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2010 Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix Promo Recap

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, September 26, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, September 26, 2010

Adam's footage starts at 4:20.

Thanks to HannaBec!


Urethra_Franklin said...

I am hearing that noise in my dreams. Can you IMAGINE how hard it will be for the Glam Gang to get it out of their heads!! OMG!!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing fucking party!!!! And Diamond Boy is part of it!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You, God All Mighty, please keep on blessing my sweet Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The noise...I wonder if Neil is still out on his balcony yelling "what the F%$#!"? (heh heh) So funny!

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, You said it! Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

OMG, OMG!!! What a party. WOW!!! Looked like everyone, Missy Elliott, Daughtry, and Adam's GNT rocked the night in spite of the cars. Can't think of any other place on earth that has this noise and excitement going on in the middle of concerts. Well you don't forget an experience like that soon. Quite sure Neil got himself a bowl of sake and partied with everyone else.

Anonymous said...

No video of Mariah? How come?

Anonymous said...

@ The Dark Side

Several threads behind (near that Neil's thread) you were complaining about your «saturday morning life», wondering to get back your old life (the one you had before sweet Adam Lambert...)
Have you ever go back there and see Adam Fix' special report (to you) about her supposed Adam Rehab? If you didn't read it, believe me fellow, you should... you and everybody here willing old lives back... Ha!!!!


Anonymous said...

I heard that Mariah only played a short amount of time and complained nonstop about the heat. Dont know if this is true or not? Anyone know? When you remember that these other artists have many albums "under their belt", it's very impressive that they asked Adam to perform. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Been to lots of V8 super car racing and the concerts there are usually after the last race. So I am thinking that was the same there to, as there is no way you could have a concert during the race.

Anonymous said...

Like it was in article in one of Singapore newspapers "Adam Lambert steals the show"!

Anonymous said...

delilah5: I also read that article entitled ADAM LAMBERT STEALS THE SHOW!

Anonymous said...


OH, gosh, when you read somehting like that, please post the address. Do you remember where you read that? Tell us if you can remember.
I'll bet it was a Singapore Hoot! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam steals the show was on the AL news page, just follow the story line. The newest is he was named "Hollywood Celebrity of the Week' by Hollywood News. com. Can't beat that with a stick! Hope all's well with Mariah (wasn't it rumored that she might be...well I'm not starting anything--just saying. Doubt if rumor true she would be touring. Missy Elliott not only stood the heat, but also her sound gone down and she took it like a trooper. You go Missy!!

Anonymous said...

So excited for Adam! moom4adam

Anonymous said...

It is pretty hot in Singapore, around 33-34c every day, its the humidity thats harder to cope with if you're not used to it.
They were lucky with the weather, it usually rains a lot out there. Lovely city to visit if you're ever in the area.
Is there anywhere that has confirmed the attendance on either show?

HK fan