Adam Lambert Splits With 'Idol' Manager 19 Entertainment
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Friday, August 5, 2011
Posted at : Friday, August 05, 2011

Breaking news from Hollywoodreporter:
Adam Lambert is parting ways with 19 Entertainment, the Hollywood Reporter has learned. The American Idol runner-up from season 8 is signing with Direct Management Group, whose client roster includes Katy Perry, K.D. Lang and The Go-Go's.
Read the rest of the article over at Hollywoodreporter
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Is this big? Very confusing with all the Labels? But I would like Adam's music play like KP on radio.
Probably the best move he ever made. I always thought they were holding him back and not promoting him as best they could. I think maybe they just didn't know what to do with him, but there's nothing anyone can do but let Adam be Adam.
this is big --- and it begs lots of questions yet to be answered
Would This be first time an idol drops AI 19 management?Mwah!! K
Good thinking Adam!!!
Well I am surprised, didn't see that coming. I wonder if he had the option to leave after 2 years. Maybe this is the break he is looking for. He hasn't been promoted enough. Hope it was entirely his decision. In some indirect way he might have been thinking of Sauli and their future together.Clay Aiken got out of his contract with them imediately after Idol, didn't even go on the tour.
I wish that Adam would come out and explain the reason for this split. There will be a lot of speculation I am sure. I also felt that his management group did not do enough to promote his first album and release other singles from it. It seems what he did on his GNT was basically handled by Adam from the concept to the costumes, dance moves, venues,etc. With the anticpated release of his sophomore album sometime this fall, I hope that Adam gets all the promotion and publicity that he rightfully deserves to make him a superstar in the music industry. It would be great if he had 5 number 1 hits from his album the way Katy Perry just did. Good luck.
I don't know the biz, but Adam must feel this is a good move. Maybe he'll be more agressively promoted. He'll be in good company with Katy Perry, and I love kd lang. Hope this will be the beginning of a great new era for Adam!
RCA is the one that get radio play not mangament. Mangament gets him on tv show, tour, and other thinks like that. I think his friendship with Katy Perry is what brough on the change she prob told him about her mangement and he liked it. This happens all the time its like anything if its not the right fit change it also some times the people mangeing them change companys and they follow them.
This is excellent news. FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT was a hit in the making but it wasn't promoted right. If promoted right, all the singles would have been hits.
I'm so optimistic about the second album.
Luv Adam but it is hard to play some of his music on the radio.I think there were to many mistakes on the first album starting with the cover.That Fever song was a total waste. I beleive it had the potential to have been the best song with a few minor changes. Wishing Adam the best and hope this works out for him.
I read somewhere awhile ago that his contract was for 3 or less years. I'm sure he was done with 19. This is the best news ever. Better management means better promotion.
What could Sauli have to do with a change of management? And what does Clay Aiken not going on tour have to do with Adam and his boyfriend? Aiken didn't come out until 5 years after his Idol run.
Now I don't feel so bad about saying mean things about them........JAK
P.S. @ Mwah!!K......other Am Idol contestant's have dropped 19 too!
@8:27 I agree with you. Fever was the ONLY song my 2 teens liked. If they had used some different wording, I think it would have been a huge hit.
A lot of other songs were great but not radio material. I think the next album will be different and betterer.
@ anon 8:29
I only said maybe indirectly. I have been hoping all along that Sauli could work for Adam's management, because of the tours. I was just pointing out that Clay Aiken got lawyers and broke his contract imediately. Someone asked if anyone else had dropped 19. None of it had anything to do with Aiken coming out.Clay Aiken has nothing to do with Adam and Sauli.
Stop trying to make trouble!!!
@ Sister and @ funbunn40
Finished off the Maharaja Malik on Ammar thread..
just as it is ready to sink into the vast beyond.
I did read somewhere that other idol stars dropped 19 Entertainment as soon as they could....
LP 8:38,
I was not trying to make trouble. I asked because I didn't understand thoughts. GEESH!!!
correction to 9:01- I did not understand your thoughts.
I thought Sleepwalker was radio material.
Why are you guys talking about the old album it was a hit end of story moving on to the new album.
OMG -- this is HUGE! I have posted on this site many many times since 2009 how Simon Fuller at 19 should have had the courage and grace to "outsource," if you will, and bring in a pro who has handled someone of his stature, such as Madonna's manager, Guy Oseary. Simon needed to put his tail between his legs and realize that 19 has never handled an artist like Adam and was only doing damage by letting the regular Idol force manage him.
It is now my belief that Adam simply had to bite his tongue over and over regarding the decisions made. I feel that had Adam been managed by his now-to-be management at Direct, the AMAs debacle would NEVER have happened -- they would never have allowed that to happen to Adam, no matter whose decision it was creatively. I'm not talking about the Tommy Joe kiss or the simulated sexual stuff, but the overall concept.
Yes, Adam has already done very, very well despite being managed by 19. But there is another level that he needs to achieve -- it's sort of a level of having a bit of mysteriousness -- that I think the folks at Direct will know exactly how to achieve.
I think this is going to be a new era for Adam and thank heavens he made this change on the eve of the release of his new album so that it's all done right. Sure, a lot of those decisions are the record company's, but management I'm sure will have a very strong say in it all.
Also: the fact that there was a regime change at RCA, as well, I hope all bodes for a new freshness for Adam's recording career. I think that RCA was too skittish with Adam -- "Fever" should have been the first single, controversial, Gaga connection, kids love it (as someone said above), etc., -- but all this about "market research" or whatever killed that.
