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'If I Had You' enters top 30 on airplay chart!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 18, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, July 18, 2010

Once again, Adam Lambert is still making his way up the chart with new single "If I Had You". According to the newest Mediabase chart numbers released on Sunday, the third single off of the "American Idol" singer's "For Your Entertainment" is now sitting comfortable at #30. With an increase of close to 20% in airplay for the past week, he was able to jump up two spots over his position last week.

So where could Adam's song head next? As with all things airplay, it will likely depend on how much support he receives coupled with the performances of those around him. Some new songs by Nicki Minaj and B.o.B. could provide some sort of competition from below, but there are also some songs falling in airplay that should be at Adam's place (or below him) at this point next week.

Unless there is a major surge in airplay for "If I Had You", we can probably best predict that he will be up an additional spot or two by this time next week. It's a slow climb, but so far Adam has done nothing but improve his chart performances week-to-week with this song.



Anonymous said...

If yesterday was the first time for Mix 100 (Denver) to play IIHY! Wooow! they're a little bit too, too slow! aren't they!!! Keep up! or you'll be left behind! on the fast moving popularity and stardom of Adam Lambert!!!

Anonymous said...

Unless I've missed it, Ryan Seacrests KISS FM here in LA is being left behind as well! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Sl0w climb, sl0w climb, it d0esn't matter.. all is c0nnected wit# L0VE! Take y0ur time, sweet Adam, w0rk it 0ut rig#t and clear, and rest w#en y0u need, baby. L0ve is in t#e air, y0u are full 0f l0ve, we l0ve y0u m0re t#an y0u may believe... in fact y0u g0t many pe0ple ar0und t#e mad w0rld living f0r supp0rting y0u. S0, See y0u s00n up stairs. 0K? Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Jesus! Isn't my lap-t0p keyb0ard quite «weird»? D0 y0u #ave an extra «Club wierd» card f0r it? 0r d0 y0u prefer just t0 take back t#e Glamkitten Ic0n card??? W#at is y0ur decisi0n, President Adam Fix? Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

I think what happened is that Adam recorded the album w/o really understanding about what was happening in music so when he released his album it just wasn't strong enough to hold him up with what's happening at the moment in we really need to think about Adam and how we can get people to see an artist with a song and not a song with a artist..the video was a little outdated; however, he can turn this song around but only if he works at it because if he doesn't then the song will give up on him!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nothing new coming from the British and Swedish music scene at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the radio stations 'get on board' when the artist visits and provides an interview. The radio world is a mystery to me....very very tired of the same songs playing over and over.
Waiting to hear Adam on the radio here on a regular basis!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Fan4fun or Adam4fun lol,
i think that VOODOO spell you cast on krissyfan a few weeks ago..back fired and has now messed up your laptop,its not fair to blame that on little GlamKit Icon lol

...iT s#re iS h#rd t0 Re#d #t tIm#es!! th0uGh?~*lol

...just to let you know that i have been out of Adam Rehab for a while now and feeling fighting fit...but must say 10 days with no ADAM 24/7 it was sheer torture!!!
i have now reached early july in my Adam Homework catch much Adam stuff still to see.
Firstly thanks you all for letting me become vice president for Club Weird What a Great Honour..Everyone is Welcome...apart from you know who!
i have had a scream reading all past comments,
THANKS to Adam Fix for missing me and Death by Adam also your hilarious comment on desribing the VH1 videos we International Fans can't see
.....and Glitzlady loved your quote Traffic was terrible and I try to pretend i have a life...thats so true to all of us,
Adam4fun quote that word
Sweetie still catching up and thanks for missing me....funbunn... wrote a book and accidentley obliterated it....that was funny...
cheeza-sherbert/britfan:D.. i still think the lick is the sexist thing ever.. i also agree mmm yummy
..great comments from everyone keep it up the goodwork xx
Welcome to all newbies and adamluv

