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"If I Had You" #3 on VH1 this week, #1 on MuchMore

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 18, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, July 18, 2010

After two weeks on the top, "If I Had You" dropped two spots to #3. Katy Perry's "California Girls" took the #1 spot this week.

Still, it's amazing to be on the Top 5!

Keep voting!


But good news from Canada! "If I Had You" is #1 again on the MuchMore's "MM Top 10" chart. It has been #1 on this chart for four weeks straight!

This top position is once again a reflection of Adam's performance in Canada, where his chart positions have typically been higher than here in the States. He has received more airplay in the country, and is also selling more copies digitally.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure? They all said it dropped to #3, not #2.

Anonymous said...

Here you go:
It's #3.

Anonymous said...

I believe I read that IIHY is now #3 on VH1.

Anonymous said...

Why did it drop? :(

Anonymous said...

0K....#1...great!!! y0u made it, baby!!! #2....WTF d0es it matter??? C0me 0n guys, Sweet Adam g0t «#2» in AI-8, d0es anyb0dy remember??? G00d!(We all sure d0!) S0, lets keep 0n remembering it everytime we SEE and LISTEN sweet Adam Lambert, a REAL NAME, A DIVINE PRESENCE AND A BEY0ND AMAZING V0ICE... FLYING AR0UND 0UR MAD W0RLD, BRINGING FUN, L0VE AND PEACE T0 ALL 0F US... believers! Well fell0ws, S0, let's party it, 0pen a g00d b0ttle 0f wine EVERY0NE and say: «T0AST! t0 y0u beautiful and l0vely y0ung man!!!... s-l-0-w.l-y (n0t really) y0u are making it all, Diam0nd B0y! And y0u'll make it m0re and m0re, AND M0RE!!!». It's my Diamnd B0y 0n t0p... 0N T0P !!! Keep flying us ALL t0 y0ur real Universe, sweet Adam, y0U ARE 0UR SUN AND 0UR M0RNING STAR!!!Indeed!!! Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

No panic, it can still climb back. Don't let Gaga and John Mayer beat Adam. I'm voting Paramore as a second choice.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3;22, a couple days ago someone here said that if you fill in other spots, that your # 1 vote is negated. BTw, it is sooooo easy to vote. Please do so! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Glamcrap!!! T#is freak keyb0ard can't let me V0TE regularly anym0re. D0es any0ne kn0w ab0ut GINA???? Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

ARGENTINA, ADAM IS #3 IN OUR TOP 40 RADIO RANKING WITH WWFM, I know maybe is no a relevant date , but for us, the south american fans IT IS, YAYYYYY!!!!

MiMi said...

Just vote for Adam in the #1 position on the grid on VH1. He deserves to be #1 again next week. Love him and his 4 music videos. They are all spectacular! I still watch WWFM, FYE, and Time For Miracles. There is no one like Adam.

Anonymous said...

IIHY is #13 in Finland. Alejandro is #1 :(

Anonymous said...

Yay Argentina, So pleased to hear that Adam has fans in So. America too! Also, kudos to your country for just passing the same-sex marriage bill. And for having a woman president! Les felicito! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Yay for Canada!!! Why is it Adam hasn't said anything about coming to Canada yet? hello! you're literally our next door neighbor! and it's obvious you have a big fan base here!...'re #1 for 4 consecutive weeks! Ok, I know you haven't release all your international dates yet (like Canada!:))... but seriously... are you coming? Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Great news for Delicious Adam
yes Adam when are you coming back to the UK??????? we need you

Hi Fan4fun or Adam4fun lol,
theres a message for you on
if i had you enters top30 airplay chart thread
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

I agree with 4:45. Canada loves Adam. Hope he
returns here soon! Vancouver could handle a
bigger venue this time around for sure. How about a cross country tour? Tho I think bb needs some rest first!

Mina said...

I voted every day. I cant' believe people didn't continue voting for it!