Congrats, Adam!
Blah blah blah let move on to the new album the old album is in the past it did well thats all that matter now it all about the new album a whole new ball game.
I was so upset when I saw that headline here. I went to the source and read the article and read the comments and now I feel better. Most people think it is a good idea. I will have to put my faith in Adam on this one. Good luck, Adam.
anon 8:07
No, this isn't the first time an Idol contestant left 19 Entertainment. Kelly Clarkson and Fantasia have both left the management firm along with other contestants.
I would like to know why he's leaving, but I wish him the best. But since he is now signed to the same management firm has Katy Perry, it gives me hope that this is the next step to Adam becoming an internationally renowned icon. And considering the fact that he is releasing new music soon, the timing couldn't be more perfect.
Management companies get changed all the time, hopefully this one will live up to his expectations and be profitable for everyone.
It's one tough business!!
No wonder he was wiping his brow in NY. He's got
more than we'll ever know on his plate!!
@9:05 I so totally agree with you in that after Idol Adam should have been managed well. This didn't happen. Still I notice people watch Adam's Idol performances more than his GNT videos. After Idol Adam should have overshadowed his Idol time but this didn't happen. Majority of people remember him from his Idol time. 19M lacked to how promote Adam after Idol because they didn't have proper knowledge of how to manage a super talented artist internationally. I'm so thrilled with Adam's new management. They are super professional.
I think, this is stil not Adam's final move. RCA still mentions to be continued Adam contract for the future! May be this is another Hollywood Gossip or just Adam's fans dream that he finally broke the contract with RCA!
Why is this turning into a hate fest about the first album it was good it did well. We should be talking about the new album. I hate when people belittle Adam's sucess he has done very well I mean yes katy perry did better but Adam did well much better then alot of people.
@anon 8:27PM Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you doing on this blog?!!!!
Yes, this is me SAD AL! I don't care if anybody loved my comments or not! I didn't want to make any comments anymore sence somybody used my name.
However, I can't stop my self to make this comment! If you think that Adam's songs hard to listen on the radio or there were so many MISTAKES! in Adam's songs in his first album what are you doing on this blog?
JOIN PEREZ H and his team. You will find a lot of support from them or............................NOT!!! Cause PEREZ is crazy about Adam!
Don't make any comments about songs from FYE! Or you will have many problems with troll of the house
oh no, I forgot it's the weekend and some people hit the bottle on weekends. Not mentioning any names.
Forgot to add! Yes, I have a lot of very dirty martinies today. And this is one of the reason I made the comment on this blog
I know that some of you, ladies, knows how much I love Adam
Adam is still with 19 he just added direct as well
Ehh. Not buying it until he announces it. Why would he split with RCA a few months before before his album release?
He is not leaving RCA just 19 his management and going with DMG.
I could see this move happening, because Idol did not promote people who were different, until they let Adam stay. Don't forget they saw demo's of Adams work, and liked what they heard.
I do believe there is more to Adam leaving RCA than we will ever know. When Adam said "that other show I was on" and Kris Allen saying they pitted Adam and I against each other. The VH1 date change from 10th to 7th and the story breaking of Adam leaving RCA all kinda happening around the same time. I can go back to the holding hands at Idol red carpet, which surprised me.
I firmly believe there is more to this story.
I won't speculate, as the truth may never come out to the public.
I am happy for him and hope he will be cared for by this new company.
By the way, Adam looks delicious on this picture!
This is photo is very good midnight snack
If I may,
I have always thought Adam has very sharp business acumen. Apart from management perse, I think it boils down to Adam getting a bigger share of the total profits and greater say as well, from this new management. Like singing at bigger arenas and festivals will definitely rake in a lot more profits and less exhausting.
Looks like finally the American Idol runner-up tag sang its swan song.
-Lam my
@-Lam my What did you mean swan song? Do you have any idea what are you talking about?
THR just added this to their article:
A representative for 19 Entertainment told THR, "Adam remains signed to 19 Recordings as he brings a new management team into his career. We look forward to continued success together."
I mean the American Idol runner-up name tag that often accompanies Adam's name will be dropped. Assuming he is not with 19 Entertainment anymore, which produces American Idol, would it be appropriate to continue using the American Idol runner-up tag that is often mentioned next to his name?
-Lam my
Does this mean Lane is no longer his manager? assistant?
Why is Lane?
Adam did not leave RCA. Here is the updated 19
management story & questions will be answered:
@LP What in the world has Sauli got to do with this thread?! Can't we have one thread where it is not about Sauli? Adam supports quite a few more people than just Sauli with his career.
This move sounds exciting for Adam's career. I, for one, think it was an enormous mistake to not release Fever as a single JUST AS IT IS with NO CHANGES. Adam sings "he" instead of "she" to describe his baby on this song. A matter of one pronoun--indeed, a matter of one letter. Not only would Adam have made history as the 1st openly gay artist to sign with a major record label; this song could have shattered barriers on radio as well! I have always faulted his record label, but it could also have been management's fault, for not having the balls to fight for Adam's civil rights by pushing to have Fever aired on the radio! If heterosexual male DJ's refused to play it over our public airways, they could have sicked civil rights attorneys on them ASAP in a full show of support for Adam! Besides, kids would have LOVED the rebellious nature of this song. The more it terrified their conservative pearl clutching parents, the more the kids would eat it up. Don't you remember what you were like when you were young?! :) I have never understood why it was not released as a single.
