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Adam Lambert to perform on next week's Australian X Factor?

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, October 11, 2010

Posted at : Monday, October 11, 2010

Good news for Australian fans!

According to MJsBigBog, Adam Lambert will be the guest performer on next week’s X Factor Australia. X Factor’s results show airs on Monday October 18 at 7:30 pm. The next day, Adam begins a 3 day stint beginning in Melbourne.



Anonymous said...

I will be glad to see Adam on Australian soil because of the PAS opposition party in Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody. This is important.
Adam Lambert's "If I had You" is on Ryan Seacreat top5. PLEASE vote at:

www.ryanseacrest americantop5

Also, At the bottom request IIHY ANA WWFM
It will get more air play, which Adam NEEDS!

Israeli Fan

Anonymous said...

The web site is;

www.ryanseacrest american top5
google it, it will come up.

Vote Now!!! PLEASE

Anonymous said...

YABBA DABBA DOO .... Adam finally in Oz again!!

Loving you Down Under Adam!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Israeli Fan Oct. 11 9:16AM -
thank you so much for the tip. I have been putting IIHY there in the "Request Here" sort of "write in" box daily for weeks and weeks! Woo Hoo... and yes folks, it's super quick and easy to vote, it's important for spins and therefore chart positions (stating the obvious there, sorry, just psyched). I think Adamluv has been submitting IIHY in the "Request Here" box on this RS American Top 5 too, she'll be excited it's on the official list also I bet.

Regarding the Aussie XFactor - AWESOME! I think it was the Aussie SYTYCD that Adam performed WWFM on, and there were, among 3 or 4 pairings on stage dancing, at least one pair of both men dancing together - it was gorgeous, I should try to find that on YT and post link.

Anyway, thanks so much Israeli Fan.


Anonymous said...

Off to vote!!!Anytime there is a chance to vote for Adam, I will be there!! Love him - Love his music soo much.......Thanks for posting this information. This is my favorite site, that I visit several times every day.

Anonymous said...

Multiple voting allowed on the Ryan Seacrest American Top 5 site as well! Hit refresh, mutliple voting quick and easy. Other artists' fans do it consistently also.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what is the song adam will be performing? I miss Adam Tv performances they're the best ever!!!!

palestain fan.

Anonymous said...

I could only vote once. The right hand side of the singer/song disappeared. I hit refresh, I closed down, and went back in, etc. I wasn't able to vote again.

The Dark Side said...

He will probably perform IIHY, good happy choice and very visual. Read on another site the most wonderful review of Adam's Manila Concert. Reviewer was not really wanting to see Adam, but got free tickets and went. Loved Concert, said best Manila has seen and has become an Adam Lambert fan. Doesn't get better than that. Can't remember where it was posted--doesn't get worse than that. Oh my!!!

Anonymous said...

The Dark side, love it when someone doesnt care for/know about Adam and sees/hears him perform and becomes a fan! that's what all this touring is all about. MGF, what a memory you have about requesting IIHY! Yes, posted on the WWFM thread about it. Thrilled!!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Is anyone going to tape the Australian X Factor and post it here? Guess we aren't able to view that show in the states. Also voting anywhere Adam's name appears and still viewing IIHY on vh1.
Thank you for the information and I hope there is a video. Have sent angels to protect Adam and his glamily while in Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

I did my part and voted for Adam on Ryan Seacrest!

I hope and pray Adam and Glamily have plenty of security there! Goodness, I had no idea he would have such an issue there.

Here is more info:


Anonymous said...

In case everyone doesn't know, at adamquotedaily blog, near the bottom there are several places you can click on & vote daily for Adam's songs.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Adam in Oz at last!

Anonymous said...

anon 10:17, Give more info. on blog address since I cant get in. Thanks. adamluv