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Adam Lambert Outrageously Good!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 15, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, August 15, 2010

John Moser's review of Adam's Musikfest concert is in the print edition of the newspaper today.

Thanks jazzrocks for the scan!


Anonymous said...

Outrageously Good!!! Great!!!

Anonymous said...

Hes always Outrageously Good!!!!

Remembert to vote!

-Bryndis :)

Anonymous said...

Happy for Adam !!! we know he is incredible good but it's time all the world recognize this. this kind of objetive critics of course help.

Anonymous said...

Actually I read on another blog comments on John Mosers review online of the concert (assume it is the same as in print) but several people thanked him for the positive review. They said that it came as quite a surprise since it's known that he doesnt like Adam. Please, no haters since I'm just repeating what I read. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

WOW! Much better headline in print than the Musik Fests online blog one, which wasn't bad just a little snarky. I had a feeling John Moser would surprise everyone with a fair, objective review. Never thought it would be so positive though! Yay for Adam :)

Anonymous said...

It's been a bit of a bumpy road with this guy, but yay and to him I say "well duh"


Anonymous said...

Adam is working so hard at every concert to please his fans. We love you so much, Adam.
I am hopeful that the great reviews will broaden his fan base. There are still a lot of people who don't know him or are judging him without even listening to his wonderful album.

Anonymous said...

Thank you john moser for finally seeing the light! Now, us glamberts need to get the rest of the so called haters to sit up and take notice! I think it's finally happening slowly, but's it is happening. We can only imagine where adam will be by this time next year. I find it truly amazing the power of the internet and the most ever passionate fans that I'm proud to be a part of to bring this truly once in a life-time singer/performer/ and most of all such a sweet soul to the top! love you my fellow glamerts for feeling like I do!

Anonymous said...

Think the critics are beginning to realize that Adam is not a flash in the pan and really is a seriously gifted performer. He's a professional in every sense of the word. You have to have substance to sell out concerts all across the country, especially the South, and have such excellent reviews. The GNT is very well put together, a major accomplishment when you consider the lack of time available to put it together. That also applies to FYE. Adam has not stopped since AI and has put out a very respectable body of work. He's remained patient, good natured and honestly has answered redundant questions in scads of interviews. He is more than worthy of the music industries respect. How can you not love this genuinely nice, smart guy? I almost left out the most important part. He can really sing, dance, act, plan and execute a first class production. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I think it is so true about the power of the internet letting Adam's fans keep in touch on a daily basis with all the venues on his Glam Nation Tour. The vids presented are terrific and let those of us unable to go to a show follow him on his journey across America. There is a heat wave in the country this summer and it is Adam Lambert! He is giving all of us "Fever" as he "Struts" his stuff on stage with all that glitter and glamour. He is one edgy, charistmatic, talented performer and it's about time that more people knew about him and listened to his album.

Anonymous said...

@ Funbonn40 are my best teacher, my diccionary, the right words for my thoughts, thank you, fellow!

Anonymous said...

Hey MGF, this is AG and there are only 5 more days to Cohasset. I'm starting to hyperventilate! Not sure which town you are in but the entertainment section of the weekend Patriot Ledger had a 2 page spread of Adam stating that he is set to INVADE Cohasset. A mostly positive article and that's before his performance.

What ever happened with Tuesday's RI meet and greet? Did you luck out?

Hope to possibly meet you on Friday.

Anonymous said...

The more people see and hear Adam sing live, the more his Fame will grow. I have been to a lot of concerts in my life, and Adam's voice has the most power, clarity, and range, than any Rock Star I have ever seen. He is also the most Gorgeous, sensual, and likable Rock Star I have ever seen. I look at the Videos of the performances he did on American Idol, and I know why the audience was screaming soo loudly.

Anonymous said...

amen 9:52!

Anonymous said...

YES!! Adam works his ass off every night. He totally deserves reviews like this.

...and everything else that funbunn40 so eloquently said! :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@AdaGrammie August 15 5:47PM - thanks so much for tip on Patriot Ledger... don't do PL - BUT have a relative who does, will call.

OT alert: Didn't win the Rhode Island contest apparently :(, (entered 2 different ways :))... but it's all good anyway I suppose... it scares me sorta to think of some radio station camera being present and something getting uploaded to the net and losing my anonymity (not because I'm ashamed of anything I do or say or act upon related to Adam Lambert, believe me, I talk about him all the time :), just because, after living a very very outgoing life for a part of my life, I live a more reserved one now with young children, and I kind of like it that way :)). However, it does kill me to know that Lambert will be in Rhode Island and NH and Cape Cod, all easy for me to get to, and I'm not seeing those shows... but marital harmony had to take priority :)... hubby is a good guy, and likes Adam too, fully supports my addiction (as well he should ;)) and I had to be sensible for his sake... He said he would absolutely happily take me to the Lupos show if I won tix, but otherwise I needed to exercise some Adam Lambert related self-control (funny how he doesn't seem to enforce that notion in the p.m.) and I decided I shouldn't be a spoiled brat and to appreciate getting to see 2 shows :).

Anonymous said...

I totally agree w/funbun at 3:47...Adam is so talented in every way and so many people still don't know what they are missing...Let's start a campaign to get him on SNL and every show we can...he can rule the universe!!!

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