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Pennyroyal & Adam Lambert- Infinity Pendant for

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, September 24, 2010

Posted at : Friday, September 24, 2010

From PennyroyalSilver:
"Pennyroyal and Adam Lambert have teamed to create a pendant based on Adam's Infinity tattoo that will be available to order for a limited time from the Pennyroyal website. Proceeds benefit Pennyroyal's Owner/Designer, Tim Foster walks you through the details of the release and how the Infinity pendant was created. The Infinity pendant is available to order from noon (PST) 9/25/10 through noon (PST) 10/31/10 only at The price is $95. Go to the Pennyroyal website for more details. Follow Pennyroyal on Twitter for updates. @_Pennyroyal"


Anonymous said...

Nice necklace and it's made of silver... I like. I should buy one for myself and it's for a good cause.

Anonymous said...

If you notice at the :08 mark, it reads hand "crafter" instead of "crafted." I sent Tim an email to that effect and he wrote back wondering how long it would take anybody to notice. He said there's nothing they can do now about it, lol.

Anonymous said...

Well 2:40 you'll know you have the original :) Very cool pendant. I might have to have that.