Glam Nation Tour in Lubbock, Texas
Filed Under (performances,tour news,video ) by Admin on Thursday, August 5, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, August 05, 2010

(Photo Credit: ejlimon)
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Wow....heard the venue was an old slaughterhouse turned concert site. You can see it's just a warehouse; can't imagine what the audio was like in there.
But, as always, Adam looked good and seemed to perform in a happy positive way.
They all looked like they were sweating buckets. Hope the next venue is better.
Great performances despite the venue!
Read that Adam did not go barefoot last nite! Smart guy. Also that the slaughterhouse was shut down because the blood tank exploded? Whatever that means. I hope they never have to perform again in such an ugly venue. I dont think I could have even walked into a place with the horrid history of that building. Adamluv
The old barn in Texas sure got glitterized! The venue looks sooo hot and steamy no wonder the got WLL for an encore!!!
Adam, Band and Dancers are such pros, no matter where they perform be it in a theater, open venues or even an old barn/slaughter house they always give it their best!!!
Hahah... the words that come out of Adam's mouth... sometimes!... catches you off guard! :))
WLL back! Adam seemed in top form,enjoying the audience, in spite of concerns over the location. He sure did a job on WLL! Don't know how he does it in this heat, but he always gives 120% and is a "Sure Fire Winner" in every sense of the word! A good nights sleep in a beautiful hotel suite was very much deserved. The tour bus must get very old after a while.Can't wait to see him again! funbunn40
Good thing is that they had electricity in that barn :D
Had to watch WLL two more times! It seemed more up tempo and tho' I love every single performance, I think he outdid himself with those incredible high notes! I just can't get enough of this man! I'm really glad no barefeet this time! Adam played a little with the audience too, and seemed more at ease. So much fun to watch! funbunn40
I agree these were good performances. Fever especially :D
My neck hurts from holding it to the left. Adam is responsible so I think he should come rub my neck. Makes sense to me.
Ha, ha! Love all your comments, everyone.
I am dying to know how many people were at this show...was it well attended? Does anyone know? Is there anyone here on 24/7 who attended?
Gosh - I hope there were a lot of fans, for Adam (and the band/dancers) sake. They all work their butts off, and deserve lots of love, even in the crappy/weird little venues.
- Adam Fix
I've got one word to say about this rendition of WLL.
W O W !
Heard it was a sellout but have no idea size of venue. Don't think anyone does?? It had to be steaming there, and not just from Adam. Terrible venue. What was management thinking (or not thinking) when they booked him there. Bet he lost about 10lbs sweating. Hope he doesn't get his impression of Texas from that place. Adam, band and crew are professionals, so they make the best of a lousy situation, but why should they have to do that?? At the time this was booked, people were nagging Adam about not appearing in Texas. Lubbock was the first Texas location. Then Houston and now Dallas. Hope he has better experiences in September although he would never complain. I think heat index was over 100 degrees last night when he was performing.
This is why our Glam King is such a trooper;
Good article from Lubbock, Texas
Texas the BIG MEAT eating state yuk what a venue! poor adam he deserves much better than that venue (how dare they)great performances from the Loved One though x susie
Love this version. You could tell ADAM was FEELIN' GOOD! He seemed to be more playful than usual! Hope ADAM records all the versions of WLL ....... that would go PLATINUM OVERNIGHT!!
Actually, as a Texan, I can say that we don't eat meat exclusively. In fact, we have been known to actually eat chicken and fish!!!! Some of our people are even vegan. How crazy is that??!!!
The venue was terrible. It was an embarrassment. Don't know how that happened. Why Lubbock?? Unless management was feeling pressured to come up with a spot in Texas and those folks at the Lubbock Pavilion sent them bad info. It's possible. When I tried to find out any information on that location, it wasn't there. Every site said, "picture coming." Asked friends who went to Texas Tech, and noone had heard of it. I finally drove by when I was driving to Amarillo. After seeing it, I sold my tickets. Hope everyone enjoyed it, but it wasn't for me. I'm going to Houston and the a-c. Oh, and they have good fish there
It's my guess the overturning of prop 8 had a little something to do with young Adam's "extra friskiness". First he's saucy, then feisty, then asking who's drinking and who's horny. Hmmmm, sounds like someone needs a whole lotta love to come his way. Here's hopin' that he gets every inch of what he needs.
As always, an excellent performance.
Adam = Brilliance
This venue was supposed to hold 2000 crazy wild wonderful HOT Adam Lambert fans according to a copy of the schedule I have.
Adam can i just say that
i ADORE you so Much,
you have filled my life with IMMENSE HAPPINESS..THANKS xxxx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
I feel bad just reading all these comments. I can't imagine management scheduling such a place. (I haven't seen it, just reading the comments.) Adam is such a joy and a gentleman and so appreciating that i'll bet he dosen't say much at all about it. Like no comments. I guess when he saw it, he thought of his fans waiting to see him and would not dream of letting them down even if he had to dance in cow shit! He is such a good example for all of our youngsters and ourselves to follow. We love you Adamlicious!!!!!
I'm anon 8:09pm. I have a question for someone that attended, in all the heat in that barn did Adam do all his costume changes that he usually does? I can't imagine in all that heat and sweat that he could have managed all the changes. What a guy!! There will never be another Idol that will add upto what Adam is. Never measure up to his standards! Thanks Leila and Eber. You did a fine job raising your boys!! JOB WELL DONE!!
Anon 8:18 - AMEN. Thanks to Leila and Eber. I worship at your feet for bringing us Adam.
- Adam Fix
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