real in a way, the best looking thing around, male or female, and he makes everyone else look pretty plain. Everyone was so respectful and polite, and said thank-you to him, not just for the autograph but also for the show, and for him just "being", at least that is how it felt to me.... It was almost reverential in tone...I feel like all that has been said by others many times, but it somehow means more when it is a personal experience, however fleeting that moment may be. And Tommy also came out earlier to sign autographs....And apparently I just missed seeing and talking to the whole band earlier in the day...Also saw Adam before the concert going from the bus to the venue back door, and he smiled and waved... and saw Monte in the bus afterwards as well....As well as the dancers, etc., oh and Allison too. And saw Neil many times. He really does smile sometimes.... Lots of brief star sightings...And that's not even talking about the show itself!!!

Anonymous said...

Had I seen Longineau right in front of me, I would have probably said something like: Hey Sticks, take me to your leader.

Anonymous said...

@ @ Adam Fix....and.....Glitzylady......I'm s0 glad y0u b0t# are back and alive, fell0ws,! At least, even s00ked in a sweat sweet Adam y0u dind't dr0wn in t#at special sweat WLL.... and m0st imp0rtant y0u are back t0 «Paradise 24/7», y0u are back t0 us!!!! Great! I'm s0 s0rry I need t0 take a rest n0w t0 be able t0 w0rk t0m0rr0w, but I'll c0me back t0 talk t0 y0u better, I pr0mise!.......... Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Ok, so the only thing I heard over and over and over and over and over was "...and my choreographer, Miss Brooke Wendell." I can't remember what I saw, so imma head back now and see what I missed...ok?

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady & Adam Fix

I am soooo jealous of you two. I just watched the WWL clip and IMO, it's the best since Indio. Took a lot for me to say that. I watched it right before watching an Elvis special - the '68 unplugged - singing Are You Lonesome Tonight. The similarities are uncanny: the utter manlyiness of both men, while directed differently, cannot be denied by anyone with eyeballs, the sense of humor, the mannorisms, the strength of the vocals, the self-confidence mixed with little-boy bewilderment of his hold on people, the swagger, the vulnerability... I could go on and on. Elvis was the first study of contradictions, Adam is the second. Watching both of them intently was very enlightening. They both never let their guard down and were intent on improving themselves, if that's even possible. They took/take nothing for granted and don't mind taking risks to remain relevant.

I never saw Elvis, only an impersonator. The crowd was still hysterical. I can't even imagine what a REAL Elvis concert would have been like. I was 9 when Elvis died and I remember crying. I have seen Adam on the Idol's tour. He very well could have headlined then. I can't even imagine what his future holds. Even though Elvis was great and magnetic, I see even more potential and talent in Adam. The world is his for the taking.

Are any of you crazy ladies going to be in Atl on 9/14? I would love to catch up with you. I feel compelled to compare my crazy to your crazy. Or maybe we just knew something very early on that the rest of the world is waking up to. We are watching history in the making. Isn't it great!!!


Anonymous said...

OK, my Glamily - I will try to give you my impressions from the show, even though I'm operating on hardly any sleep after last night! I hope I don't ramble...if this is too long for you, just skip on over it.

I would say, to sum it all up (as my friend observed, afterwards): Adam looked like a big, glittery snake. He was glistening (as you so aptly said, MGF) - covered in fine silver glitter and sweat - and writhing all over the stage! Oooooh-eee, can he wriggle!

The other thing that stood out to me was that his voice was WAY higher, in person, than I was expecting! Glitzylady - was that how he sounded when you saw him before, or do you think it was something with the sound system? When I've watched his videos and listened to his interviews, his voice always sounded deeper to me than it did last night. It threw me off - he sounded so young and boyish (almost a helium-like quality)! Both in his speaking voice, and some of the songs he was a whole different perception for me! Because Adam is so confident in himself, and so articulate and intellegent in his interviews, maybe I've always thought of him as older-than-his-years...but last night I felt like I was looking at/listening to a different person. A boy! Hmmm, gotta wrap my head around that. That puts a new twist on my Adam fantasies! Ha, ha!

So, when we walked into the venue, we went to get a drink. Allison started and we stayed in the back. Not smart! By the time she finished, and we went to push our way into the crowd in front of the stage, they were PACKED in there (as you described, Glitzylady) and nobody was budging. We could not infiltrate the mass of bodies! I had always envisioned myself front-and-center, but I had to settle for being a bit off to the side (stage right) and a few feet back. However, the venue was small and I still had an amazing view of my boyfriend!! Also, I'm almost 6' tall, in heels, and I wore them last night (regretted it afterwards, when I was crippled) so I was a head taller than everyone between me and the stage - so I had a pretty good view.
( be continued in next post...)

Anonymous said...

(...part II...)

