Adam Lambert Breaks Records in Quebec
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Friday, August 27, 2010
Posted at : Friday, August 27, 2010

Adam Lambert was a guest performer at Quebec's Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival this year, which is a yearly event that features hundreds of hot air balloons, and is being credited for bringing in one of the largest crowds in the festivals history! The crowd was estimated at 70,000 attendee's, 50,000 of which saw Adam perform! Were you one of the many Glamberts to see Adam perform?
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no,I didn't get to see him perform, I bet it was spectacular. Just looking at that picture gives goosebumps.
YES!!!!!!!!! And it was indeed one of those shows that you never forget (August 14th 2010, outside show on a Saturday night with THE Adam Lambert :). Adam and the whole gang were on fire and the huge crowd was as well. We all fed on each other's energy. A great night.
Re last post, forgot to add that it was not in Gatineau but in St. Jean (very near Montreal!)
I'm loving all these good news.
I'm still laughing at those Idol forum idiots (Kris, Danny fans) who say Adam will FLOP hard.
Who's flopping now?
Wow, that's a sea of people! Adam, you have definitely arrived!!! And you made history to have brought the largest crowd in festival's history!!! Ahhhhhhh, so proud to be a Canadian!:)))
This is cool (and yet hot at the same time :)).
Adam is meant for large crowd like this, you can't believe the energy feed from the crowd was so unbelievable. His performance was so awesome that night because I was there. Will never forget that moment. Canada rock!!!!!
This is SO GREAT!!!! OMG - look at all those people! Canada - you get a gold star for loving Adam. I'm considering moving. ;) YOU should be called the Glam Nation! You earned it.
- Adam Fix
Adam Fix, You said it! Canada, you guys rock!!! Adamluv
I wonder how many singers out there today wish they had a voice like Adam Lambert. He not only can sing anything, but he's got the moves,the looks, the total package. What's to stop him from hitting the heights. Refuse to get into the whole Idol win/lose thing--time to move on.
Sweet Jesus, what the glamhell is that picture???? A lot of glitter and sand on the shore, under a shining night sky???? Is sweet Adam the LIGHT of the midnight sun or what??? Come on, sweet Jesus, talk to me, will you, please, pleeeeeease????! Thank you!
Hey Fan4fun August 27 3:47PM -
Your usage of "Glamhell" in your post above reminded me that I wanted to let you know that I said "Glamshit" out loud yesterday, among people I knew but outside the safety of my own home... got a few stares...but didn't even care as I got a little private giggle out of it, and that made the situation at hand not as annoying!!
Did not get to see it. But How exciting is that!
Gotta luv the Guy. Adam just has that it factor
you cannot deny.
leave Jesus ,out of this mess !!!!
Adam was made for entertaining. He can handle big crowds. Look how hot he was on the Idol Tour. He had Thousands screaming their heads off. He OWNED that tour. Kriss Allen fans bleated that Adam was trying to steal the show. Honey, how could he not steal the show, he was ELECTRIFYING!! It was his to begin with, just like his performances on the show, he was by far the best.
There you go with the anti Kris stuff again. Why can't we love both of them? They sure love each other. Comparing them in any fashion is trivial shit!! Just because I happen to prefer, tall, muscled, raven haired, blue wolf eyed, deep throated rocker singer, intelligent, funny sex gods doesn't mean that I don't find Kris sorta cute. (where's my Red Bull and vanilla vodka - I just described myself into a melt down)!!!
I agree, keep it all positive, spread the love as Adam has said. (and that includes to brother Neil too). We are all unique, celebrate the differences, let criticism go. Peace and love to all!!!
@anon 8:07 PM
You just answered your own question....and I am toasting you with a glass of wine for that very "rousing" description of Adam...thank-you....
And of course we can like all of them, I just spend a whole lot more time liking Adam!!!!
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