I also have never understood why Sleepwalker has never been released as a single. LOVE this song. Great lyrics. Adam rocks the heck out of it. I would have released Sleepwalker last fall, due to its moody angst, and Fever in December as a great party song to warm things up. There is no reason Adam could not have had 5 hits off FYE, as well, had it been properly promoted in the USA. I think that FYE will eventually hit Platinum in the USA as Adam's subsequent albums gain recognition. I bought Adele's 1st album after initially falling in love with her 2nd.
And quit worrying about Adam's AMA performance!!! MOST of us LOVED it (except for his fall)! Check out the view count & comment section on the AMA YouTube. This performance will go down as legendary--an exciting, good thing. Adam is a cutting edge innovator, breaking down barriers left and right. A true artist. His is not an arena for the faint of heart. Fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride.
Kentucky Fan
@Kentucky Fan Agree about all of this "Sauli" comments. Becoming very annoying.
I already made the comments about Adam's songs.
Aslo, I absolutely agree that AMA performance becamse legendary. However, I don't think this performance can ber qualify as exciting,good performance:) as far as it flashed Adam's carrier in ............... for few years as less:(
Kentucky Fan, borrowed a line to make my haiku
Diehard Adam fans
Not for the faint of heart!
They hit it off the park
-Lam my
Think think remindes me Adam for some reason
Sorry, I meant this link:)
While we are here dissecting Adams career moves his gorgeousness is in NY tweeting about a play we should all see:
adamlambert Adam Lambert
If you're in NYC u MUST check out SLEEP NO MORE!
Getting himself all cultured out in the arts &
rooftop nightclubs with hot tubs & pink beds &
drinking & dancing & having the time of his life.
So, I'm going back to twitter to see what he's
up to now since the show is over.
Lots of tweets about the GB too!
@LBS You are so emotional and you know so much abou celebrites life. All of this info is very important for us. I just didn't get "pink beds" part:) Did you mean silk beds with rose petals:)
This is fantastic: Explains what everyones job is from management to promotion etc.
@Anon: 11:33 Gotta have fun!
Waterbeds baby. Google the nightclub from last nights outing. I forget the name. We have a club
in Miami that is named Beds-high class place too.
GREAT article LBS! Thanks for that explanation about labels, management etc. I think Adam is making a very wise move! It's time for change and especially with new album coming out.
Great new article by Lindsay Parker about Adam in BTM including this quote from Adam which might be key to why he is changing management:
"It's really difficult to convince a middle-aged record executive that a 27-year-old gay guy who wears eyeliner is going be the next pop star," Adam laments.
I will manage Adam if he wants!! LOL!! Personally think if he is happy then I am happy.
Yes, LBS, thank you for that link describing all the different layers of management required to make it into today's entertainment biz. Unbelievable the army of ppl required these days to promote an entertainer! Makes your head spin trying to keep it all straight.
- Adam Fix
@ LBS, thanks for a great, informative article! I think this is a great move for Adam.I9 seems to focus on the current year American Idol, as fans tend to forget about the majority of them after the first year and promotion seems to fade. I think Adam's contract was for 2 years and he will have more freedom to pursue other avenues, such as movies and more say in choice of venues,tv opportunities, etc. He also should have more control and larger piece of revenues. I hope he has a good entertainment lawyer to read the contract fine print. Things tend to be buried in "legalese"and not in the artists favor. I hope Adam will retain control and publishing rights of all songs that he writes. Michael Jackson bought the Beatles catalogue I think rom the recording co. and it was worth a fortune, much to the consternation of Paul McCartney. I think 19 could prevent Adam from performing in any capacity that wasn't controlled and a benefit financially to 19 as long as he was under contract. If they didn't get a big piece of it and it wasn't presented thru' them, I don't think Adam legally could do whatever was offered to him, such as a movie, tv show, etc. Adam should be able to keep more of his earnings and not be handcuffed working for them.The new mgt. should be working for Adam, a big difference. I also love KD Langs rich, soulful voice. Wonder how she and Adam would sound together.I'm sure Adam left on amicable terms. He's a gentleman and wouldn't burn bridges. Business is business. funbunn40
Super! Adam does not need to tie with the idol image anymore.The further away from idol bubble, the better he'll become. Hope he has more control to express himself with this new management. May be we can see him in X-factor or the Voice or a couple TV role.
In the recording business, this is hardly news. Signed musicians change labels, management, and agents often during their careers. It's not just American idol finalists who jump ship. Big deal. Someone offers you something better, and you take it. Adam's second album will still be a 19e managed project with RCA reaping the benefits. There were missteps along the way with FYE, but it was hastily put together and certainly did better than the album put out by AI winner Kris Allen, who should never have won in the first place. I personally think the title song FYE was dead in the water even before it got started after the furor over the awards show presentation and the poor vocal performance that night. Adam's father said it was the worst vocal presentation he had ever heard from Adam that night. One of my favorite songs on the album that I thought was sort of an anthem was Strut. I wished that had been the title of the album, but nobody asked me. Anyway, I, like everyone else, am anxiously awaiting the second album and hoping for more surprises from this guy with the phenomenal voice. Kill it, Adam!