The crowd got all frothed up and Adam finally came out on stage. That's when time stopped. That's when my world, as I knew it, fell to pieces. All the air was sucked out of my lungs, and replaced with glitter! My brain crumbled away and there I was, again, left with just a brain stem. I heard screaming, and didn't even realize it was coming from me! In other words - Adam dropped a big ol' glitter bomb on me!!

What can I say? The man is absolutely beautiful in person! His face is gorgeous! Very expressive. He is lithe. He is tall. He is fluid. His legs are long. His arms are sculpted and he has a very strong neck. He commands the stage. He was so hot, he almost set himself on fire! He is totally over-the-top and in your face. I didn't even LOOK at the rest of the band, or anyone else on that stage, for at least the first three songs! I was a heat seeking missle, locked on my target! In addition to looking like a snake, he reminded me of a panther, slinking around up there.

And can he move? Hell yeah! I will be able to close my eyes and see those moves for a loooong time to come! He did do a lot of "tongue flicking" - which, just my opinion, was almost too much. He didn't even need to do that to be totally sexy. Although it does kind of tie in with the snake-theme, come to think of it. Ha, ha!

A few of the performance highlights: when he was kneeling down to sing Ring of Fire, then he slowly unfolds and extends one leg onto the stair below. OMG - that leg just kept going, and going! When he sang Soaked, and stopped for a dramatic pause near the end, the audience went beserk!! It felt like the cheering/clapping went on for 5 minutes, before he could finish the song! It was SO great. IIHY - he TORE it up! The crowd was jumping/dancing/singing along....HUGE energy for that one. Fever - dude, where was the Tommy kiss??? Seattle's got a huge gay community...c'mon, we could have handled it! WLL. Well. That one left me speechless. As did the lace-up pants, in person. Damn - what perfect strategic placement for those laces! They sure drew the eye. ;)

Anonymous said...

(...part portion)

He was so full of energy...I can't even verbalize the energy he exuded. Amazing that he's been doing this show almost every night! What endurance and energy he has (uh oh, my mind just wandered off down a different path!) And it was HOT in the theater...we were all drenched in sweat! And the facial expressions! You can totally see the theater background...he certainly does not just stand around and sing! He expresses every song with his face, body and - of course - THE voice! He got up to some octaves that I don't ever think I've heard a person hit, in real life.

And the dancers, who I've been a bit lukewarm about, were great in person. And Brooke has the most beautiful face! Her features are very can't see it so well in videos. That's about all I can say about the dancers, as I think I only spent about 37 seconds looking at them, unless Adam was off stage.

Overall - it was an experience of a lifetime!!!! I will never, ever forget being in Adam's huge, bombastic presence, as long as I live. What a show!!! I could go on for another 45 minutes, but I think I'll reign myself in now.

I am SO excited for those of you who get to see him in the next few weeks! And to all our overseas will get your turn - don't you worry!


- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Oh, Adam fix, I don't know how you lived through it, you described him so perfectly. I've seen him once so far and after reading this I am right back there, barely breathing.It 's so true. This is the experience of a lifetime and we are on the ground floor seeing history being made as said earlier on this stream.I just read your and GL's remarks to my daughter. She can't wait to see him now more than ever! So happy for you and anyone that can feel the power and passion in him. I thought at the Charlotte concert at times his voice sounded distorted like Alvin and the Chipmunks and high, and think it's the sound system's electronics, as they kept fiddling with the control panel directly in front of me.He doesn't sound like that in any interviews or on the videos but it was noticable and I really believe it's the equiptment or sound person. Now I'm curious about other venues and if that sound control panel travels with them or belongs to the venue. funbunn40

Glitz and Sparkles said...

I will attend the 9/15 Atlanta concert..flying in from HI. Any chance of you being there also? Got the presale tkts for HI today....(10/25 concert)

Anonymous said...

Oh my lord. I will be going to Thunder Valley Casino Saturday night and the temp is supposed to get up to 101! Well, at least it will cool off to about 80 for the concert. Sweat, here we come!

glitzylady said...

Well, I think Adam Fix summed it up perfectly...just reading her descriptions had me right back there....I am so jealous of those Portland people right now....going again in Sept. where I have a super SEAT in an outdoor venue (praying it doesn't rain, but oh well, at least we probably won't get heat stroke or pass out like several did at Sodo....two of whom I know personally) Of course with the "heat" Adam just naturally generates it was bound to get hot in there, not to mention the extra heat the rest of the 2,000 there were radiating...If there was AC in the venue it wasn't up to the task of cooling down that many Adam fans...

