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Glam Nation Tour in Darby, PA

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, August 12, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, August 12, 2010

(Thanks mindchnger for the picture!)

20th Century Boy!







Adam and Tommy





Anonymous said...

OMG 24/7 !! I have a favor and I noticed other people are asking it too. Please bring the previous template back!!! It was dark and glam and I LOVE IT!!! This one is too bright!!! PLEASE CONSIDER!!!!

Anonymous said...

What will happen if Tommy quit the band? the performance of this song won't be the same?,Adam should not depend on him and the circus of the kiss, I'm tired of this it's so obvious, i want be shocked but in a better way...

TommysFangirl said...

Don't joke about Tommy leaving the band! If he leaves the band, I will leave Adam!

Anonymous said...

I agree with ANON #1, BRING THE OLD LAYOUT back. It was so dark and mysterious. Now this white layout reminds me of MJ and other ordinary blogs.

Shirley said...

I don't really care about the website layout. I just want Adam news but if I have to choose, I'll choose the previous layout!! Just saying :D

Anonymous said...

I think by now 24/7 got the gist people. I think what we all want is bring back the old layout and keep the headline from this layout. I hope I'm making any sense here.

Btw, Suz526 sure risk it for us tonight! If you watch Aftermath you will hear her and the guard! Thanks a million Suz526!

Adam... you rocked it tonight!!!

Anonymous said...


So you prefer Tomy more than Adam?? well it's about likes, for me he is so girl. Tommy remembers me to that guy of Tokio Hotel.
Don't forget He is popular and known thanks to Adam's attentions without him i don't think he would survive in media.

LIVA said...

wow Suz526 ereally did a good job recording these. AMAZING!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't actually really care for Tommy all that much (as a performer, can't judge what he's like in person obviously). He's got some pretty wicked bass skills, but his stage persona is very fake giving an air of insecurity or of trying to be what he wants to be, but just isn't. If Adam changed things up, and didn't get all up in his face I can almost see the codependent reaction now. To pull off the persona Tommy is trying to you need to attack it with a real solid dose of confidence. A mark that Tommy unfortunately misses by quite a bit. He's a great musician, but I don't think he really has what it takes (right now) to be anything more than the background. It's just awkward to see him try to be anything else. I hope he takes this tour as an opportunity for growth.

I do agree that the kiss was the greatest thing ever the first time (and for some really weird reason, kind of a turn on lol), but now it is getting really old because every time it shows up it's at the same place in the show, in the same manner. At least if you are going to plant one on him every once in awhile do it differently each time :P

Also, Tommy "making the first move" in this recent video was really uncomfortable to watch. He needs to attack that thing like a lion after prey or else it just doesn't work.

Tommy, CONFIDENCE. Now that would be a completely different show! ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't know, it just really seems like Tommy is trying really hard to be someone he isn't. I'd love to see what he's like on stage when Tommy is Tommy, not Tommy trying to be Adam.

Glitz and Sparkles said...

OK....Fever @2:52... Adam showing some serious hip movement here...the "ami" (around the island) getting ready for us in HI?? Hula hips for sure!! We wanna see that move when you get here!!! Excellent job!!

bec said...

I like Tommy and Adam and I believe they are just experimenting but I do agree that the kiss thing is getting kind of predictable and unnecessary. I suspect that is the whole point as overt male sexuality has been let's say uncomfortable for people up to now, but I worry that Adam may trivialize Tommy unintentionally to make a point that has already been made.
I have said befor that Adam does not yet realize that he doesn't need to perform sensuality, he already exudes it naturally and should just relax and have fun but I am sure that will come with time. I mean well here and still think AL is an awsome performer. I just had a thought that "his boys" are finally coming to his shows a lot more and he may be having fun doing it for
them. I guess I just want so much for Adam, Tommy and the entire band to have a huge careers for a long time that I am probably overreacting in a big way. Adam and Tommy are in total control of their careers and will take whatever risks they think they need to. I just hope it works out positivly for them. Adam's talent is something that needs to be a long time part of the music world.
Any thoughts? Overeacting?

bec said...

Sorry for the errors, somehow I didn't catch them when I previewed my comment.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam as a performer but he doesnt have to put in the kiss with Tommy. His moves and his singing is what I'm interested in. What turns him on is his choice and should be private. Please leave the kiss or with ever you want to call it out of the show. Don't like the white bring back the other one!!!!

Anonymous said...

lay off Tommy !! Adam is the one who started this nasty with him , poor Tommy from day one, act like he just had to do this to keep his job ... Tommy is suppose to be straight ??? but does Adam care ??? NO

Anonymous said...