Still don't understand how this move will change his career as he is still with 19, didn't change labels or PR team, just management team. Hope it is a good move and looking forward to his new album. Luv you Adam and still enjoying the adventure of being a fan...never dull. Thanks for the link LBS
Oh yes, this means a whole lot more freedom for Adam. Sounds like a very smart move. Never underestimate the Glambert!
Amy Winehouse was in her early career with 19 and Simon Fuller.
In my understanding, Adam remains signed in 19 ENTERTAINMENT AND BRINGS NEW MANANGEMENT INTO HIS CAREER. Good news and I hope with the new people to handle ADAMS PROMOTION will be great for the 2nd album when it release.
I'm so happy for the changes and for sure the 2nd album will be more successful indeed.
OMG SAD AL!!!! is back here again....
Just ignore this person not to annoys you guys!!!
Ignore please???? Just don't rely to this person !!!! This tag is trouble!!!!!
Enjoyed the Reality Rocks/Lyndsey Parker piece about the special. One question: What is "Freak Flag". Is there another song out there floating around in the Youtubeousphere that I don't know about? Running to check now.
And...what the heck does Amy Winehouse have to do with Adam? He is not a drugged out anorexic hellbent on personal destruction. The only segway I can come up with is that staying with 19 makes you want to kill yourself. NOT!
Ok, there's nothing directly related to Adam under "Freak Flag" on Youtube, just some Shrek stuff. But if Parker knows about another song on the album called that, she just gave us a heads up. It's possible because the song in the play talks about being different and being proud of it.
to: Kentucky Fan
Sauli is part of Adam´s life now. And it´s NOT forbidden to mention Sauli´s name here. don´t be bitter because Adam Loves sauli and sauli loves Adam.
Adam & Sauli => the best match ever !!!!!!!
I thought the winner of season 8 and second place both had Simon Fuller for management. Which was a touchy situation, since Adam was the better package, but they couldn't ignore the winner. This has to be a very good thing for Adam, and his new management will get his name and music out, not enough people know who he is, nothing to do with being gay or straight.Not every one watches AI, a lot of folks say they don't like reality shows. Bless his heart , I think he has just climbed a huge hurdle.:)
Wow great
@8:15 Yeah, so are his parents and his brother and they are blood related (I'm sounding like mother-in-law). But we don't write about them at every single thread blog topic. His relationship is personal and should be kept sacred.
@Kentucky Fan, I enjoy your posts but did you have to write "conservative pearl clutching parents"? Thems hurtful words.
From a conservative parent (and grandparent) who loves the genius of Adam.
I have complete faith in Adam's decision to change the management company. He's a very smart businessman and very intuitive too. He has a vision for himself and knows what he wants to do. He's never wanted to be boxed in about anything in his life so looks like he's reaching for more freedom. Great move, Adam! Good luck in all your future endeavors.
Thanks, LBS, for the link about the definitions of all the various functions necessary in promoting music/artist. It was so informative and mind boggling! Who could have guessed it takes an army of people! We the fans are part of that army too!
Without Simon Fuller on board, I hope this change of management doesn’t mean the end of American Idol guest performances by Adam.
@11:03 I'm sorry :(. When you are a kid that is often how you view your parents. :)
If you are conservative, I admire you for hanging in with Adam, who is very liberal & verbal about it--which I also find to be a breath of fresh air after living through the past 12 years. :)
Kentucky Fan
@8:15 You are not serious LOL. You do realize I am a psychologist (another word for realist). I think they look adorable as a couple. What I am getting very tired of is the Sauli defenders are so over the top! They actually misinterpret MOST of what people actually say in their posts & go off the deep end dissing those posters (i.e. making ridiculous personal attacks like calling me "bitter" or telling others "you need to be on your meds")--for no real reason. I've just learned to avoid the Sauli dominant threads. It is the Sauli defenders who appear to be way overly invested in Sauli's love life with Adam. Sorry if I happen to be more interested in Adam than I am in Sauli.
Of course I believe in freedom of speech (mine, too ;).
Kentucky Fan
@10:03 Sorry about using the term Pearl Clutchers. I actually hate that term, too, but thought I'd try it out. It really didn't work for me :). I think I will avoid it in the future (except when discussing ABC & other major media corporations--which are largely run by heterosexual male owners & decision makers out to make a buck by not rocking the conservative boat of America :).
Was just trying to get the rebellion idea across. Remember all the adult angst over Elvis (actually was a little young for him) or the Beatles? or the Doors?. Huge divide between the generations during the 60's-70's. Rock is all about rebellion. Kids are refreshing to me, because I think they embrace diversity & would adore Fever--especially if airing it(or prohibiting the airing of it)became newsworthy.
Kentucky Fan
To those who feel Fever "with a few tweeks" could have been radio worthy...
Changing Fever.
I know what you mean from those covert words. It means making it a straight song, for the straight people. It means changing he to she, or eliminating a pronoun all together. Why not just say what you mean? That statement is an insult to Adam as a gay man...and, honestly, I feel insulted by that as well.
Gay people live in a straight world 24 hours a day, unless they go to communities where gays gather. They watch TV that is all about hetero life and love, listen to music where females sing of their love of a man, and men singing of the love for their wives and lovers. Magazines and advertising reflect hetero relationships. There is nothing that gays see, or hear, in their daily lives that reflects or acknowledges who they are; their lives, their loves...except maybe in a few "sitcoms" these days. Wow. That's progress.
