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Adam Lambert at Hong Kong airport (photos by Tung )

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, October 11, 2010

Posted at : Monday, October 11, 2010



Anonymous said...

Another safe landing - YEA!!!

Anonymous said...

Please Vote IIHY on

Also, request IIHY and WWFM.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the clip and the photos. :-)

Mmmm mmmm .... lots of gorgeous black hair. :-)

Anonymous said...

HK Fan, it is so good to know that the venue tonight is indoors. At least Adam would be more comfortable. Have a blast and savour each moment!
Will work on my passport renewal because i miss Hongkong already. The last time i got to visit was in 2005 during the AI finale where Carrie U. won.


Anonymous said...

As I listen with earphones, don't know if the gal taking pictures was the same one screaming. She almost broke my eardrums! LOL. Whoever taking the video was shaking so bad, we got more floor and ceiling shots than actual Adam shots. Cute that girl told Tommy she loved him and he said thank you. Ahhhhh sweet! Think they love Adam in Hong Kong.

Anonymous said...

So much improvement that the US Glamberts didn't get mad about this..

Anonymous said...

Love the welcome! I'd probably be screaming too! Those are 3 GOOD LOOKING guys, Adam, Tommy and Sutan. Adamluv

Unknown said...

Get ready Hong Kong You Are about to bo GLamorized. Adam Lambert Style! Have a great show Adam. Light & Love coming your way. Keep on sparkling!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe I can see him walking through somewhere I know so well..(great airport in HK).
@Bing, you're from the Philippines yes?

HK fan.

Anonymous said...

Hong Kong loves Adam! Thanks for videos and pictures. I wonder if Adam is going to have any time for shopping? Great place for that.

Anonymous said...

You see why we love Tommy so much. He couldn't help but smile and say thank you :-) What an absolute Sweetheart!

Anonymous said...

HK fan, yes I am from Manila and i had been visiting Hong Kong since 1995 and i loooove it there. For a perpetual shopper like me i can live there specially along nathan road and even my youngest son wouldn't mind working there since all his dream electric guitars are available hahahaha. I am so excited for you guys and seeing him is all worth it. Words are not enough to describe the feeling in his presence and his command of the stage is so electrifying.I would have wanted to follow him there but things are quite tough lately and i need to prioritize. But it has been 5 years so i really need to visit again.

I can feel your excitement as i was calling ticketworld like crazy when they announced the 10-10-10 GNT til i got our tickets. In fact, i did ask an agent to work on my passport renewal but had to drop the idea. Yours is a lot better venue but maybe the producers here had no other choice.

HK fan, it is just a few hours from now so have be ready for AFL. Have a blast!


lily said...

wow! so happy for adam! thanks hk fans for loving adam. can't wait for adam's concert here in sydney!

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan,I know you will have the best time! Please give us a report!! Hope you see Adam up close and maybe smell his cologne! Asian fans have been wonderful!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone, only 6 hours to go...
@ Bing, have had a couple of holidays in the Philippines, catching my first glimpse of Mindoro Island on the boat trip from Batangas was the nearest thing to paradise I have seen.
p.s funbunn40, I'm not actually Asian but hopefully I'll still be wonderful!!!
Will give a written report, can't guarantee anything else, seeing as its my only show I want to be able to watch and savour every minute, not taking videos/photos etc.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

HK fan, that's great to know and hope you did enjoy our hospitality and food as well. Though i crave for real chinese food most of the time. There is just so much to see: palawan, boracay, guimaras, cebu, iloilo and i could go on and on. Which explains why even hollywood stars would visit those places. Now, I am more excited for you. Adam would be more comfortable with the venue this time and i wonder what he has prepared for his HK fans. There is always something new for each show. And yes savour each moment!
