Adam Lambert now at #9 on VH1 Countdown
Filed Under (article,charts,If I Had You ) by Admin on Saturday, August 28, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, August 28, 2010

Adam Lambert has been a little bit all over the place on VH1's Top 20 Countdown in the past two months, starting at #20 before rising to #1 on July. Since falling out of the top spot, it's been a constant battle for Adam's fans to keep the song as high on the charts as possible.
To some then, hearing that Adam fell three spots to #9 this week will be a disappointment. However, fans still deserve a pat on the back for getting him there. The real goal of music video countdown shows is exposure, in just in being on the chart alone Adam has been provided that. The video can keep the song in the minds of listeners, which in turn could lead to there being more music videos to vote on the near future.
As for Adam's place on the MuchMore "MM Top Ten" chart, the singer is sitting still at #2 -- meaning that the van voting is certainly doing its job north of the border.
Have you been voting for "If I Had You" on VH1 or MuchMore?
SOURCE: Examiner
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O__O what's going on Glamberts? We're not voting enough! And the good news is there's always next week. We didn't do much last week, we'll give her hell this week!!!
I'm sorta disappointed but..KEEP VOTING GLAMBERTS! We can do it! At least get it to stay on the Top 10!
I believe that VH1 has their weekly rankings pre-determined and that fan voting is mainly to attract people to their site. Fan voting MAY help VH1 in placing the artist in their top 10 grid, but beyond that, I don't think voting has much influence on rankings. The music biz is exactly that, A BUSINESS. There are so many outside criteria like overall media coverage of an artist during a given week, artists labels support and website sponsors' pressure to take into consideration by VH1 that it's really difficult to fathom that only fans voting determine the weekly ranking.
I agree with the above comment. I believe the problem is not with Adam's fans - if you look at all the various fan sites (The new Adam Fan Club, Adam Official, VH1 etc.) the fans are constantly reminding each other to vote and VOTING. It's just not true that we "fans are in control" of this VH1 Top 20 vote. I took another stab at voting a huge amount this past week, as I'm sure many did - and he went down 3 spots - ridiculous!!! Who knows maybe VH1 is waiting for another Adam vs. Kris "vote off" to bring hits to the website - then we'd see some action. I hope not - that would be "so last year"!!!. Well I guess we should still keep voting because of our ADAM LOVE - good luck to all.
Way back when horse races used to be fixed--in particular smaller races. Most horses had to win occasionally or place in the money or the owners wouldn't put them in the race. Anyone see an analogy here? Look back over the weeks and see how quickly top songs disappeared, and new ones out of nowhere appeared. I know I personally vote a great deal each week, so do other Adam fans, so there has to be other factors involved. Sure if asked, the reply would be that's show business!Also sure if he drops out of top 10, will also be gone.
It was # 7 on VH 1 top 20 count down this morning
Last week and this week they only played a few minutes of his video...did anyone else notice that......if you make it to the top ten and you vote your butt off they could at least play the whole song.....WTF
I admit that I could have done better. But it takes such a long time. I have been voting from my iPhone as much as I can while waiting to pick up my kids from scholl. But like the article said, as long as Adam is visible we are good.
Let's keep voting.
I promiss to vote more this week!!!
Also, keep requesting iihy and wwfm everywhere you can
don't forget and ryan seacrest.comgo to the bottom if the page and click on top5. Adam is not yet on the list but you can request him.
They started playing Adam in FL. I herd him twice in 3 hrs. I was sooooo happy!
So keep requesting! They will play at some point!!
I didn't know that we have to play the song every time when we vote! But I check Adam views#-nobody has more votes or views than Adam. Yesterday he has about 757,000 votes. This is more than anybody else in last week top 20 list. Also, VH1 didn't include B.O.B. or "California Gurl" in next week top20 vote list. I don't these song got less votes than this new girl! Anyway, I guess we have to be happy that Adam still in top10! Let's vote for IIHY (and for Adam)next week. May we'll make more than 800,000 votes for him.
Can anybody let me know which songs in top10,please.
He was #1 all last week on MuchMore Top 10 - you can't go by
the website - it doesn't reflect the order of the actual videos when played and it takes them forever to update it.
Many good points here, glamfellows, indeed! I always learn something in 24/7 Paradise, in every thread.
@ Anon 1:33PM, what is that thing... «have to play the song everytime we vote», are we talking about vh1? So.... the 150 times a day or more, in July, that Glitz & Sparkles and I myself and the missing Gina voted sweet Adam #1, you are now telling me it was for nothing, just a waste of time? If so, fellow, let me tell you, this is the kind of thing that I really don't want to be informed of... Glamgod! Give me my mushrooms's life back, just darkness and glamshit on me!
Sorry Delilah5, I hadn't noticed that the «Anon1:33PM» was you. Hi!