To ask Adam to change Fever to suit the majority is like asking him to rip out his soul, to live dishonestly, to go back into the closet with his music and dishonor himself. And he would be asked to do this all because people are "unable" to transfer the message of the song to their own lives. Well, gay people have to do that all the time, transfer the message and the image. Honestly, I think the younger generation would have little "problem" with the pronoun being in place.
I understand that you may think this makes the song more "palatable", more "marketable"...and how that would somehow benefit Adam by making the song more...ah...straight friendly, oh...I mean... more radio friendly.
I think it is time for Fever to be released AS IS...sung by a beautiful man, Adam Lambert, who is a perfect human being, just the way he is, gay,out and PROUD. Suggesting the song needs to be tweeked is, honestly, insulting.
And the comments I have read on previous threads about Outlaws of Love not being a radio friendly song is insulting as well. I suppose that should be tweeked too...maybe to say - "we CAN change" to make the majority happy.
Well, we can't change. And to ask that Adam in anyway to change his music, his performance, his person, is an insult to him and who he is as a human being. And honestly, it is also an insult to any gay person who frequents this site.
In my opinion, it is time that the world get off their high horse, believing that their way is the only way, and begin to accept the beauty that is diversity.
We ALL deserve to live, love and express ourselves authentically.
@JAK and funbunn40
I left you a message on the Malik thread...that HAS already fallen into the abyss. :)
When Lady Gaga gave Adam her song Fever....which she had used for job auditions....Adam had a choice of changing "he" to "her"....he choose not to do so. His choice!
@ Sister...........Amen!.........<3..JAK
@ Sister
I unearthed your Malik message, my spirit and I both thank you!....JAK :)
Many valid points in above posts, but have to say I totally disagree with changing Fever. I think he made right decision when he recorded song. He probably had lots of encouragement from Gaga who was there at the time. Adam is Adam, not Idol Runner UP, Gay, etc. just Adam. This would appear a good move. Pretty sure he could have gone to other mgmt cos, but chose the one he did as a good business move. This company has worked real well for KP.
Freedom of Speech is meant for political speech. Of course, we are free to speak as we wish but along with that comes responsiblity and consequences.
And Adam shouldn't change anything.
@Sister! Does this ever end. Every week it is either you or @glitzylady preaching for gay rights here. Hopefully "Behind The Music" makes people really think.
@Kentucky fan 10:41 - Well la de da! Nice put down for someone stating their opinion: "You do realize I am a psychologist (another word for realist)." I hope you know just how you sounded in that short but extremely enlightening sentence to the rest of us groundlings on this site. 'I am a psychologist; therefore I know better than any of you the answer to any question you could possibly put forth. Oh and by the way, don't differ from my opinions because after all I am a psychologist and well educated and so much smarter than any of you due to your small mindedness.' What a load of crap.
I, too, was offended @11:04 by your use of 'conservative pearl clutching" to describe
parents just as much as I am offended by the media saying "conservatives cling to their guns and bibles." Being the psychologist you are, you must have gleaned that I am a Christian, conservative gun owning bible reader. The zinger here is I have never in my life clutched my pearls nor have I felt the desire to. I do, however, absolutely love Adam Lambert from the tips of his toes to the top of his hair (no matter how high it is). @11:02 - My family's conservative boat is rocking with his music and his message of love to everyone.
My family I attend church on Sundays and listen intently to our pastor's sermons. I do not appreciate being preached at by a psychologist blogging on an Adam Lambert fan site.
Texas Fan
My above comment was about those "he" and "she" words. Not preaching, but Adam's right to be himself!
@Sister 11:54AM
You make me feel good. Every time you speak I cheer:D. You are needed here amongst the Sadals the Sibyls and Killjoys.I go bananas when people (perhaps with good intentions) try to make Adam straight "for his own good". It IS an insult.
On another fan site, rule number 1 to become a member is: "You have to be a fan of Adam Lambert".
IMO to be a fan is, not just loving his music, but to respect him, his choice of friends, boyfriend and places he spends his free time.
Texas Fan
Are you attending Texas Gov. Rick Perry's Prayer Meeting today? The one sponsered and organized by the American Family group who preach anti-Islamic and anti-homosexual rants on their aprox.
200 radio stations? Forgive me for being a little upset but you see I lived there through the blacks and hispanics are trash years, so when my nephew ( a hospital administrator ) gave up his job to move his children out of state after getting a good look at the fairy tale history books the school provided and the church services which left his children shaken with fear of "those" people, the gays and muslims, I was relieved they left.
Rick Perry has had a "call" from God and is contemplating running for the Presidency. That's mind boggling. We could kiss good-bye to separation of church and state in this country.
Just a short time ago he wanted Texas to cecede from the USA. I was all for it. I realize that was a hateful way to feel.
I am a Christian and a church goer but very frightened by the fanaticism which has been creeping in during the last 10 plus years. I am also a Bible reader and Constitution reader (more and more lately, everytime Palin, Beck or Bachmann open their mouths) Ignorance may be bliss for them, but scary and dangerous for the country. OK that's it, I've had my rant and strangely don't feel a bit better.
@Texan Fan
My psychologist/realist comment was intended for the Sauli defender @8:15 who said I was "bitter" because Adam loves Sauli like I was upset because I have a romantic teenage crush on Adam and don't have a chance because he loves Sauli instead of me or somehow I'm disappointed because he's not in love with Tommy--which I thought was really silly (and funny). It was not intended for you.