Adam Fix is so right when she describes the absolute bedlam that erupted within the venue when Adam appeared....I've been to 3 concerts before this one, but I'm surprised the roof stayed on the building when his portion of the show (the main event) started, and at many points during the show. And yes, he is just beautiful in person and you cannot take your eyes off of him at all...I quite honestly only saw anyone else if they were standing right next to him or if he wasn't there, and then it was like this huge glittering beacon of light(or slithery sparkly snake) was gone...I was close enough to see the beads of sweat at first and then later when he was just drenched, it was as if the glitter that he had started out with completely covered his skin, just one gorgeous sparkly otherworldly being...He really must be experienced live to truly "hear" the actual power and nuance of his voice, and to physically "feel" that unbelievable aura of joy and sweetness mixed with that pull of, shall we say,"sensual" magnetism (at the very least -keeping it PG here) that is impossible to resist...and who would want to??? As for the sound issues, my son said he heard others mention that as well, although I didn't notice it...perhaps only off to the extreme sides or toward the back, not really sure...I was just so in awe of his voice and watching him, as Adam Fix said, seeing his expressions change with the emotion of the songs was mesmerizing for me, and being that close, I can say I honestly watched his face more closely than I have in the past...maybe just because it was close enough to see very clearly in great detail. His make-up was just right and his hair was perfect as well....

Anonymous said...

A glittery alien from the planet Fierce with a voice of the Angels. No words in the English language to describe this sublime entity that graces our planet. The more I read of all that get close enough to see that exquisite face and the glitter oozing out of those pores, I can't believe that any human could be created with such talent and infinite beauty. funbunn40

glitzylady said...

And i would have to agree with justpeachy in her comment re the Seattle Sodo version of WLL, with elements of Fantasy Springs and Idol versions, and the notes he hit and the power of the vocals was totally jaw-dropping. It certainly rivals Fantasy Springs, but with more of an edge of aggression as it went along. His acknowledgement to the crowd when he paused toward the end was so nice, because he knew he really had us in the palm of his hand, all the breath sucked out of our bodies and erupting as those screams of approval. And with SOAKED, I know I had felt a certain disapproval in the past concert videos when fans screamed and applauded during this simple acoustic version, but I can now understand why that happens: It is impossible not to unconsciously, emotionally, and viscerally respond to his very emotional and powerful performances, and it just happens, the total connection with the song and Adam, and you just can't help it.....As Adam Fix said earlier, you hear someone screaming, cheering, and clapping and realize its you! It was too tightly packed to dance, really, so all that energy had to go somewhere...I don't get how people can talk when he is singing, but I have a much better understanding of the screaming (just not blood-curdling please!), cheering and clapping response to the power and emotion of the songs....I didn't feel "cheated" that he didn't sing for 2 hours, I want his voice to remain healthy (not to mention HIS health) and I truly feel that I got more than my "money's worth. He puts his "all" into everything he does, no matter what it is....I would rather listen to an hour (and a little more) of Adam at "full tilt boogie" than someone else giving a safe, half-hearted 2 or 3 hour performance. That's not to say that I would object to a longer program, heck no!!!! And it does just fly by, the wardrobe changes are quick, and all of a sudden he is gone...and you start planning your next concert strategy because you MUST have that experience again... and soon....As @justpeachy said, we just know now, what others will know soon, that we are "experiencing history in the making" and we are so lucky to be part of it....

Mark Kiwuppet Studios said...

I'm the PUPPET guy!!!
This was my first Adam concert and I wanted to make it special. So I made Adam a puppet! I make puppets as a hobby and do shows for kids in Seattle. Check out my Face book fan page it you want.

It took me about a week to make the puppet. My HOT friend Nicole and I got great "expensive' tickets and Nicole and I were right up front!

I was very respectful while Adam was on stage and tried not to draw to much attention. Although I did mess with the dancers A LOT! I got them to crack up a few times!

Adam looked at the puppet a few times and winked at us, he seemed to really enjoy it.

OK so my plan was to give the puppet to Adam and after the show I got one of the security guys to get a hold of someone in his crew.

Adams brother Neil came out and took the puppet backstage!!! We went outside by the buses to wait with the rest of the fans just to get some pictures and video.

They played with it for about an hour and Adam's brother came out to talk to us again and told us Adam wanted to meet us and thank us for the gift.

Adam came out signed the puppet's hat and told me "He loves the puppet, its amazing but I want you to keep it and entertain people."
So that's what I'll do. I have the first video in the works!

Any suggestions of what you might want to see the Adam puppet do feel free to contact me!

Thanks Adam, Neil & crew for a wonderful night!

You are truly a wonderfully gifted artist Your message of self love and acceptance is inspiring!

See you next time you're in Seattle, or sooner!

glitzylady said...

HI Mark, saw you and Nicole many times during that day and night, including out at the buses!!!! You just never know who might be reading these comments now do you!!! I suppose it means you have arrived at a certain level of fame when you are iconic enough have your own puppet! And so glad you are so inspired by Adam, as are the rest of us, as you can probably tell....Thanks for putting so much work into your Adam creation, certainly a labor of love! Let us know when your video comes out!

