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"If I Had You" and "WWFM" Chart Updates

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, September 01, 2010

In the United States, ADAM LAMBERT's "If I Had You" holds at #32 on the Hot 100, retains bullet indicating growth over last week. As reported earlier, the single sold 38,000 copies this week, total sales so far is 339,000.

Next door in Canada, "If I Had You" bullets 10-8 on the Canadian Hot 100. Also, "Whataya Want From Me" rebounds 37-36 on the Canadian Hot 100.

Thanks IdolsNow for the news!


Anonymous said...

Will pop in later when I can read the comments and posts. This color is killing my eyes.

Anonymous said...

24/7 Please make the text darker or brighter and make the font bigger. Thanks.

Love that picture of Adam's! So freakin' sexy!!! Please don't stop teasing us, Adam! :)

Yay Adam! keep on climbing those charts!

Anonymous said...

very interesting piano mash up of WWFM and Love the way you lie...


Anonymous said...

I love this blog but I don't like this new design at all. The light gray font on a dark gray background lacks contrast and it’s hard on the eyes. Sorry!

Vivienne said...

I personally love the new template. Please don't change it back the old ones!

Anonymous said...

LOVE THE sexy is this guy!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is the Adam I fell in love with on Idol! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Webmaster, PLEASE adjust the contrast on this site! The light gray comments are killing my eyes after only a few minutes. The font is very small and I don't think the "prison gray" background suits our Glam Rock God at all. It's very dreary. You could use the gray background if it had some silver accents in it to punch it up. But the comments definitely need to be a different color and size. Thank you.

glitzylady said...

THAT PICTURE........I LOVE IT....!!!!!

On the other hand....This grey on grey is not my favorite....I really don't like to complain because I appreciate everything about 24/7.....BUT....I was trying to follow it on my Droid phone today and with the small screen, I kept thinking there was something wrong on my end....almost impossible to read....and not so great on my computer either...or just maybe a little brighter....????

Thanks!!! I know you are always trying to make us all happy...what a challenge!!! Sorry to be complaining....Just kind of squinting here... : )

glitzylady said...

....and by the way, can we just KEEP this picture of Adam permanently at the top of the page....probably not, but ......its a good one!!!!

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, Oh, I so like how you think! Fabulous idea! I vote yes yes yes! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Seriously, how many JAW-DROPPING frigging pictures can one man take for crap's sake?

There's so damn many. I think if I printed off all the pictures of Adam and laid them end to end, they would probably cross a few states.

His beauty is sickening (I mean that in the good way). I think I need a cock-tail.


glitzylady said...

Thanks 24/7 I'm back and I can read it now...much, much better...(and still loving the picture....) and just checked the phone situation and can read it now....Thanks again for adjusting the contrast and brightness....Was a long day at work with no Adam, just when I got used to peeking in from time to time....tomorrow will be a better day... ; )

Now, off to see what I missed....

Anonymous said...

oooooooh yes yes yes, keep the picture... it's heaven to my eyes...and erm yes...

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

@PRS/9:35 - His beauty IS sickening...and how I do love a good reason to take to my bed with a Fever now and then... ('ya know, have a valid excuse to get a day or two of guilt-free R&R ;) I need some of those AFL sick germs). MGF.

Anonymous said...

The Adam on this photo is the Adam I love. I dislike his new hairstyles. I wish he would go back to the Adam I fell in love with on Idol and wear a little less make-up. He is so beautiful natural. I also loved seeing him perform in a less "Glam" attire, as he did on Leno or Ellen. I miss that Adam.

glitzylady said...

Anon @11:49

I love the hair here too, but what I REALLY LOVE is the expression on his face.....the hair is secondary for can I say.....just see the eyes and mouth...guess I'm in trouble per usual! LOL!!! Just keep coming back for a little "pick-me-up" during the busy day...And yes he is naturally gorgeous.....

Anonymous said...

That's is my Diamond Boy under a beautiful hair! You know what??? Black and white, or just black or just white, or green, or yellow, or blue, or red, or pink, or wathever collor from Planet Fierce or from Earth... That's for sure my sweet Diamond Boy under a beautiful hair! Indeed! (I love you, sweet baby!)

Anonymous said...

he's performing concerts on tour, you can't really expect him to come out and perform with no makeup and understated clothes....In a full concert, glam, make-up, costumes,is what people expect.
Personally I love him anyway, glammed up, stripped down and anything inbetween.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Nothing can take away his basic drop dead handsomeness, but I hope he soon gets over the shaved head phase. I don't care how he styles his hair, just wish he'd stop shaving those beautiful lush, silky locks. He's one of the few that is blessed with thick, shiny, silky hair. He's already edgy without trying to grunge himself down. Just my thoughts. If he wasn't so good looking it wouldn't matter and I wouldn't care. The music is what's important, just hate to see him take away his natural beauty.