If it came off sounding snobbish, that was not my intent. But, yes, I am a realist. I already admitted I did a lousy job with the term Pearl Clutcher & attempted to apologize for it. I promise I will never ever use it on this site again. However, if you are really angry at me for not being a Republican or a conservative like you; you'll just have to be angry with me. I am liberal/progressive in my thinking & do not plan to change that anytime soon. One thing I love about Adam, however, is that his fanbase is extremely diverse--which I've commented on previously. Your points prove this. Respectfully,
Kentucky Fan
Adam is a savy business man - I'm sure this is a well thought out, cool hand move. Guess this means we won't see Lane shepherding him around any more. Fine with me - she got to be way too close to him for too long. I was pea-green jealous!!
Can we pick Adam as our president and lust over him at the White House? Then Church and State are no longer questionable. Just saying.
For anyone to suggest that Adam change pronouns in order to have his songs played more on the radio is just nuts! Why not have him wear only plaid shirts, jeans, and sneakers. How about no make-up and maybe a buzz cut. Oh yeah, then he wouldn't be Adam Lambert...............geeeezzz nancdruuu2
@3:20 PM I tried to get that idea started on Twitter once (pointing out Adam at the time had more Twitter followers than Sarah Palin & Donald Trump combined) till somebody reminded me Adam is not old enough to run for President. :)
I also loved the comment Adam made in an interview (would love to find it on YouTube--I think it was when he was coming out of the Elton John benefit) re: marriage equality where he observed that what we really need is "separation of church and shit and state". One of my Adam favorites. LOL
Kentucky Fan
@ Kentucky Fan
:) & <3
Anon 3:20pm
@ Kentucky Fan
I don't hate you for not being a conservative. I don't hate you at all. It is not in me to hate anyone. I called you out because you came off condescending and rude. How do you counsel your clients who are Christian or conservative? You can't seem to separate them on this site as evidenced by your statements @3:35.
Texas Fan
Anon @2:13
Here's hoping you feel better after getting that off your chest about some Christians.
Did the boss stop you from admiring Adam during work hours? ;) Seems like less frequent postings from you. Oh, and did you know we are counsins???
Cheers right back at ya girl! It's all about the respect, isn't it. :)
I came back from my short, but much needed hiatus with the attitude to simply banter and have fun here, celebrating all things Adam. But then this morning I read a comment that, for me, required a more honest response.
I think that there is a wonderfully diverse group of people here, but sometimes I feel like the gay community is not represented fully. Lots of advocates, but not many who live the life. So, I guess sometimes I do feel a need to write those somewhat lengthy comments. :)
My intent is never to preach. I am often empassioned when I right lengthy comments. But I believe that through honest sharing and open communication comes understanding and acceptance. So much understanding has come Adam's way on this site, in the past 2 years. It will get better. I believe that.
Now, ANYONE want to banter a little???
I think what the person meant about changing Fever had more to do with using pronouns or phrasing that could appeal to either sex. In the real world people are attracted to songs they relate to. What could be better than to have all sexual identities relate to a song and enjoy the lyrics. In case you haven't noticed, gay actors quite often play hetero parts and no one thinks a thing of it. They also play gay parts. That's why it's called "acting." Ask Neil Patrick Harris. Adam himself changed WLL in concert to a universal pronoun and/or noun; hence, what he sang appealed to both hetero and gay preferences. Why was it okay for him to do that on that song, but not on Fever?
You just keep doing what you're doing cause you're doing it for all the right reasons.
@ Sister
Where were you...mixed connections? We were meeting for drinks remember? At 5 of 4 (Happy Hour) I clicked my heels three times and was instantly transported to Kansas. I hung around the Club Liquid in Wichita for a couple hours and you didn't show!!!!I had a few drinks to pass the time, then went out to walk the streets looking for you.
You were right about that heat...100 degrees plus. I woke up in the local hospital emergency room...they said I was mumbling "What shall I do..where shall I go?"....all I remember is a handsome doctor with a black mustache leaning over me saying, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!"........the next thing I remember is being here in my own room, computer on my chest, cool a/c on full blast and Adam singing "Born to be Wild"!!!!
What was in those drinks!!! me...JAK
Sister, you keep on keepin' on! I always grow and learn from your words.
Maybe, Adam should calm things down on this channel ,and say his peice, because this is getting real ugly . Adam fans are starting to seperate. This is not good, Adam where are you?
I find this thread of conversation interesting and opinionated. I think again it boils down to acceptance, not just tolerance; sincere acceptance from the heart. Adam is the epitome of acceptance.
(Whispering) What is pearl clutching, why pearl and not other things?
By the way, Fever was at No.1 for many weeks in the Hot 30 music chart in Singapore and went off only after almost 2 months. I love Fever especially when Adam dances! Ooooh...
-Lam my
@Anon 4:22PM
Interesting thoughts.
I actually understood what the person was saying.
If one of Adam's songs should be changed so that all sexual identities can relate, then I would propose that an entire history of music be changed so that all can relate as well. :)
And in terms of gay actors playing straight roles, because they are "acting". I do get that also. But if there were MORE gay roles, and there are minimal, then I think the gay actors might choose to portray those.
I think back to Adam commenting on the photoshoot that he did with the barely clothed woman. He said, "it was very hetero". I interpreted that as somewhat uncomfortable, but you may have interpreted it another way.
Thanks for the discussion.
