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Adam Lambert Giving Camilla 'Lambert eyes'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 25, 2010

Posted at : Monday, October 25, 2010

Camilla (From Australia's B105) met Adam Lambert and he agreed to give her Lambert eyes.



Urethra_Franklin said...

This is getting old. These ladies just want Adam to touch their faces. lol

Shes hot.

Love the blue and pink plaid tho. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ok, we love Adam giving eye make up to anyone who asks for it. But Adam, it's time to say NO BB♥... unless you're doing mine... LOL Just don't want this to be another thing they write up about you ... JS You're such a good sport though!!!

Anonymous said...

another cute pic with a cute fan, thanks @rntmom


Anonymous said...

hey Uretha, I think they want him to touch more than their faces, they just don't know how to make it happen. I'll take your word for it that the girl's hot. lol

Geez, even the top of Adam's head is sexy.

Anonymous said...

oops Urethra, how could I misspell that?

Anonymous said...

Adam, please next time, JUST SAY NO! Other singers are never asked things like that. Adam Lambert is a superstar, geez!

Anonymous said...

Do you think that is a nervous rash on her chest?

Anonymous said...

Noticed before that Adam has a liking for plaid shirts with that western flair. Didn't know he had any cowboy in him, but gotta say, he's one fuckin hot cowboy. And for all of you who say all cowboys are straight, you are wrong.

The Dark Side said...

Did I miss the interview. They are both holding mics. Geeze, this is taking being a good sport to the xtreme. Adam seems to act the gentleman at all times. While we would appreciate him telling her put on her own Freakin makeup, especially when the end result is that he is still more gorgeous than she. Price of fame. Actually, just killing time waiting for DWTS on west coast. Think I'll watch the Scotty Rocker again. Too cool!!!

Anonymous said...

My gosh, Adam has a full head of hair! Love your comment, 6:55 about the top of his head
The girl is pretty.

Anonymous said...

adam, when are you going to do my eyes, you are awesome!

Anonymous said...

adam's grown his hair out. pretty boy.

Dinah-mite said...

So, Adam did work in cosmetics and was VERY GOOD at it. (Big surprise--wink, wink :-) Looks to me like he is having fun, lighten up people! I don't see a gun to his head, do you? Adam does what he wants, ever notice that? One of Adam's most endearing qualities is that he is a people person. Let Adam be Adam. He is REAL. Party on Garth...

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:06 - I was wondering the same thing about her blotchy chest...because that would totally be me! I'm a redhead with fair skin. I turn bright red when I'm excited/embarrassed/you name it...and I can't control it. So annoying. So - if that's what's going on with this girl, she has my total sympathy! She's cute, too!

But then, I could barely drag my eyes away from what was smouldering across the table from her! OW!

Yes - the eyeliner bit is getting old...but like 10:16 said...if Adam gets tired of it, he'll just say no. Can't see him doing that, though.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@Urethra_Franklin - ditto

Never thought he would look good in pink and turquoise blue but the combination is also perfect for him. Twas a delightful surprise because i love these colors.


Anonymous said...

I was 'talking' to a fan over at the Adamfansite and she met Adam at the NZ M&G and she said Adam totally was checking out her boobs...she was wearing a low cut top. The two of them even giggled over it!


Anonymous said...

If he refused to do her eyeliner, can you imagine the "Adam the diva" headlines?


Urethra_Franklin said...

@daydreamin Ive never met a gay guy that wasnt obsessed with tits. Its part of their DNA.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE Adam to glam my eyes!!

ADORE photo 4. :)

Ha! Ha! to the lucky NZ lady with her low-cut top. What a hoot!! :D Thanks daydreamin. :)

Anonymous said...

Speaking about breasts, last year on Modern Family a friend of Cam and Mitchells has her breasts enlarged and when seeing the guys for the first time asks "Would you like to touch them?" and Cam answers, "Hell yes, I'm gay, not dead!" Totally on topic here! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Urethra_Franklin (October 25, 2010 6:19 PM) said... something that I fully agree with

Anonymous said...

Adam is a natural strawberry blond right? I wonder how often he had to dye his hair black. I mean, I've never seen any blond roots whatsoever.

Sigh... I wish I can run my fingers through that hair...

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin - maybe Adam was curious to know if they were real or not :D!
