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New (Old) Picture!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This is from Halloween circa 2008.


Thanks ZZ!


Anonymous said...

Trippy - love it!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said... it!! Adam and Ongina!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam and the "peacock" that some of you thought was a dirty word. haha
Boy birds are called "cocks" and girl birds are called "hens."
Does anyone out there really think that a rooster crows "cock-a-doodle-doo?" lol

Anonymous said...

a pic of Adam today...


Anonymous said...

Adam on a ride today!!


Urethra_Franklin said...

Adam and Tay Tay sure are spending alot of quality time together... :D

nancdruuu2 said...

Beautiful! Missing you already Adam-BonVoyage!

Anonymous said...

Oh, 20th century BOY, this glamgover, I mean this hangover is killing me! Mr. Johnny Walker walked too fast yesterday down my throat! Oh well... it's OK, I was celebrating my sweet exotic singing bird GTN's huge success!

This «picOK» is the first thing I'm seeing, just dragged myself out of the bed, and wow!!! It is sooo amazingly beautiful!!! (is it originally posted double?) Oh, Ha! It must be my hangover... sometimes I get so excited about sweet Adam that I forget I'm too old for this glamshit! Good morning Glamily (at 1:30PM in Azores)!

Anonymous said...

ADAM's UNapologetic Open-ness & Honesty about who he is says enough for me .. IMO .. NO soapbox NOR banner needed!! ADAM is ADAM ... THAT to me SPEAKS VOLUMES .. so ADAM, darlin' ... you just keep doing what you feel is right for YOU! That's GOOD ENOUGH for this PROUD GLAMBERT! Love & Light


Anonymous said...

Oops!! Sorry ... my previous post @8:27AM was in response to ADAM's question on the previous thread!! Darn these 'senior moments'!! LOL