Anonymous said...

I read justpeachy's comment @ July 21, 2010 9:03 PM - and then I just noticed all the other glorious posts after... it's the middle of the day and real life if wildly knocking on my door and I think I'll have to come back to read the rest of this thread, :(, (which seems soooo good, lol) but before I go I just want to say that I absolutely LOVED your comment justpeachy, thank you so much!


Anonymous said...

Oh, before I go (for now :)) - to GlammyLadybug @July 21, 2010 12:12PM, who said...

"I really love how he takes in everything that happens on the stage..." I TOTALLY AGREE.

And also, regarding your comment "...Did I say I start hating the time difference with 24/7" I ALSO AGREE WITH THAT!!!!!!!!!! HATE IT :).


Anonymous said...

Okay, said screw it and kept reading, just finished thread...

for once ;) - I am speechless

So overwhelmed, and GRATEFUL 24/7'ers!

Will be back, MassGlamFan

glitzylady said...

Adam Fix , here's a way of knowing who to look for next time:

KISS FM in Seattle posted pictures that they took at the venue on Tues.

If you care to look at the website, go to Fan Pics at the Adam Lambert concert, go to pic#120......that is me, the one leaning over the blond lady (my BFF) upper left, dark hair (still mine, BTW-freak of nature at my age LOL) and some other Adam fan friends....

Okay, if you care to, see if you are there and let me know....of course, now my cover is blown.....Oh well...

glitzylady said...

Besides, I'm interested to see your "hooker" look....

Anonymous said...

OH - Glitzylady - I just looked at your picture! You are SO cute!!! Dang it. I am just crushed that we didn't meet that night. After I got the hooker comment, it took the air out of my balloon and I put ny sign away. I didn't even go up to the lounge. Damn. Maybe we can find a way to meet each other again, someday/some how? I would love to meet you in person - and that was the perfect opportunity!

I looked through all those pix and we apparently got in line after they took those. We had dinner first, so we were near the end of the line, further than the last outside pix they posted. to get you a picture of my "hooker" look without splashing it all over the web. Must think on that. Ha, ha!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Dying to see the hooker look and you too,GL! @Mark, Thanks for posting your Adam experience and sharing the puppet! I know that Neil also loved it and was playing with it. Sasha posted 2 photos on Twitpic. Go to her twitter site {Sasha Mallory}to view. She teased us with "a photo of Adam's abs! Monte posted also a huge card for Tommy signed by many fans . Don't know how it was done, as I'm "tech. challenged", but wish we also could do something meaningful to comfort him and family. funbunn40

glitzylady said...

I'm still laughing about the hooker thing, told some friends who were there (my BFF for one) and we all just had to laugh at the absurdity of it.....That whole concert experience was sort of like a love-in /circus/giant group hug (especially in the front where you couldn't even scratch your nose or anything else), so you just added to the ambiance ....I'm sure Adam would approve and appreciate the whole thing....So embarrassing and yet so darn funny!!! Its one of those things that you don't realize until you start to put it all together and then go "Oh my God.....!!!!"

Thanks for the "cute" comment, and yes we'll have to meet,can't remember if you are going to Puyallup???? We can try this again and we have SEATS this you won't need a sign...

Anonymous said...

Glitz and Sparkles, I hope to be able to go on 9/15, but already bought tickets for 9/14 before they added it. I'm taking my 7 yr old and we're both so anxious. This will be her first real concert and I'm so happy it's Adam. Don't want to even attempt to take her on 9/15 cause she'll just get crushed. Our seats are in the first balcony way too far back, but I was glad to get them. Can't wait!

Also wanted to mention I'm moving to HI in the Fall with my husband's work. Maybe 10/25 will work out. I feel like I already have a Glamily member there to meet.

MGF, thanks for the props. I'm just speaking from the heart. I've never behaved like this toward any performer before and I don't quite understand it myself. I'll be a Glambert for life though and I'm loving it!

Glitzylady, it just seemed like he was more into WWL this concert than others since Indio. I really wish I'd been in Indio. That was a true original that truthfully I'm not sure he can even top. It was so raw and organic and spontaneous. It's almost too polished now. Not that I won't see it in person and have a smile on my face like a jackass eating briars (sorry, southern thing). I don't think I could be in his presence and not be happy. I was in the nosebleeds in Atl during Idol tour. The brief time he was on stage was absolutely electrifying. I don't know if I can stand an hour, but I will do my best.

I'll put on a nametag in Atl so if any of us run into each other, we'll know. Hope Tommy is back by then and all is well with his family situation. It wouldn't look right on stage w/o him.