WOW what happened to this site, where's all the love for Adam and his band. Its just playing "IT AIN'T THAT DEEP" Lighten up people. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm going to see Adam in a month and I'm looking forward to "the kiss" or "lick" or "whatever"!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was at the show last night and it was unbelievable. He just gets better and better. I love his interaction with all of his band members and if you don't like seeing him kiss another guy, don't watch! ITA with Anon 5:14

x-adamfan said...

love for A dam = he does what he want's , to who he wants and it's ok anything goes !!!he knows how to play it sweet lol he lived on the street !!!

Anonymous said...

I guess the Adommy kiss has already become a trademark, but I too think the show is as good without the licks. Either way is ok with me. Have you noticed any mention about the lick on the concert reviews?

Anonymous said...

anao 5:03 "lay off tommy". have you not been watching lately. tommy is all over adam like a cheap suit. he loves all the attention
relax people

Anonymous said...

yes please bring back the dark layout,you could always make the letters larger for those who can't see

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! You all got enuogh of the kiss ha?????
Remember how u felt the first time when u saw it LIVE??????
Don't u think other fans want to see it LIVE???
The fact that some of u watched it a million times, that's your problem!
STOP watching adam's moves in A magnifing glass. What happen to loving and trusting him?? It's his show and he should do whatever the F he wants.
Now, if u r sick of the kiss or don't like Tommy, just SKIP Fever.
You know how to SKIP, don't you?
Some of you are making me sick!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

For you, expert UT watchers, Do you hear how the crowd ROARS when they kiss????? Adam feeds of of them. Maybe if they stop screaming when they kiss, he will stop?
What do you think? I am SICK of all the critisizem on this site, lately. I used to love coming here. But not anymore.
Too bad!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In regard to the "lick" since the crowd likes it that is why it is done. Tommy and Adam love to play in the name of entertaiment; that is all. Why all the conspiry theories out there. Frankly I do not want it to get any more "friendly" than that. I too watch Adam for the music and the rest,Tommy, Monte,the dancers,Etc are just a part of the unique chemistry this group has on stage. Even though Adam could stand alone with an 100 piece orchastra behind him ;he loves the band concept. He loves the showmanship! He and his band complement each other nicely. Trust me Tommy does this to get all the babes out there. He could care less about Adam in any other way except friends. For anyone to think otherwise is really trying to start trouble for Adam and Tommy.
***hey 24/7 just suggesting; I think Colbalt Blue should be the back ground of this site with badazals ofcourse. That would be more in line with Adam. The white is a fright! I do however love your work and appreciate it too. Mine is just a thought shared!

Anonymous said...

Double Amen to anon @ 6:53 and 6:12. Some of the posters on this site are becoming mom taught me to live by KISS(keep it simple stupid).

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Suz for the great vids! Only 2 weeks till my 2nd Glmanation show in Richmond- can't wait!Happy 40th bday to me :) I actually like the new layout- it's very simple and easy to read-maybe just a different color scheme??
Kristi in NC

Anonymous said...

Love Adam and his crew. Yes, I'm not a big "kiss" fan, and Tommy looked better with less makeup. I also love 24/7 and the audiences! As an at home audience member, I'd love it if someone would capture the live audience as they react to Adam...I'd like to SEE them yell and clap and go wild (etc.), not just hear them. It would make me feel as if I were there!

Anonymous said...

21st century boy doing a 21st Glam Nation Tour with 20th century audiences (some only ). Come on ppl, relax and take it easy. This is what life about, having fun.

Anonymous said...

well said anon 7:09

Anonymous said...

oh no not another debate on the lick/kiss its so boring
Adam and Tommy kiss/lick all you want
its so f***in SEXY i love it
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Quick but interesting article on IIHY chart #'s:


Anonymous said...

Here's something that shouldn't stir up any controversy - vote on VH1 people, and other worthwhile sites that can help in radio airplay.

Anonymous said...

I love the kiss. He doesn´t kiss Tommy in all his performances and the interaction between them occurs differently every time. This is acting people, he has to create a character for every song and perform it according to the mood on stage and public immediate response. He has about 30 more performances to go in USA and will probably kiss Tommy at least 20 times more. Is it really a topic to discuss at all??? Would you ever criticize an actor for repeating the same acting (with very little variations) every time he goes on stage?

Anonymous said...

I love the light layout. It's so much easier to read ..... and I ADORE Adam.

Anonymous said...

I've seen the light... Lawdy I've seen the light.... I think I'm born again...

for a second I thought I'd died and gone to heaven with that burst of white light at 2:18 during Fever, lol (a particularly heavenly moment in the song)...


ps. One of the commenters on YT said this Fever killed her dead, and she's never been more alive :)

Anonymous said...