I heard Adamofficial's forums have been slow and going down a lot. Maybe that's the reason? I mean, usually there's thousands of people there logged on and they voted. But all of a sudden, the site got hacked and people didn't vote. So it dropped,.

Anyway, I'll be voting everyday. I hope everyone else does the same!

Anonymous said...

What matters is that Adam has been on the VH1 countdown visibly for weeks and weeks! I vote, but I refuse to consider anything but #1 a failure. That's ridiculous, IMO. #3 is fantastic! Look at all the exposure Adam is getting. The public is noticing him among other stars. I think music fans outside Adamland will appreciate the fact that he is sharing the spotlight with their favorites and not always hogging #1. That's my position. Vote away, and celebrate that we are keeping Adam on the countdown, period.

Anonymous said...

I am one of the fans that vote and view If I Had You on VH1, and I can tell you that there is something crooked going on there. A few days ago, I was watching the video when the video blinked-refreshed and VH1 had taken 9,528 views away from the total # of times the video had been watched. I was soo mad, I made a comment about what had happened and some other people had seen it happen too. They made comments also, and VH1 put the total back to where it had been. I had a bad feeling then, that the voting was going to be bad news, and it was! California girls is a good video, and it had 364,372 watch it, but the BOB video only had 76,106 views. THere is no way in Hell that these videos got more votes than Adam!!!!!!!Adam had 511,514 people watch If I Had You, so I seriously believe that VH1 fixed the vote!! There were other things that happened the past week that was telling something wrong. Adam now has 518,905 views for If I Had You, VH1 will probably say that BOB with 76,106 has more.!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon:6;10 , thanks for the info but that"s very troubling to say the least! say it isnt so! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

hey guys
America FIXING VOTES!! surely not!WAKE UP!!
of course they will!
they did it on Times Vote with Adam not even getting a mention even when they fixed it Adam still came 6!!!!
American Idol ooooooh lots of FIXING on that famous night
American media are so scared of having a GAY MAN at the TOP of any of their charts!!

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun July 18, 2010 3:26 PM -
You poor thing with your keyboard troubles Fan4Fun... don't worry too much about keyboard issues preventing you from voting regularly - I didn't panic a few weeks ago about being too crazed to vote a lot that week because of posts from you (and I think Adamluv) that suggested YOU were voting tons and it made me feel so much better - I'm coming up on a week where I am not crazed - I will try to vote my butt off during evenings and make up for some of the voting you may not be able to do because of your keyboard troubles, okay?!! - don't fret!! I may not be able to vote as much as you normally would :) - but I'll try to pick up some of the slack for you, okay? :). Your such a devoted fan.

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv - July 18, 2010 4:12 -
Again I say, you're a wealth of good information.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the first 6:10 post. If Adam stays at #1 all the time, non-fans will resent him. This way, Katy's fabulous message about girl power + the power of goodness/sweetness gets its due + Adam will climb up to #1 again like with WWFM.


Anonymous said...

I'm voting too Fan4fun and have been every day. I am disturbed tho' if VH1 is tampering with views or votes. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

and to add to Sweetie's point ... maybe when IIHY lands at less than #1, it fires up the voting fan base?? which is a good thing. IDK, I just hope any top 10 placement helps with radio spins.

ps. Hey Sweetie, speaking of voting issues, Billy Bell survives another week (maybe just barely, cuz of injury??)...gosh, I better vote more for him...have been a little lax w/ SYTYCD voting, have to admit, real life and all that.

Anonymous said...

Iwas just voting at VH1, watched If I Had You, then went to watch WHat Do You Want From Me and it wouldnt play. Then I tried to reply to a comment someone had said about "No way could this video be #31", and it wouldn't let me comment. How can they do this to Adam? He has over 5 million of views for this video alone on Vevo and 99% approve. I think VH1 is putting Who They Want! YOU CHOOSE IS A SHAM!! If I Had You is in the Millions too, and For Your Entertainment.