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Adam at the Puyallup Fair Washington

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, September 24, 2010

Posted at : Friday, September 24, 2010

Photos by Bridgett Martin Hipkins



Anonymous said...

OMG! that was my wild guess and I was right! Damn!... even as an Indian, Adam looks so great!

Anonymous said...

Love seeing Adam going about in a normal setting. That guy really looks like he's having the time of his life, every single day, and I believe it's contagious! We are all happier for knowing him.

Anonymous said...

Always reverts to being a sweetie,

Anonymous said...

Hope he had a picture in that head dress. Probably did, the whole purpose of having these booths at these fairs. Maybe it will be posted somewhere we can get a better look. What's normal about being followed around by security. Because they aren't in the shops with him, doesn't mean they are very far away.

Anonymous said...

He seems to be in one of those shops that takes old time photos.


Anonymous said...

Such a cute and sweet Chief!!! And what a sweet and wide smile!!!! I've got this pic for my «wallet collection»... Ha!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just added this pic to my Glam Nation folder! What a fantastic smile .. Heap Big Chief ADAM!! LOL


Anonymous said...

what other man could look as hot as that in fancy dress ( well it is feathers ) just stunning...and yeah peeps, what an amazing smile that boy has....

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

4 out of 5 out of focus lah!