What happened with u guys? Get bored about the lick/kiss? Just skip it. Problem solve. Adam is a good entertainer. He knows how to make his fans feel relax, excited, serene, crazy, even pass out :)). He will stop that kiss when audiences not going to moan, scream, roar... anymore. Don't make it become a big deal. Enjoy and have fun. All is for your entertainment, Glamberts. Always love u, AL. <3
#btw, the dark layout is better than this one. It's so bright.
(sorry about my bad English :))

Anonymous said...

What happened with u guys? Get bored about the lick/kiss? Just skip it. Problem solve. Adam is a good entertainer. He knows how to make his fans feel relax, excited, serene, crazy, even pass out :)). He will stop that kiss when audiences not going to moan, scream, roar... anymore. Don't make it become a big deal. Enjoy and have fun. All is for your entertainment, Glamberts. Always love u, AL. <3
#btw, the dark layout is better than this one. It's so bright.
(sorry about my bad English :))

Anonymous said...

Would love to watch these videos, but there are pauses every 3 words, makes it impossible. Wish that could be changed.

Anonymous said...


Shirley said...

yay back to the darker layout.

Anonymous said...

Funny how one small thing can work so many people into a lather.

Reading all the posts today made me chuckle. One person said it, but I'll repeat it....Adam's always said "IT'S NOT THAT DEEP"!!!

So people, take a deep cleansing breath and move on to more important things like your families, careers, health, etc.

Adam is, and always will be Brillance & Grace with a hearty side order of SENSUALITY. That's just who he is.

For 24/7: I appreciate all your hard work, and I don't care what you make this site look like, I will still drop in for an Adam fix.

Anonymous said...

OH NO! The ads ate the top of the page are back too!!! BOOOOO! Now I go back to being frustrated when I can't see the title of the piece, nor access the comments. Bummer -

Anonymous said...

I know the comments here seem a bit nitpicky, but I think
they are all grounded in the same sentiment and that is:
the hope of Adam becoming hugely successful and iconic.
They don't want anything to stand in the way of that. Some feel one way, some feel another, but everyone wants Adam to
succeed and maybe that's why people get so involved.
ps. I love the KISS slogan - Keep It Simple Stupid haha
had never heard that one before, but I'm going to use it

Anonymous said...

I love Tommy and I was wondering how the general consensus of Glamberts think of him? Looks like it's split...

glitzylady said...

I am not understanding any negative comments directed toward Tommy. I think he is talented, cute with or without the Glam make-up, and a great friend to Adam and the rest of the crew...and a good sport about the Adommy stuff....and he is also very generous with his time with the fans...What's not to like???? In fact, my BFF, who went to the concert with me last month thought Tommy was quite hot...and she hadn't really even seen him before....Her first real exposure to Adam too...Nothing like a Glam Nation concert General Admission 5th row center to meet the Glam Rock God Who Is Adam for the first time...and the old darker layout is back...I don't really care what it looks like as long as its still here!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love Tommy! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Remember Adam comes from Theater, he puts on a show. He acts out the music. I didn't like the kiss at first more because of the backlash. I didn't want Adam to have to contend with the negativity that could result, but now it seems to fit right in.
My fears are coming ture the negativity is here.
SUZ526 I envy you being able to be at so many concerts. Fantastic job. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

What has happened to our society that you people want to see a guy kiss or lick another, woman with woman kissing. You roar when you see this.OMG The world is gone to the dogs. I agree Adam is awesome but like not to see the kiss or lick. Sing, dance and perform. But leave the interaction with tommy out.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is giving an AMAZING performance !!! Remember he recently lost his dad. Let's give him our LOVE !!! Adam is a great friend.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady, You mirror my thoughts, or me yours! Ditto. Love Glitterbaby! He's there to support Adam,[his part, making up a whole] and I think he does that very well. Adam after all is the focal point, and while all are recognized on stage, they are there to enhance, and not to compete with Adam for center stage. I love the GNT, seeing it live and watching the videos. This tour has been an amazing accomplishment with other tours being cancelled left and right. I give them all so much credit, giving polished, first class performances just about every night, after spending hours cooped up in a bus, always smiling and greeting fans, after a grueling physical performance in extreme heat. This takes a huge personal toll on them and I really hate to see any of them personally criticized. I really appreciate each one of them. Just my opinion and all are important. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with anon 12.51.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 24/7 for the Darker Layout much better on the eyes..i love you guysxx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Love ...Lambert Family... Tommy...Monte...Longineau...Cam
...Brooke...Sasha....Taylor....Terrance...LOVE all the Glamily
Love ALL.... Glambrits...Glamberts...Glamsistas...Glamboys...from all over the World.......
and I LOVE and ADORE ADAM with all my Heart and MORE xx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:51, I love dogs. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha too
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Yikes!!! Adamluv and Glambrit Isle of Wright UK -- I'm with you!! Let's lighten things up! We need to just give Adam and Tommy our support and love. Don't need 24/7 to become a negative thread.

