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More Pictures of Adam Lambert at BJ's

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, September 08, 2010

When you’re a young, gay pop icon and done with your concert around 11 p.m., you wanna go out to a gay bar, right? Adam Lambert sure does. He tweeted last night, wondering what to do after his performance at the Palladium. What did he end up doing? Going out to BJ’s NXS! on Fitzhugh, natch.

Photographer Erick Alsing took these pix of Lambert, who arrived around 1 a.m. and partied until last call, hanging out and, obviously, letting himself be photographed with the staff.

Hey, it might not be Lady Gaga at the Round-Up, but it’s pretty cool.



melissa toronto said...

Omg! That's a killer look in the second picture, it's like...come over here, I am feeling HOT! The boy in the black shirt is cute ummm...his in both pictures.

The Dark Side said...

Don't follow Gaga so don't know what is meant by he's not Gaga at the Roundup. Is this a club? or maybe a bunch of cowboys roping steers? Looks like he is having fun. It says this is a gay club, but looks to me pretty much like any other club. Probably just better looking guys!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Is he always alone, I thought he always had someone with him from his team. Maybe they are camera shy.He loves his leather jackets, but he seems overdressed next to the shirtless guys. But he always looks good. I actually think there are about 10 Adam Lamberts, I have never seen anyone who can change his facial expression in so many different ways. He almost looks like a different guy each time. The weird thing is they are all absolutely gorgous

Anonymous said...

Take your time and enjoy you fun, sweet Adam! Life is short, baby singing bird... while you get new feathers, go for it! Let yourself goooooo! (AND KISS A LOT, VERY TONGUE DIVING KISSES) Ha!!!

Anonymous said...

the dark side, your comment " probably better looking guys" was right on target! thought the gaga comment meant that she was a bigger deal than Adam. If so, I beg to differ! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam's at BJ's what a catchy name! NO! I'm not thinking of what you guys are thing... I swear... lol Oh my, you're like a magnet bb! How many can you handle!?

Anonymous said...

anon 5:29 Ooops

should say THINKING... too much interruptions, can't type right!

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam on the 2nd pic... stop staring at me like that already!... or I will faint... lol

Lolita said...

I know what the dude in the black tee is lookin'at! (The same thing I would! lol)

Could I pet it, pleeeeaaasse? Just once????

Anonymous said...

I sure hope one or two of his body protectors is with him in the background.Wouldn't want anything to happen to my life line. Some of those boys look hungry.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam always takes a team member with him. This is not a safe world (sorry to say) and I think he needs someone to keep his back. The South, especially, has a lot of gay haters. I want our man to be safe. Love him and can't wait to see him. :)

glitzylady said...

I think he always has someone with him...and probably a body guard or two in the background...they just probably stay out of the pictures...even on the Idol Tour he had one or two at all times...a friend of mine was at a hotel bar in Portland, OR, and he had more security than any of the other Idols...he needed it even then because he was the one everyone wanted to see....and talk to.... : )

melissa toronto said...

Adam is not alone, you can see Terrance with him in the second picture.

Anonymous said...

Since Adam comes from LA, and has been on the club/party scene for years, he probably knows what to expect in other like clubs around the Country. This is his scene to unwind, and has been for a long time. Think the look in second picture appears our boy is a little hammered. Would be too, if I was keeping his schedule. The price of fame--wanta have fun, the world is watching!!!LOL

Anonymous said...

I too hope he is taken care of and protected, always. He so deserves to go out and have some fun when he darn well feels like it! He's a hard working young man.
And Ms. Lolita, you are so funny!

Anonymous said...

Lolita - ha, ha! I was also wondering what "black-shirt-guy" in the 2nd picture was looking down I could guess?!?! :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Saw Urethra Franklin on another site. Now I know why she has such a garbage mouth.

Anonymous said...

They look sooo young! Too young by Adam's standards.

Anonymous said...

When your a young pop icon , what do you do after A concert? You go to the bar, and have pictures taken with the staff. Adam doesn't want to be known as that gay singer. He wants be be known as a singer who happens to be gay. I guess this angers me because of a conversation I had about concerts the other day Gaga, eminem, ludicrous were in the area. I chimed in an said I went to an Adam Lambert concert and the reply was" Who? Oh that gay guy that can really sing, he has a good voice " NO he has a phenomenal voice and what does his sexuality have to do with it?

Anonymous said...

Like it or not, being gay is a minority and it's not universally accepted yet. If being known as gay is so damn annoying, then you need to stay in the closet. Adam is the only young openly gay male star in mainstream scene right now, so his sexuality is a big deal to both gay and straight people. It's a reality and you just need to get over it.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a great career in front of him and that is coming from his natural huge talent and the education in musical theatre and also his carisma .He said once that he cannot be inroled in a band because he want to do his thing and Monty knows very well , that is why they collaborate so well. Same thing is with beeing gay , for him and for us that we know him and we love him is a metter of bedroom , he will never act like clay aprouching to the politic , he said that , if it will ever be that i'll stop to love him , i dont like politicians. i love him , i love his voice , his act on stage , his beauty , for me is enough and i am sure he will be the greatest star ever , he knows him very well as an artist. He have to be protect , there are a lott fools on the streets and with his magnetism is well to keep away from politic .

Anonymous said...

Do you mean by the fools on the streets that what happened to Gianni Versace?

Anonymous said...

Who is Gianni Versace and what happen to him?

Anonymous said...

Gianni Versace was famous fashion designer. I think he had many pretty boys.

Anonymous said...

I think he was murdered in front of his home? Might be wrong on details. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

To Adamluv and whomever is interested: The Versace story was a true horrow! A gay targeted Versace and stalked him, following him around the U.S. and to his mansion on South Beach, FL. He stalked outside in the early morning hours and when Versace came out of his home to get the morning paper from a near by news stand, he was shot to death right on the steps of the mansion leading down to the street. The murderer broke into a vacation housboat and held up and shot himself to death as he was cornered by the police. (This is the story as I recall. I may need a little correcting. Living in FL, it was on the news from the moment it happened till the capture.)Yes this is a very dangerous world. May our hero be safe and stay safe forever. We all love him so much.

Anonymous said...

I believe Versace knew the guy who murdered him. Versace liked to party, he probably had many lovers and that can cause jealousy. Also, gays can be racist.

Anonymous said...

FF, thanks for more details on that sad story. Adamluv