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Glam Nation Tour in San Francisco, CA (7/25)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, July 26, 2010

Posted at : Monday, July 26, 2010













FEVER (partial)



Anonymous said...

Totally, totally obsessed and addicted...
Have been staring at this GORGEOUS, MESMERIZING singer/performer/shaman/artist (of the highest degree possible) for the most part of the last 24 hours...(for once this was possible, am all alone and nothing obligatory to do...)

Have cried, laughed, awwwww-ed, shaken my head in disbelief, gone through a rollercoaster of feelings and emotions...I am so incredibly thankful to Adam and his crew ---- and of course to all those making it possible to view these vids, Suz526 especially a BIG thank U!!! --- for all the experiences and more. I only wish that SOME DAY, SOMEWHERE I'll get to listen and see him perform LIVE!!!!

I've played over and over the endings of both WLL's in San Francisco (Jul 23 and 25) and JUST CAN'T BELIEVE what I'm hearing, no one, never ever can sing like that...and right after finishing the song give the humblest thank you's with the nicest voice ever...My whole body aches (in the best possible way)!!!

What a ride he has given us so far, what a journey we have ahead of us, I wo-wo-wo-wondeeerr...Soooo looking forward to it!!!

Love to all you sisters and brothers with the same syndrome.

Anonymous said...

I knew SF was going to be great! This WLL was awesome.

Anonymous said...

Great videos! thanks mostly to Suz526... never fails!

Adam looks so upbeat!... always love seeing him in this state! He looks extra beautiful/handsome and fabulous last night!!! You are simply incredibly awesome Adam!:}}

GlammyLadybug said...

Not so many comments yet... Way after midnight in this part of the world…

Soo.. The Show.. No words! ..Like Twitter last night when it went almost silent during the performance, and compleeeetely nuts afterward.

The Glam Nation is definitely a mating ritual between performers and audience. BB makes love with his entire audience, we know that by now, but it’s becoming more than that. Seems like all the people on stage are now involved in this.
Chocolate dancers unbuttoned their vests… Taylor seems to feel more sexy and is better than ever… both Terrance and Taylor cannot keep themselves from smiling while receiving BB’s attention during Fever.. Brooke, well, we’ve talked a lot about her.. (Btw, I've always loved the dancers). Cam is more into the GlamWorld than ever.. Monte.. Adam said it better..‘sexy guitar, seeexxxy guitar’..
As for Tommy... well, I think Tommy has lost most of his initial glam-virginity and big stage shyness; he's taking more action, he’s becoming a teaser as well, challenging Adam into pleasing the fans. I bet he reads the Adommy/Lambriff fans’ comments on the Internet and has decided to indulge them... Or he just can’t help himself :-). He’s not merely a receiver anymore, but more of a giver and a taker. If Adommy is not an item yet, the glam fans will make it happen! With Glambert, straight or gay it doesn’t matter, we are all under his spell, aren’t we? Go fans!
By the way, I love women of every ages wishing to be gay men for a slightly remote chance of being noticed that way :-). I hope someday LGBT people will acknowledge BB some merits there, in terms of visibility and opening the doors. Adam's fans of both genders are craving for some homoerotic moments on the show. Isn't that something? I think it is.

And the audience... seems the concert-goers need more than a cigarette after that experience.. It takes hours or days for them to ‘recover’..I’ll bet there will be some ‘AFL babies’ out there next year! Just read the concert tweets.

Need to catch my ’breath’. It took like forever to write this. Hope my English didn’t fail me (again). I’ll be back on the subject soon :-)

Anonymous said...

@GL - yeah, I've been wondering about just the few comments too :)... I for one have just been "processing" vids :), such a good show, so many feelings... had to rush through vids early this morning... will have to savor more after I tuck my real life into bed tonight, lol, and maybe then can deal with my thoughts on this concert, lol (trouble is, my thoughts on AL's position in the music scene IS part of my REAL LIFE now)... loved your post 'though. What country are you in btw?

Anonymous said...

Dracula's homeland :-)

Anonymous said...

Have you seen this?
'Adam Lambert signing stuff after the SF 7/25 Warfield show':


Anonymous said...

Holy sh*t! Damn you, Adam Lambert! I now have fingernail scratches in my dining room table, thanks to these performances!


WLL - oh my god, the man was smouldering. Can't think of any other adjectives right now.

Fever - SO fierce, flirty and raunchy! And the Tommy lick??? Oh man, it was a lot slower this time. More sensual. MmmmHmmm. Very, very nice.

The Brooke dance? Lots of spanking and other naughtiness goin' on there. Me like.

OK - death by Adam. Again.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Ditto all above! I'm too overcome and weak to talk, walk,think,etc. Am totally besotted and encased in glitter! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I'm used t0 die at t#e end 0f every sweet Adam's s#0w but t#is 0ne, sweet L0rd, t#is specifically 0ne.... I was already very twice dead bef0re t#e end 0f Aftermat#!!!! It's simply imp0ssible t0 any0ne fr0m t#is planet t0 be s0 G00d and even BETTER every next time, c0me 0n! W#at bl00dy bug did bite sweet Adam in San Francisc0, I want it t0 bite me t00????!!!!!! I just can't believe it, I watc#ed it s0 many times, since early t#is m0rning....s0me0ne tell me please it is n0t a dream! Because, if it is a dream, I d0n't want t0 wake up....never m0re!.........Fan4fun

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ An0nym0us 6:31AM.........I V0LUNTEER!!!!! Fan4fun

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'll take whatever I can get!! funbunn40