...message to all Glamberts around the world. If you are planning to go on your Holidays,Vacations, make sure you take a laptop
as i went away for 10 days without 24/7 and missed so much i vow never to go away again unless Adam Lambert 24/7 comes with me and i still have not caught up,its all those wonderful videos and interviews
i am still laughing at Adam's MTV interview for New York and Adam saying
and Adams adorable laugh afterwards kills me Adam is so funny i can't stop watching that clip

can anyone still remember i think it was in Canada
when Adam's sole of his boot came apart and the little video of it thats was so much Adam's sense of humour..24/7 please show again
pretty please
and Last comment
Calling all UK Glams...Monday 19th July..WWFM single Release please tell everyone to go Buy
WHY OH WHY are the UK the Last Country when it comes to Adam's single makes us feel so behind everyone else!!!
whats your views on this cheeza-sherbert/britfan:D ???
well must be off i still have to see Glam Nation's Alantic City and Ramshead Videos before i can even start on the recent stuff
Berting with Love for Adam as Always
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...


You will have to request for it to make it happen. So other listeners hear it and happen to love it too, will end up requesting for it too! again and again.

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv July 18 10:40AM -

I'm not exactly sure how this works, with the Kiss chain, but Kiss 108 here in Boston has had IIHY on it's Top 30 countdown for a few weeks now (and actually had both IIHY and WWFM on it a few times). I once thought that maybe it was just a regional thing for Kiss 108 Boston - but the family was listening to Sunday evening rebroadcast of Countdown on trip back from weekend away and the host, Billy Costa, said something about "...the top Countdown show in the country..." I don't know if that was just him promoting his station, totally could be the case, or if that means it's a countdown relative to all kiss stations, or what - but anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there. Here's the link if you wanna check it out just for the smile of it.

This is what the description given on the page:
"Every week Billy plays the top 30 songs in the country on The Kiss 108 Top 30 Countdown , which airs every Saturday (9am-12pm) and Sunday (7pm-10pm)."

Well anyway, the kids and I went nutso when IIHY came in at #19 (hubby too, just more reserved :)) because that is up from last week.

IIHY also being played a good amount of times on another popular Boston/Prov. station, so good things starting to happen here w/ IIHY...fingers crossed!! I keep respectfully requesting.

Anonymous said...

@Glambrit Isle of Wight UK July 18 12:45PM -

I'm not sure if I understood your post exactly correctly, but are you, did you, actually go back and read EVERY post and EVERY comment you missed on 24/7 during your 10 day absence??? Man, if so, you not only deserve to be V.P. of Club Weird, you deserve to sit on it's Board of Directors - at the head of the table!!

Ha Ha - but seriously - you give me inspiration. I just went away for the weekend and I'm feeling like I can never catch up!

Happily 'though, in reference to your comments above about vacations, when we go away for a full week's vacation, there is Wi-Fi - Hubby bringing laptop I think, but even if he doesn't, I can access 24/7 via iPod and at least read posts... thank goodness...

Is it weird that I totally couldn't wait to get down to this damn computer tonight (11:55 EST) to check to see what was happening on 24/7 and what everyone was having to say???? :). I'm not quite sure how I feel myself about the fact that I was missing checking in this weekend and missing and thinking about what everyone would be saying, missing the laughs, missing the though provoking stuff... I think I need some rehab too!

MassGlamFan (MGF)

glitzylady said...

Okay, at the risk of being "Chatty"......(still slightly "gun-shy" about that), just wanted to say so happy to see Glambrit (and MGF) making such a huge effort to get caught up....I've only been gone for the weekend (without the laptop-arghhh!!! Couldn't reasonably take it....) and it will take hours, possibly days, to get caught up....not to mention THIS WEEK is a very busy one because Adam comes to Seattle on Tues., so that's where I'll be, not to mention all of the "prep" time for the next two days....And meeting Adam Fix at the concert of course.....And like Glambrit, I do generally go back to most posts, don't want to miss anything...Always try to take the laptop, but sometimes it just doesn't work out, especially when visiting friends, again have to maintain that appearance of sanity and a normal life, even if YOU all know I've gone over the edge..... but pretty sure that IS the "New Normal" for this group so not a big secret...And MGF, of course its weird according to the old definition of normal, to be practically falling down the stairs to get to the computer to check out what's happening here, but can totally identify with that....the second I walked in the door from the weekend trip, ran over to the computer to check out the highlights of the weekend, plus a few of the older threads....Just life as usual these days....