I was there! I was in the back room shooting pool, while I waited for you to arrive! I had ordered a big pitcher of margaritas and a huge plate of nachos!!! Waiting for YOU! I had to finish it all by myself. I'm still in Wichita, but I don't remember where home is! Help!
JAK, you know that laughter is the best medicine. Well, you are my best medicine. I can't tell you how many "laugh out loud" moments I have every day because of you. Often with tears running down my cheeks!
Thank you for your great imagination and fabulous sense of humor!
Hey @Lam my
(whispering back)
I don't know why just pearls. I would think diamonds and rubys would make more sense. If I were going to clutch I would go for the expensive stuff!!! LOL.
(continuing to whisper)
Yay for Singapore! That's really great! No.1 for many weeks...Singapore rocks.
(still whispering)
Shhhhhh....quiet....I think I hear some coming.
Sister Sister is back!! Hey did you get drunk at that High-level House party? Were you all allowed onto the premises...sneaked in? :)
-Lam my
Hey @Lam my
No, I was meeting @JAK in Wichita to celebrate the completion of our mini fanfic. LOL. No high level house parties for me!
FYI Someone has started using my tag name on the Sauli/Adam thread and is posing as me.
Just so you know, posts may or may not be mine.
The REAL Sister
Good that you let us know, then I shall decipher your comments with closer scrutiny. You are big hearted, Sister! :)
-Lam my
You aren't so bad yourself @Lam my! ;)
The REAL Sister
Nothing to do with boss actually, but I´m quite busy with my work now. And the cell is doing it´s tricks now and then.
But try to come here as often I can.
And yet, two straight men played gay men in Brokeback Mountain. Actually, there are many parts now for gay actors playing gay roles. My point was that a new performer on the scene needs to appeal to as much of an audience as possible when they are breaking onto the scene. Does Adam want to be known as a gay performer only? Lady Gaga wrote fever about a hetero relationship. Perhaps a universal pronoun for her would have been better. Adam changed WLL to a non gender specific noun. Everyone seemed okay with that, even though WLL definitely was hetero in intent. Otherwise, Robert Plant wouldn't have used "woman," as a noun of direct address. Neal Patrick Harris not only plays a hetero man on TV, but he plays a womanizer. I don't think anyone forgets that he's gay because of that. No one expects black actors to play only parts that fit a concept of a black man. ; why should gay men or gay singers be relegated to that? What I find extremely interesting is that most of the women on this site would willingly and without a second thought, take Adam to the other side if given the chance. Sort of a conflict of interests wouldn't you say?
Someone mentioned here that they felt Adam has to 'bite his tongue' with his management and I felt he has done that for a long time now.
He will now be free to persue his career more in the direction he chooses and how exciting is that! Fantastic move! Thankfully I live in a country where FEVER was fully accepted the way it was written. I just wish the US could get it together and love, respect and promote Adam for the incredible man he really is!
@Anon 5:51AM
I hear your points and I think we could banter this forever, but I, also, think maybe it's best we agree to disagree, because clearly we are on different pages and most likely not going to convince the other...especially on a blog site. :)
I would agree that it is interesting that most of the "straight" women on this site would like to take Adam to the other side. I think it's because he is so darn sexy. And like he says, sexy is sexy. Illusions can be hard to manage sometimes.
Have a nice day.
@Anon 5:51AM
And...I think we both are agreeing that we want Adam to be successful in his career. I hear you saying that he needs to appeal to a broader audience to do that. I am hoping that he can still achieve that high level of success and still be completely true to himself, in a way the works for him. So, in the end I think we both want the same thing for Adam...great success for an amazing man with an incredible voice.
Of course I want him to be successful. I wanted him to take the world by a storm after Idol. I think he HAS pretty much been true to himself. I think he has made some missteps along the way, and I think he's smart enough to figure that out and move in a lot of different directions. It's been nice chatting with you. Thanks for not calling me a Troll or tellling me to get off the site simply because I have my own take on all things Adam.
@ Sister
Still in Wichita! Good Grief! Don't worry, I'll help you find your way home. Head north and
when you hit Nebraska, turn left and keep going northwest and you'll be home in no time....JAK
@Anon 11:41AM
I think we both want the same thing for Adam. :) It was nice chatting with you as well. We will just have to sit back, enjoy the ride and see where Adam decides to take all this. :) A wonderful day to you!
I find it facinating that this Adam fan site skews so far away from Adam. I have been monitoring this site for a long time, and it has gone from pleasant opinions and observations about Adam and the reasons he's great to chest-thumping politics and rabid "I'm right, you're wrong" diatribes. And then there's the three or four people (always the same ones)who seem to be having their own conversation that has no connection to anything anyone else is saying. They remind me of school-yard girl gaggles who whisper to each other in their secret club-speak. Like Adam (remember him?) says, it's all For Your Entertainment. And you certainly are that.
LOL!!!! Did you get get your directions from mapquest!?!?!
Now, my question is - If we were meeting for drinks somewhere, why didn't we meet somewhere where we had a chance of running into Adam!? No offense to Kansas fans, but LA or NYC would have been a better location.
Next time we "try" to meet somewhere, let's consider a place that Adam hangs at!
By fascinating you mean aggravating, right?
