Adam's Photo Shoot is Featured in Mike Ruiz's Exhibition!
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Saturday, August 28, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, August 28, 2010

New York based Mike Ruiz, an amazing and talented photographer, featured Adam in his NY Exhibition!
This is the photo shoot that was used :

This is the original HQ version:

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Mike Ruiz has great choice and great taste!!!
I love Mike Ruiz. I always thought if he's Adam's type, then they should date.
I mean, look at that sexy photo!!!
Mike Ruiz and Adam Lambert are pure talent, each in his own field. Together, pure ecstacy for the eyes.
Love this photo shoot. Id love for Austin Young to do a shoot with him. THAT would be EPIC! Oh and of course Annie Leibovitz.
Great. Adam's expression with the left side of his face in a slight seductive grin.
Absolutely impeccable, precious and b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l, soooo inspiring the both photos, «sweet Adam with Mike Ruiz» and «sweet angel Adam alone»!!!
Don't like the hair. He looks kinda' like a "plastic Adam
Lambert Doll". Speaking of that, wonder if they will ever make an Adam Lambert Doll? Everyone else has had one. He does look better than the Ken doll but still looks sooooo plastic.MPO.
Apply the "Thumper" philosophy, pleeeeeez "if ya can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all". It is so great to read a string of great comments about Adam - then here comes someone who actually believes that their negative opinion is something other than rude.
I agree, I commented a couple of threads back about this. Is it one person do you think, whoever they dont seem to "get" a lot of stuff.
I commented on this negativety several threads back. Is it one person do you think if so they dont seem to "get" a lot of stuff.
I think it's better to say your opinion here than bother Adam sending him tweets about everything you don't possibly like about him and then later regret it. But i guess that's what Glamberts do.
5:06pm and 5:03pm - I really hope that that that is the case. The comment about his hair in Q94 picture set seemed that way and I know I just overreacted and blasted them. I calmed down considerably then this came up. It's just so hard to believe that someone could be following Adam, listening to him, loving him in a way than you strive to understand what he is saying with artistic expression and then annihilate it with such negativity. Guess I need to do something else Adam says so often - "don't take it all so seriously".
Really, 5:15pm????? People who call themselves fans actually do that??? I did not know that and it makes me sad all over again. Yah, I guess better on this site than in his face but there are so many sites to join to spew negativity. It just seems that 24/7 makes sincere efforts to weed out the hurtful kind of journalism. As fans, we should follow the lead or go elsewhere.
5:27 yes really.
I leave the tweeting to the US fans :)
Funny you mentioned it Urethra, I have long wished that Annie Leibovitz would do some Adam Lambert pictures. Please don't wait too long Ms. Leibovitz, Adam is so very beautiful right now. It's a happy time in his life and he sends out that vibe to everyone else. That's a gift that needs to be captured.
4:56 I prefer the truth to all the lustful blathering going on and on about this body part or that body part. His hair is not so georgous in this picture. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. You don't like my opinion? TS
8:23 I agree with you. But what bothers me most is if Adam in in a picture with a gay guy two or three (at least) of the posters on this site want them to get married. It's nauseating.
Mike Ruiz is a talented photographer. Adam Lambert is a hot property. One man's popularity is another man's success.
11:00 poster near the top. Adam has always said he likes smaller, pretty guys. Ruiz looks too Alpha and appears to be bigger than Adam. Not his type at all. Too bad you can't matchmake this time.
I get the feeling he's seeing many guys at the same time.
I like Adam's hairstyle in these photos .... it's another look and Adam has many looks .... all gorgeous! :)
I would LURVE an Adam Lambert doll! :)
Go read The Great Gatsby. I believe that these photos are a reflection of that theme. Extraordinary art. Adam is a canvas for great art, from inside out. These photo shoots may have an even greater lasting quality than his music.
These photos are pure art. Adam is so photogenic and has such a versatile look, he can pull of any era, time period, He's a natural. This also has an art-deco look to it, IMHO. Two great talents, not even thinking of matchmaking, just the merging of magnificent art and creativity. funbunn40
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