No you don't have to play song when you vote...what I meant is on Sat morning when you watch the countdown of VH1 on TV
They count down fron 20 and play song from 20 down to number 1...the last 2 weeks when they played IIHY...they didn't play whole song...just a small part of I the only one that notice???
BTY...just vote #1 spot for don't have to vote whole board...let's blow it out of the water this week...........
Ok, then... take away my mushroom's life...again! Thanks for the glamexplanation. Now you bet, I'll keep on voting «sweet Adam vh1 #1»!
agreed 3:10...count me in...will be voting like crazy for next week!
Hi, Fan4fun! I found this note from Adam's fans. I guess there were suprised also. Belive me, I vote for Adam as much as it possible. I vote from home and from my two computers ar work! I just want to let you know. Do you remember-Lady Gaga was on #2 the same week when Adam was #1? VH1 didn't put he song in next week list! You think she got less votes than B.O.B or "Califonia Gurls"?
Just one thing we have to remeber. Adam is a WORLD STAR. Doesn't matter if will mention his name in VH1,Grammy, etc.
Read Freddie Mercury biography. Some people born to be not just stars, but legends. Let's vote for Adam anyway!
P.S. Honestly, my favorite pictures still are: Adam without any makeup and hairdressing. He is beautifull and hot anyway.
@Fan4fun. Sorry, when I mention Lady Gaga song, I mean VH1 didn't put her (not his:)name on next week top20 list. Do know where from she got inspiration for this name "Lady GAGA"? Queens- "Radio GAGA"! Freddie had so much power to keep under control 100,000in Wembley or 300,000 people in Rio! I guess Adam has almost the same power!!!
Hi everybody! Still can't get Top 20 or even TOP 10 list. Can anybody send it to me, please.
this was to 8/28/ 1{30 we have no names here, so forgive me, but you actually started hearing Ada in Fla, never heard him once, he's coming soon- 3 sold out concerts I believe, yet I've never heard him once , Great news- thank-you for that! Oh I'm going to hardrock ,fla and already went to the so called cicus venue in cape cod which was absoultely the best venue (20 ft away no matter where you sat) so this one will be a tough one to fill, but who cars I get to se him twice!
@Anon 9:07 PM What does it mean "Ada in Fla" ?
It's a matter of voting. Period. Too few of us vote too little. Sad.
@Anon 9:42PM. I wich I would such a naive like you. This is not about votes. Adam has more votes than anybody else from the day IIHY was released.
It would be interesting to know why Gaga's Alejandro video was dropped from the VH1 list. Could the video be too religious or something? I think Gaga should fight the Catholic Church priests rights to get married, but she won't, because she is not really rebellious like I have said before.
It´s strange. Adam is still nr 6 on my computer. I can´t even play IIHY because it´s blocked in my region but I vote like a maniac anyway. My VH1 list is: 1.B.o.B 2.Sara Bareilles 3.John Mayer 4.Paramore 5.Daughtry 6.Adam Lambert
I read he was @6 NOT 9!
@anon 8:13am & anon 9:52am. I still have top20 list from the previous week also. But if you click on watch video, you can get new top20 list. However, I got just top19 not top20 and Adam is #8 in this list. Still can't understand what's going on. Anyway, let's vote for Adam!
I still can't get the top20 list. But I found that VH1 has another musical video list "Hot top music videos". #1-"Airplanes", #2-"King of Anything" and #3- "If I Had You"!!!!!
IT seems VH1 has Hot top music videos. I guess total there are 10 videos!
maybe they had too many complaints about it?
I didn't like it at all, thought it was in very bad taste, and the Telephone video, wouldn't let my youngest 2 watch either of them.
I must admit, I don't vote that often on VH1, should vote more often. Just wish the site would let me watch the bloody thing!!!
HK fan
Hi! I don't post much .. just read .. but I just want to say that I open 5 tabs on my computer & vote on VH1 EVERY day several times a day. Five votes at a time at least a half hour each time. Having a hard time watching the IIHY video ... can't rate & don't know if my views are counted .. but I view anyway. I vote at Much Music the same way .. only not 5 tabs only two. NEVER fill in any other spaces except #1 for ADAM. Let the other artist fans vote for them. I'm really trying my best to keep ADAM in top 10 ... wish they would play the whole video instead of 10 sec. DON'T GIVE UP FELLOW GLAMBERTS! VOTE as much as you can to make up for the fans that don't/can't vote. Not everyone has a computer or knows how to use one for that matter. Love & Light to ALL Glamberts Worldwide
I vote every hour today. However, I coudn't find views # and space for comments are blocked. Only IIHY has this problem! Can anybody find the number of views. Also, I still has top20 list form previous week. Seems like somebody else has this problem. I really wondering why VH1 blocked comments# and views#
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