The people who choose to use tags enjoy a feeling of chatting with friends. It's not an exclusive girl's club, in fact it's not even all girls and new members are encouraged to join. I assume you aren't the joiner type. But some of us are. We discuss the thread heading and then branch off to include other, most of the time, related topics. We occasionally disagree, give our opposing opinions and sometimes just have fun. Adam brought us together and we are all wishing as hard as we can for his happiness and success. Adam has brought a lot of fun into our lives and I think he'd be the first one to be glad he is the cause FOR OUR ENTERTAINMENT!
Dear2:21, don't feel annoyed, these "school-yard gaggles" are meant to be just that, no exclusiveness intended. You can just jump in at any of these gaggles if you want; or just skip them. The sparring can be quite invigorating. :)
-Lam my
@ Lam my
You are a sweetheart, a born peacekeeper. <3 JAK
Oh my goodness, JAK! You just called me a sweetheart!!...first time ever, and a born peacekeeper...whoa!! Now I understand why the people here call you the Matriarch! :)
-Lam my
Don't know if I should attempt to answer the .. "why 'Pearl' clutchers" question ... I'll probably get 'banned' from this site but here goes ... you see .. I am a 'Pearl clutcher' ... have been ever since I made my First Holy Communion as a Roman Catholic and was taught to say "The ROSARY" ... our homage to the "BLESSED MOTHER" MARY ... Mother of JESUS!!
Most Rosaries are made of 'Pearls' and we hold the Rosary in our hands as we say in rote the 5 Our Fathers & 10 Hail Marys in reverant prayer form. I am 'assuming' mind you that that is where the term originated in reference to our religion. I am not offended in any way when the term is used because ... you see .. that's who/what I AM & I'm PROUD of it NOT ashamed!! I LOVE ADAM dearly & I PRAY for EQUALITY for ALL MEN regardless of WHO they are ... Love 'n Light ... GOD Bless ALL HIS Children
Tess4ADAM, thank you so much for the pearl clutching theory; which makes me a pearl clutcher too...oh my goodness!! I used to pray the Rosary every day, sometimes whole 5 decades, sometimes fewer. I happen to have several huge wall-decorative Rosaries; one I bought when I was on vacation in Rome, many many years ago, still have it and one from the Philippines. I love Rosaries and still pray the Rosary, sometimes counting with my fingers. I think I also have a miraculous picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour who has helped me through thick and thin. This sure is interesting! Me...a pearl clutcher! Thanks Tess.
-Lam my
Lam my .. Not only am I a Pearl clutcher but my husband & I watch EWTN & say the Rosary every day @ 3PM ... my husband goes to church every Sunday ... I am no longer able to ... brings me Communion every Sunday ... I was a choir member for most of my life ... and ... my brother has been a Roman Catholic priest for over 40 years ... hubby reads the Bible daily and I ADORE ADAM!! My religion has nothing to do with the music I listen to ... I listen to music because it makes me feel good & ADAM's music makes me feel JOYOUS everytime I hear it ... so I guess us 'Pearl clutchers' LOVE ADAM too ... Love 'n Light 'n GOD Bless You
Whoa, tess4ADAM, you are truely blessed!! To have a Catholic priest in the family and such a fervant husband...truely beautiful blessings!
I am also quite sure there are lots of 'Pearl clutchers' just like you, latest addition, me :) who love Adam, simply because he is so sincere and authentic, and a very special calibre singer who reaches out to millions of people through his exceptional singing and magnetic persona. God Bless You too.
-Lam my
@tess4ADAM and Lam my
I had no idea that "pearl clutchers" was referring to rosary practice. Wow. I learned something new. I thought it was tongue in cheek reference to someone who wasn't open to new ideas. The rosary connection makes perfect sense. Very interesting.
Here's something my husband told me about that happened in church this Sunday. The lector asked the congregation to Pray for all the celebrities who are Helping to spread LOVE all over the World by asking their fans & others to Donate to all the countries who have met with Disaster through the Weather & other such tragedies ... these are Truly Angels of GOD!! My husband said he immediately thought of ADAM & said a Special Prayer for him.
@Sister and Lam my ... I have my own theory about ADAM and GOD's Angels ... it is said "HE works in Mysterious Ways HIS Wonders to Perform" ... I think ADAM is a part of GOD's Plan ... ADAM just doesn't know it! Love 'n Light
The term "pearl clutchers" has nothing to do with religion. It's a reference back to the conservative boring 1950's when women all wore a stran of pearls. The sexist ads on TV all showed "Housewives" doing their chores in heels and pearls. ... Adamluv
Dear Adamluv, this was my original obvious interpretation too. But I was really all ears when tess4Adam gave me her very unique version, and Sister, your version of clutching diamonds and rubies was hilarious! Now I know why Adam sings so many different versions of the same song and still sound so good. Isn't this what you all are doing. By the way, I have a precious Mother-of-Pearl ring; unlike cultured pearl, Mother-of-Mother grows in a natural way in the shellfish in the sea, shape not so artificially round and has a special gleam and colour; given to me by my 93-year-old mother and she had it when she was 30. Thank you all three enlightened friends! It is funny and fun and religious all at the same time !!
-Lam my
I think Adam is part of God's plan too. I just state it as the Universe's plan. :) We are basically saying the same thing. There is more to Adam that just being a beautiful singer. He is here to spread a message of love and acceptance.
Adamluv, your interpretation and initially mine too, doesn't seem to explain the word 'clutch' which means hold as suggested by tess4ADAM. It was the word 'clutch' that prompted me to ask the question; if it was pearl wearing, I don't think I would have asked the question. :)
-Lam my
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