As so as to stay on "topic", I think that a little bit of the radio play "problem" re Adam's music being sort of ignored in certain markets, at least, is that he is just so unique in so many ways they just don't quite know what to do with him yet...I know WWFM did well and got quite a bit of airplay but it was pretty "safe" and had a certain universal appeal. FYE...well, we know what happened there.....and IIHY is great but still remains to be seen.... Sort of hoping he releases SLEEPWALKER or SOAKED next perhaps, seems like they would do well, sort of universal appeal again (and they highlight "THE VOICE" a bit more), but guess we'll see what he does....I would LOVE to see him release FEVER but know he is a little nervous about that one....maybe he'll say "What the h**l" and do it anyway.....

Anonymous said...

Hi peeps,

I feel like I'm slipping behind, too...busy summer activities cutting into my Adam time, and time with my Glamily! I am worried about when I go on vacation in early August. *sigh* Hard to sustain a fantasy crush and infatuation when real life interferes! Ha, ha! Will do my best to keep up. Yes - we are all totally in over our head. :)

fan4fun - I say take that keyboard and chuck it out the window! Get a new one and don't let your kitten walk all over it this time! Ha, ha!

GIOW/UK - I surrender "Club Weird" presidency to you. The dedication you've shown, to go back through 10 days worth of comments, is commendable, and I am no longer worthy of holding that title. Besides, I'm too busy with my new job as velcro ripper, on the wardrobe team. Anyway, SO glad you're back with us!

Glitzylady - Tuesday night is THE night! I'm already short of breath, just thinking about seeing Adam live! Will bring a paper bag to the show to breathe into, in case I start to hyperventalate. So, when you go to look for me, I'll be easy to find...I'll be the one with the bag over my face. HA! Please introduce yourself, don't be shy. I will also be wearing my "Club Weird" card laminated as a necklace. Again - I will be easy to spot. :P

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adamfix and Glitzylady, We'll all be thinking about and envying you seeing our boy tonight! Great that you two will see each other! GIOW/UK, You definitely are dedicated! Hope you won"t miss anything and get caught up soon. Glad to have you back! My days and nights are mixed up. I get on this site, Watch videos and go into a trance and before I knowit, it"s 5am! My circadian rythum is so messed up. Have to get control over my life back! I just can't pass up all of the links, etc. and time flies when you're having fun! Now have to vote on VH1 again! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40... re your "...have to get control over my life back!"

um, yeah, good luck with that! ;).

And if you find a way, unlock the secret, have some mercy on all of us and post it here, okay? LOL.


Anonymous said...

yeah funbunn...i desperately NEED this secret...since my return and all my Adam catching up (still lots more to checkout)

well i have just stopped for a second turned around and noticed that my House is the Pits!!! a total mess (ooops)theres just NO time anymore...lucky my other half is cool about things but would like his Lunch on time at least once a week and maybe some clean clothes now and again (fat chance of that yet! i'm still on Adam Homework duty)...i seem to get up switch on computer and still be sat in nightclothes and its lunchtime..good job i work from home.. i now have a great collection of Sexy Adam Pictures all around my computer area and lovely it is too!!
i think it is clear to say none of us will ever have our lives under control ever again now that Adam has stolen our HEARTS and i say YIPPEE!!!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

MGF @ GIOW/UK, Looks like we're prisoners in Adamland with no means of escape, not that we want to. It's a life sentence I'll gladly serve! haha funbunn40