I think the funniest moment was when Tommy did get a little brave and kissed Adam's shoulder -- took Adam by surprise too! Heck - we all need a little schanigans in our life --keep making us all SMILE "boys" -- it's all GOOD!!


Anonymous said...

Ruff Ruff

Bow Wow

Toot Toot


Anonymous said... NUTTER!! youre sooooooo funny
any news on the HBBD yet? toot toot
Growling Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

All of you just stop it! I'm laughing too much. Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Just thought of another one (HBBD)...but can't tell you..I'd be banned for life...but pretty sure you'd agree..... :-)

Anonymous said...

No news on HBBD


looking forward to vids from tonight's show... just saw these tweets about Musikfest concert happening right now

NJLovinLambert A nice forceful kiss with Tommy yummmmy!!
less than 20 seconds ago via txt

itsadamazing LICK KISS SEXY FUCK

twitpic link:

MGF, puuuuurrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady August 13 6:48PM -
aawww c'mon now - that just ain't even right

Anonymous said...

oh come on Glitzylady be a Dirty Dog and give us some clues.
....Glambrit Isle of Wight UK.........please

Anonymous said...

ha Ha Adamluv you started it!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

is it H** B*** B** D*** ??????????
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Love Adam & Tommy. As far as those new photos making their rounds on the internet I don't see those any different as those of him & his ex,current or whatever. Who put those all over the internet? People want their 15 minutes of fame. I really feel for Adam because he has no privacy. How does he know who will sell him out? You can sell someone out in other ways besides money. Users are the worst kind. Friends can be users if it gives them some unknown advantage. He has to be so careful to protect his reputation. Wonder who will write the first book? That's seems to be the Hollywood way. Friends can turn jealous and envious of him. Under the right circumstances people can use you for there advantage. I would trust my back to the brother, blood is thick.

Anonymous said...

Actually - one quick little voice of reason comment - Musikfest a bit of a family event I think, has that element to it anyway... maybe BB should've let the kiss go for tonight. You may have noticed that I have refused to get involved in commenting in all that business on 24/7 lately... and I don't really mean to interject about it now, but am remembering at the moment about the nature of musikfest as a whole... oh well, no use crying over spilled glitter.

Anonymous said...

i do have something to say about the "KISS" i love adam and get him totally, but I am bringing my best friend to my first concert tour 8/19 and I so want her to love him like I do (she IS NOT a fan) i think she will become a fan unless he does that kiss- that will turn a non-fan off. We are trying to get the world to love adam, it's just too soon after AMA awards. Just saying!

Anonymous said...

"That will turn a non-fan off" is a pretty broad wide sweeping statement and/or generalization! Maybe a kiss will turn YOUR non-fan off... and if so, maybe she isn't meant to be an Adam Lambert fan??? Just wondering. If you yourself have been following Lambert and "get him totally" then you probably know that, yes, Adam wants commercial mainstreem success, but he's going to be authentically who he is while trying to acheive it. That kiss is for our entertainment, as he tweeted, and perhaps more importantly, probably a bit of a visceral reaction thing, based on various factors during any given show. I think, just my opinion but have obviously have no real clue, that Adam Lambert probably wants "the world to love" him while he is being authentically the performer he feels right being.

Anonymous said...

I would like to suggest to all those of you who feel compelled to judge Adam that you examine your own lives. I highly doubt that any one of you could survive the second-by-second scrutiny over every single thing he does, says or is caught in pictures. Why you seem to feel "entitled" to comment, and lament over kisses, and pictures, and what he does or who he is, blows my mind. Having Crazy-ass, foaming at the mouth fans, that attack anyone with a contrary opinion as if they're his own blood-kin are part of the reason Adam isn't soaring to the top.

Ya'll just need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and enjoy the beauty that is Adam.

Lastly, to all of you that have issues (either overt or covert) about his sexuality: Go away. Don't watch him, don't buy his CD. He does not need your approval, your opinion, nor does he need your prayers for his soul.

Think about it.

glitzylady said...

@GIOW 7:10pm

I think you're pretty close.... :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't like the kiss or lick or Tommy trying to look like Adam. That's just an opinion, and yes, I am entitled. But will it make me dislike Adam? NEVER!

Anonymous said...

I agree with 7:48 above. Why do Adam's "fans" want him to do the very thing he did at the ama's that almost killed his career? He needs to attract new fans, people.

Anonymous said...

Agree with above. He's only doing it because it gets a reaction - do you really think it's wise to encourage this stuff?

Anonymous said...

Never like this kiss, love Adam. I already saw big picture of Adam and Tommy kissing in Bethlehem publisher article. He didn't complain about kiss, but he mension that there were a few children in the crowd! Hopefully Adam will read as less once some of our comments. However, if he doesn't care about any awards or nominations everything great. This is Adam show and his decision.